The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Preparing for 5D Changes

Consciousness and Unity Awakening People Natural Laws   Engineered Social Culture Humanity needs to re-educate itself to understand what is really happening in the world today. We live in an age of engineered social culture that is leading us to… Continue Reading →

Tragedies never end until the Truth is widely known

We Shall Win! Overpaid Sycophants: The entire European Union is run by overpaid sycophants that would not otherwise be qualified to hold a regular job or get elected to anything else. Their positions are given to them so they can… Continue Reading →

The Khazarians own the world

Those who love their personal freedom, read below essay:   The goals of the Khazarian Mafia: The Khazarians have put their importance on the all-out control over the world population, and possession of all resources on Earth for which trillions has been… Continue Reading →

Cashless Society = Slavery

Cashless means total control over the population: The plan is to turn the screw on the entire population to force them into submission. The single electronic currency within a cashless society is the foundation plan for human control. This Archon… Continue Reading →

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