Shocking truth about to be revealed
The story of what is about to happen will be the biggest news story in human history on planet Earth.
The Deep State Cabal oppressors with their criminal puppets and false stories of debt, banking, inside jobs, mass murders, mass surveillance, terrorist attacks, plane crashes and religious deception are falling apart. More than 13 centuries of elite-led misinformation will soon come to an end. Disclosure means LIGHT and change for the healing of humanity and our planet.
People, inside and outside governments, are beginning to speak the truth with more energy, clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. Their words are being heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of our oppressors. Many things will come to light to see the world in a different light, the revelation of these truths will show how humanity has been deceived.
Many historical facts will be examined to find the exact truth. For example, how tsunamis, abnormal weather conditions and earthquakes in Japan, Central America and Haiti were deliberately caused by the cabal through secret government agencies. The fate of thousands of missing children around the world will be known. Also how and why diseases such as cancer, Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, H5N1, Zika and Morgellons have been deliberately created.
To end the global warming hoax or climate change charade for deliberate environmental destruction such as poverty, wars, disease to restore the planet and humanity to optimum health.
To further increase the understanding of how deliberate bioterrorism, including GMOs, chemtrails, food poisoning, etc. are being practised by government agencies seeking to decimate the world’s population.
The 188-country BRICS alliance, led by China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa, will become central to the global delivery of truthful news.
New “crowd-sourced” media channels will be launched. Dissemination of whistleblowing testimonies. Revelations of more effective and patriotic means of reorienting scientific research, banking, security and military culture.
Other major revelations are expected about the endemic professional corruption in health care. Pharmaceutical medicine will be shown to be a manipulative tool designed to make people sick rather than cure them.
The tools of this manipulation are sophisticated poisons disguised as expensive drugs or vaccines. They are prescribed as necessary medicines, as are radical operations which in turn require expensive drugs.
The battle for our consciousness
There is very little time left for humanity to prepare for what is coming. The Deep State and the Cabal have many layers and secretly control everything on our planet.
The people on this planet have no idea who they really are. The Cabal is a very carefully structured organisation. It is a hierarchy of non-physical dark matter that feeds on negative energy.
This dark energy does not need material possessions, only more negative energy and draws its power to control and divide through destruction.
Unreal, unacceptable and too bizarre for many. But it is a factual reality if one dares to face the truth.
We are currently experiencing incredible turbulence and chaos on this planet, everything is out of balance, but soon there will be a gradual return to balance.
The lower levels of the cabal ruling structure on Earth are controlled by ‘non-humans’ and human traitors who are willing to feed the parasites and their constant need to ‘consume’ negative energy.
They deliberately produce despair, all kinds of suffering, create diseases, promote anger, aggression and organise conflicts and wars. All this produces negative energy on which these energy parasites feed.
The Cabal keeps the Earth in a constant state of destruction because it is busy creating negative energy for its predators. These anti-human monstrosities have infiltrated every major structure of organisations and states on Earth.
They have taken over secret societies and gradually infiltrated all religions, governments, major corporations and other social structures that they use to control the surface population.
They are masters of dark magic and deception, hiding themselves and their intentions from the eyes of real people. Including their agendas: LGBT, the Covid pandemic, the Green Deal and many others are directed against the functionality of all humanity and directly attack its essence.
They undermine naturalness and ability to act. These Inhumans and corrupt traitors to the human race are masters at creating problems and offering solutions that misinform and inspire only false hope.
They speak of positive goals and efforts, but then continually delay or destroy that hope by creating negative energies. This is how they maintain power and control. They practice this hidden evil all the time and their handwriting is in every broadcast, speech, event, crisis, announcement and report.
Everything is focused on organising the acquisition of low frequency and negative energy.
Planet earth is being transformed
The earth is now being transformed by the higher light energy and will restore the balance that was intended at the time of creation.
Some call it the fifth dimension, others call it the Age of Aquarius. Everyone should prepare for this event, both physically and spiritually. We should now be able to integrate the incoming higher frequencies into our human vessel of mind and body.
People who are stuck in their old fears are blocking these higher frequencies from entering. They are victims who unwittingly become perpetrators, helping to keep alive this parasitic system that is now creaking and falling apart.
