The Importance of GOLD



The issuing power of money:

The issuing power of money should be taken from the banks and restored to the people where it rightfully belongs stated Thomas Jefferson, president of the USA 1801-1809. – Money markets make up the global financial system. That is where banks and other financial institutions borrow and lend money on a short-term basis. These webs of debt and credit have always been fragile in times of panic, spreading problems from one part of the global economy to another. The reason is simple; when one link in this very elaborate chain breaks and defaults on certain debts, it can leave creditors dangerously short of funds, unable to guarantee the credit of other institutions. In this way, the consequences of one failure can spread throughout the entire money market.


For example; in 2008 after the collapse of Lehman Brothers due to the fact it failed, hundreds of billions of dollars in short-term debt it had issued – most of it commercial paper and other bond debt – became worthless, triggering panic amongst the various investors and funds that held them. This panic prompted a run on the money market funds that provided lending to the commercial paper market and sowed further panic throughout the global banking system. While the LB failure helped transmit the crisis throughout the global system, it was not the only factor. Investors in multiple countries held identical assets most arising from phantom transactions and they subsequently saw their portfolios go up in smoke. Customarily; credit was curtailed while cash was hoarded which in turn triggered panic.


The base-capital destruction:

Hence the paper and electronic monetary system was destroyed with merely the failure of one or two “Too Big to Fail” banks. By the way, all financial institutions are leveraged to the system and inter connected, relying on the continual growth and flow of credit money. If just a small percentage of Tier 1 Capital – say 5% of a 20x-leveraged bank – is lost then the entire business is destroyed, as they would be without base capital to support their leveraged bets. Leveraged assets must then be sold off to replenish the Tier 1, the base-capital, causing a destruction of asset values across the system forcing all other leveraged players to do the same. Once all the leveraged players are destroyed there would be nothing left for the non-leveraged entities to transact business with so they would crash as well.


The Fraud with Phantom transactions:

When that happens nothing is left, because from that moment all electronic and paper assets and debt are wiped out. It gets a little more complicated with stocks, bonds and even – precious metals – as most people THINK that they have a clear ownership title to portions of companies or products they’ve invested in. But most, if not all these entities would fail as well should the monetary system fail. With no “money in the bank” or customers with the ability to pay for goods and services, not much is left.


“… (With)THE STOCK CERTIFICATE SYSTEM we currently live in; billions of stock deals are transacted in milliseconds with virtual shares changing hands in a blink of the eye. But there is NO paper trail, no governance, and no transfer of titles… NOTHING TO PROVE THAT ANYONE OWNS ANYTHING! There are millions of “Failures to Deliver” everyday on the stock market. These are phantom transactions that are never settled! When you “buy a stock” you assume that your brokerage company goes into the market to purchase the shares for you… BUT THEY DON’T! They just credit your electronic account and use your money for their own purposes.”


“In reality there are millions of shareholders out there with multiple claims to the same stock/bond certificates. When the music stops you will be just one of the many standing in line for your MASSIVELY DILUTED share of what is left.”


Therefore, paper or electronic currency neither of the two will survive the end game. But also none of the saving accounts, checking accounts, pension accounts, stocks, bonds, and precious metal storage accounts! – People spend their lifetimes working in a manipulated system of debt and after earning one or two million of these fake dollars they could wind up with little to show for it. People don’t really own their homes or vehicles and are dumbed down and scammed by politicians, media, schools, religions, bankers and courts that are truly beholden to the Khazarian Mafia, and the Satanist Vatican Pedophiles. – The best line of defense is PHYSICAL GOLD and SILVER in your own possession.



WAKEUP and be aware of what is going on, how through the issuance of our money by central banksters, in reality gangsters, our society is controlled and governed. These Satanist gangsters – of the Archon bloodline – in short called cabal, don’t want a strong nation. They need dependent nations with a dependent populace, ‘on welfare’ , that are candidates for participation in political turmoil, hereby being more receptive to the introduction of the New World Order – NWO.


The plan is to weaken every nation through unemployment, the higher the better, as is currently going on in the EU and America; stripped of wealth – the name of the game is POWER. Our ‘elected’ leaders who are bribed puppets of the crime cabal aren’t allowed to resolve this crisis. They are corrupted to lower people’s standards of living making their citizens dependent on government handouts to render them more willing to accept the implementation of their New World Order.


Booms and busts, war and peace, price hikes, even many strikes, are carefully designed on the basis of energy output, input and consequence. Silent Weapons – a top secret document dated May 1979 was found in a second hand copier purchased in 1986 at a surplus sale – highlights the dangers of intelligent people becoming aware of the way the system works, and to what end. It reads,


“The speed with which they can communicate their warning to the public will largely depend upon how effective we have been at controlling the media, subverting education, and keeping the public distracted with matters of no real importance”.


As a matter of fact, this is proof why the mainstream media won’t touch these matters, and when internet sites as this cover these matters, we are declared conspiracy theorists.


Silent Weapons:

As Edward Bernays 1891-1995 – Rothschild Zionist ‘Father of Public Relations’ said:


“Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organised…


“… In almost every act of our lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.


Simply put, it is the human population cracking up under pressure from the silent weapon of social engineering.


Meanwhile Edward Bernays’ “Propaganda” Theory Has Been Perfected



The wish list:

Here a part of the wish list they have been working on since 1920: By recognising what is already part of our daily lives, you will be astonished at how successful they have been to date.


  • The creation of racism offences
  • Continual change to create confusion
  • The undermining of schools and teachers’ authority
  • The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
  • Mass immigration to destroy national identity
  • The promotion of excessive drinking
  • The promotion of drug abuse
  • Emptying of churches – undermining any form of social cohesion
  • Legal system with bias against victims of crime
  • Dependency on the government or government benefits – and subsequently retracting these as is happening now
  • Control and dumbing down of the media
  • Encouraging the breaking down of the family unit


The points about ‘mass immigration to destroy national identity’ – ‘teaching sex to young children’ – ‘undermining teachers’ authority’ – ‘emptying churches’ – and ‘controlling the media’, are clearly witnessed everywhere in the western world.


Complete control:

It is interesting to observe and analyse the economic models by which the public tries to escape their problems and escape from reality, by grasping the mathematical theory Operation Research. It is possible to programme computers to predict the most probable combination of created events, which will bring about the complete control and subjugation of the public through the subversion of the public economy.


This is what was forcefully done in 2008 and is now manifesting as an ever-deepening economic chaos with social disaster in America and the EU, especially, at this moment, in countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Cyprus with many more to follow. The situation in Spain is deteriorating through austerity measures, while the money received from the EU, went to bailing out banks, which continue to foreclose homes, instead of helping the people in need. – The effect on the broader world, dependent on the US and EU economies, is equally if not even more catastrophic. Silent Wars lists the areas in human affairs that the crime cabal seeks to control most directly. This will be elaborated on in the following chapters.



Silent Weapons: The Future is now:

USA Inc., NASA, War Documents, Depopulation and You

In this video; Deborah explains in detail the content of the cabal’s strategy influencing our lives. It is their silent war against us the people: On page 93 – CNN exploits the syndrome set up by the CIA, US Force, FBI, other US agencies, Big Business, and Banks controlled by the cabal. – P 66 The human population is too large and must be decreased by a large percentage. – P 45 Beam weapons attack the population, through air pollution, magnetic, bio, spraying, wireless frequencies emitted from light towers even in shopping centres, microwaves, and chemtrails. Nuclear scare. System controlled by computers, teleshopping, and loyalty cards. – Soft sunshine caused by the constant manipulation of the atmosphere, poisoning through engineered air pollution and then orchestrated as being the result of the people destroying the environment. The blame lies specifically with the cabal. Our lives are being decided upon. Water supplies are being contaminated, for example; shale oil / gas drilling. The food chain is controlled through Monsanto GMO food, causing diseases, like Alzheimer, Cancer, etc. This is the creation of a false reality; the reality in which we live. REVELATION NOT A REVOLUTION IS THE ANSWER. Takes 30 min. of your time.


Deborah Tavares outlines some of the ways in which depopulation may occur and the everyday onslaught that we are exposed to, which are being used as weapons against the people. If Depopulation is indeed the objective, these may be the tools to do just that. – Filmed at Conspiracy Con 2013. The content in power point format is available by downloading the pdf file here.



Crime Cabal’s power principles:

Rothschild, one of the main agents of the Khazarian – Archon bloodline discovered that the basic principle of power, influence, and control over the people, could best be applied by means of economics. He furthermore established that currency or deposit loan accounts inherently held the required façade of power that could be used to induce people into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a promise of greater wealth – instead of real compensation. People would put up real collateral in exchange for a loan of promissory notes. – On principle “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

Money – whether it’s a tangible piece of paper or a number on a screen – is intrinsically worthless, yet it fuels the modern world. The ultimate control of money rests with the private cartel of central bankers, the Federal Reserve System, ECB, BoJ, BoE, etc. This system is detrimental for citizens and it is consequently important to understand how this shadowy – private – organisation works and how it’s ultimate goal is to forever enslave us in an ascending pile of debt that we will never be able to escape from. All this will be thoroughly explained in the coming chapters. First, the following paragraphs provide readers with a better understanding about the importance of GOLD, its history, its significance to the crime cabal, its working, and the massive fraud, in which Gold’s dominant role is being expanded.


Gold Trail:

For thousands of years, the Silk Road was the interconnecting trade route that stretched 4,000 miles from Europe to China and Indonesia. This land and sea route served as the world’s main passage of economic and social interaction and exchange. The method of payment widely accepted by the Chinese and other Southeast Asian nations was gold, which was mined extensively throughout the Roman Empire.


From 1492 onwards the Spaniards amassed enormous amounts of gold and treasures through the plundering of the ancient indigenous populations of the Americas, i.e. the Inca and Mayan civilisations.  They too actively engaged in trade along the Silk Road. So gold became the medium of exchange. Over thousands of years of trade along the Silk Road, the Chinese accumulated unfathomable amounts of gold. China and other Southeast Asian nations managed to accumulate a staggering 85% of the world’s gold in this time period.


The Wrong People:

In the modern age, free trade and the centralisation of gold and other precious metals is viewed outwardly as a positive concept:  In an increasingly global society, the free and open exchange of goods strengthens the world economy.  Unfortunately, when control of such a system is placed into the hands of the wrong people – as it has been from the outset, it does in fact have the opposite effect:  It destroys national economies and makes poor nations more dependent upon the rich. 


India produced opium and sold it to the English, who in turn used this opium to trade with the Chinese. A massive influx of opium flooded the Chinese market, and an astronomical 40 million Chinese people became addicts. As a result, China’s economy also took a hit. England, via the British East India Company focused solely upon the vast amounts of gold and treasures held by the Chinese by destroying the infrastructure of China from the inside out, with the end game being that of seizing control of all their treasures.


In 1839, the emperor of Japan had finally witnessed enough of this opium trade, and attempted to stifle the trade relations. As a result, around the 1870s, agents from the West, ultimately funded by and acting on behalf of the Rothschilds and others, sowed the seeds of revolution in Japan. The ultimate target was the Chinese gold, which accounted for 85% of the world’s total gold up to that point in history.


In 1894, the Japanese became embroiled in a conflict with China known as the first Sino-Japanese War that resulted in a massive power shift in the Asian world, as Japan took control of Korea. China was forced to pay reparations to the Japanese in the form of many thousands of tons of silver. This conflict was the beginning of the massive looting of large amounts of Chinese treasures that would take place over the course of the following several decades.


Bank for International Settlements:

In the aftermath of World War1, many of the nations of Europe, together with several other of the world’s leading nations, signed an agreement to surrender their precious metals holdings, which are patrimony of the citizens, and it was agreed on without the permission of the citizens, to transfer the precious metals into a single, centralised and controlled monetary system. The gold and other precious metals would be ‘placed on deposit’, thus ensuring that each nation still ‘owned’ their assets for which the private Rothschild Bank for International Settlements, ‘the central bank of central banks’, was established which became the single most powerful private banking institution on the planet.


In exchange for putting the “gold bullion, silver or any other metal, precious objects, securities or any other commodities the deposit of which is admissible” on deposit with the BIS, the leaders of nations were granted bonds in enormous denominations, some of which individually topped the $1-billion-dollar mark.


These “leaders” were subsequently instructed to bury these bonds, never to be revealed to the public. The leaders of the most powerful nations on earth did all this in secret, out of sight of the free people of the planet.  The United States is not mentioned in this protocol. This is due to the fact that the U.S. willingly surrendered their precious metals holdings following President Roosevelt’s New Deal program that was part of this conspiracy. More information regarding the official history of the BIS, can be found on the legal section of their website.


The unofficial story:

The ‘unofficial’ story is far more secretive and indeed evil in nature. It involves the drafting of a plan to form a global central bank to ‘put on deposit’ the gold and precious metals assets of many of the world’s most powerful nations actually beginning in 1921, when Japanese Emperor Hirohito, the grandson of the Meiji Emperor, was invited to take a six-month tour of many of the major European nations. – What history books fail to reveal are the true reasons for Hirohito’s pre-World War II involvement with many of the leaders of the most powerful European nations: To make a secret deal with the Western oligarchy to loot Southeast Asia of its vast hordes of gold and precious metals.


It must be clearly understood that the people who were behind this, the true power brokers, cared little for the welfare of the free people of the planet. It is for this very reason why this deal was developed in secret, away from the eyes of the public. The reason why Hirohito was invited into the fold was due to the fact that, at that time, a majority of the world’s gold was in fact located in Southeast Asia, having been brought there through thousands of years of trade along the Silk Road. Japan’s Hirohito himself was used as a puppet for the Western oligarchy; a proxy to obtain these vast riches through theft and murder.



Gold Confiscation:

President Roosevelt’s gold confiscation order was sold to the public as a necessary step in restoring a fiat economic structure based upon hard work, manufacturing, and production as being the true elements by which a nation’s currency should be measured. He warned of the dangers involved in a gold standard currency system, which was one of the very same ideas set forth in Adam Smith’s book: ‘An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’.  While this order may have seemed at the time like a noble attempt to restore order to the economic system, it was, in actuality, a massive grabbing and plundering of peoples’ gold in an attempt to take it off the market and put it into deposits which would be held by the Federal Reserve Bank. Several months later, in January of 1934, the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 was passed. This act officially centralised the control of the vast majority of U.S. gold reserves, both foreign and domestic, into the hands of the privately – crime cabal – owned Federal Reserve System.



Operation Golden Lily – World War II

A major aspect of World War II that often goes unnoticed and is rarely discussed is that of the wide-scale looting of treasures carried out by the Nazi regime during the war. It is well documented that the Nazis did in fact plunder vast sums of treasures and wealth from throughout Europe, much of which was reportedly recovered by the Allied forces after the war, but some of which remains missing to this day. View, Hitler’s Gold Grab – Gold! Man’s Greatest Obsession. Watch this 5 min. video to understand gold’s importance to society.



What has been almost completely brushed aside by historians, however, is that of the plunders of the Japanese in China and in Southern Asia – thirteen nations in all – as part of Operation Golden Lily, which continued more aggressively than ever during World War II.  The sheer volume of gold and treasures that was stolen from the Chinese and other nations during this war period makes the looting undertaken by the Nazis in Europe look like a common convenience store robbery.
To this very day, it remains common knowledge throughout China that vast wealth was taken from them both before and during the war, but because of the utter secrecy of Operation Golden Lily, as well as the complete control of media outlets in the Western world throughout the entire course of the 20th century, this fact has gone completely unreported in the West. This begs the question: Knowing full well that treasures vaster than can be imagined were taken as part of the war effort, why has this gone unreported, and where exactly did all of these treasures end up?


Here is a short documentation video on the subject. Note that the man speaking in the film, Rhawn Joseph, claims that the gold and treasures plundered by the Japanese totalled $100 billion dollars. – This figure is confirmed in the book Gold Warriors, written by investigative journalists Sterling and Peggy Seagrave.  – The Japanese, throughout the Philippines, hid vast amounts of these stolen treasures.


The authors wrote


“… a high-ranking Japanese officer who was a cousin of Emperor Hirohito… (confirms) that the Japanese hid

          over $100 billion worth of treasures in the Philippines and it would take ‘more than a century’ to recover it all.”


Based upon additional information later provided, this $100-billion-dollar estimate turned out to be $ 240 billion.


Apparently the U.S. as victor felt entitled to share in the spoils of war. However, to make the deal stick, the world’s Number ONE war criminal, Emperor Hirohito was absolved of all responsibility. The U.S. began conspiring with mass murderers, war criminals, and gangsters to cover up their crimes. It was imperative that Hirohito and all responsible members of the royal family, never be charged, never be questioned, and that all went free. Even General Ishii who commanded the infamous unit 731 received immunity. Ishii made a private deal with MacArthur. – General Ishii had conducted horrific medical experiments on innocent people, injecting Koreans, Chinese, Russians, Americans, and others with dreadful diseases and then dissecting people alive, without anaesthesia. According to Colonel Sanders, “MacArthur agreed to immunity for all in return for all the [unit 731] information.” Ishii later became a millionaire and director of Japan’s Green Cross.



Black Eagle Trust Fund:

“The Allied forces, through a vast and complex network of spies, learned of the tales of vast amounts of gold and ancient treasures stolen by the Japanese as part of Operation Golden Lily and later hidden and buried throughout Japan the Philippines.”

 In July of 1944, delegates from 44 nations met in New Hampshire and developed the Bretton Woods system of monetary management.  “On the outside, this was shown to be an effort to rebuild the world’s financial system in the aftermath of World War II.  The idea seemed noble enough. However, there was a hidden agenda behind all of this. Because of vast spy networks that had been established behind the scenes throughout the course of the war, the top brass level had knowledge of the treasures that were plundered by the Nazis and the Japanese.


In anticipation of the securing of these riches by the Allied forces, the delegates set up the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and discussed what should be done with the plunder once in the hands of the Allied forces. However, it was not until later in 1945, when both General Dwight D. Eisenhower as well as General MacArthur had informed President Truman just how vast the treasures indeed were, that The Powers That Be – TPTB or The Deep State Cabal, decided to set up the ultra secret Black Eagle Trust – named after the black eagle symbol of the Third Reich.  One of the main players in the establishment of this fund was Henry L. Stimson, then U.S. Secretary of War. Various reports in the public domain that have attempted to catalogue the amount of riches lost in the war in both Europe and Asia, estimate that these treasures amount to a total of 280,000 metric tonnes of gold, in addition to an abundance of jewels and diamonds.


In 1945, US intelligence officers in Manila, through the bribing and torturing of insiders – discovered that the Japanese had hidden large quantities of gold bullion and other looted treasures in the Philippines. President Truman decided to recover the gold but to keep these riches secret. These, combined with Japanese treasures recovered during the US occupation, and with the recovered Nazi loot, would create a worldwide American political action fund to fight communism. This ‘Black Gold’ was put in a fund called The Black Eagle Trust Fund that gave the Khazarians in Washington DC virtually limitless, unaccountable funds, providing an asset base to reinforce the treasuries of America’s allies, to bribe political and military leaders, and to manipulate elections in foreign countries for about seventy years.


Between 1945 and 1947, astronomical sums of gold bullion and jewels were transferred out of Germany, Japan, the Philippines, and other countries throughout Asia and moved into 172 accounts in 42 different nations. Vast amounts went straight into the accounts of the Federal Reserve as well as the Bank for International Settlements –BIS in Basel Switzerland. Over the years, these riches have been used as part of a global political action fund to accomplish the following:


  • To bribe statesmen and military officials as well as to buy elections the world over through massive amounts of campaign funding received by politicians throughout the Western world, ensuring that the right people get into positions of power, i.e. the interests of the bankers and the money holders – the heirs to the throne of the world of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and J.P. Morgans.
  • To create a global policy by implementing western capitalism and fighting communism. While this may seem to many to be a noble cause, it is deeply flawed, as in actuality it has created an enormous rift between Russia/China and the U.S./European/Japanese alignments, and has left most of the rest of the world in a perpetual state of poverty, with little power to influence global affairs.
  • Potentially as part of a massive cover up involving the false flag operation on September 11th, 2001, intended to cover up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities bonds covertly created in September of 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which unknown western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas.  News reports have also surfaced that in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, massive amounts of gold disappeared from the basements of the World Trade Centre’s basement vaults, which may ultimately link back to the Black Eagle Trust.



Contrary to popular belief, gold and silver are Real Money that cannot be being corrupted, and represents real value for the exchange of valuable goods and services.