Behind the scenes many awakened people are working tirelessly to liberate this planet by creating light.
The cabal don’t want us to understand these connections because they want to take as many people as possible with them when the inevitable end comes. They know very well that they will no longer be able to exist in the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and they also know that their long reign is over.
This is why you can feel their incredible desperation. The intention of their minions is to lower our frequencies so much that our self-concept, our ability to trust and our intuitive thinking is damaged to the point that many will find it extremely difficult to accept all the incredible and insane truth when it is fully revealed to us.
We are in a psychological war, a battle for our consciousness. Humans have had to endure thousands of years of all kinds of deception, wars, abuse and destruction of our planet. The goal of the upcoming events is to establish complete transparency, prosperity, justice and peace for all on Earth after many years.
For the record;
Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.
Or that the cabal is crippled by
- A mass awakening
- The collapse of the monetary system, or
- Removed by alien intervention
Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!
Share this with everyone you know!
The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.
Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!
To be continued as time will tell us more …
August 13, 2024 at 5:25 PM
Thank you peter i have shared this to all the people i know. love to all.
August 13, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Well done Johm that is the corret way to wakeup the mob!!!
August 14, 2024 at 12:09 AM
Thank you Peter for sharing and spreading the light. Namasté!
August 14, 2024 at 1:02 AM
Thankyou for your positive writings especially here in the U K with Stalin Starmer bringing down all sorts of negative horror on us.There is a petition to have him removed so positive thoughts for that one please everybody
August 14, 2024 at 2:31 AM
Great work Peter.. Personally I think it might be too late for the non believing normies.They’ve had ample time to prepare. We are standing at the gateway of the departure lounge to a new reality.
August 14, 2024 at 5:09 PM
Glory be to GOD, It’s been a long time coming.
August 14, 2024 at 11:39 PM
Seriously? I don’t mean to be overtly disparaging, but whoever buys into the author’s monologue above has been “drinking the Koolaid” in heavy doses. Talk about “selling fear” to gain an audience, wow. I hope you folks wake up from your daydreams (actually, nightmares), and touch base with the rest of us Earthlings at some point — we’ll welcome you back to the Realm of Normalcy. (And I already know what you’re going to say and write to me, so save it for yourselves — please don’t respond. You are deeply imbued in your beliefs, and nothing will shake you from such beliefs, so I have no illusions that you will magically wake up and realize how “beyond the fringe” these beliefs and comments are. As one of you wrote above, “Namaste”. Peace out and god bless !
August 15, 2024 at 9:41 AM
Thank you for your opinion, it shows how deeply people are entrenched in false beliefs, now for almost 500,000 years on planet Earth. Soon they will move to another 3D planet to continue or change their beliefs.
August 15, 2024 at 4:57 PM
Peter, I agree with what the higher self says, he criticized me, he Kejraj thinks to be open-minded and do your own thing, we are not discussing loving yourself, breaking up with others, we focus on collective consciousness, not the level of free will, the earth’s population birth rate is declining, the death rate is too high, there is a surplus of labor, the population is aging and young, the divorce rate is too high, the mentally ill people use marriage fraud to any means, these people are exactly the same as pedophiles and psychopaths, they use sex workers to cheat us of wealth, through theft, they make them greedy and selfish, and make people become idiots, heartless and righteous without family and friends, and still criticize or attack on the Internet. At least they must be shut up or fired.
I hope these devil trolls, Illuminati fascists, and Nazis of the deep government who are conducting dark rituals and dark agendas will go away. I am a diabetic and I hope to get along with my girlfriend, have a good relationship with others, connect with each other as soon as possible, cooperate and work together, just like you, your wife and son support you in defending your rights, and drive the troll shillings off the earth as soon as possible.
Well, at first glance, these people are tempted by money and food. Not only do they have their own religious sects, but they also promote various Christian consciousness.
Such superstition and mysticism, they are lying behind the scenes. At first glance, they are cults. 90% of the spiritual information they send is false.
They use black magic and telepathy to send images to people. They just whitewash the truth, talk nonsense, and play tricks.
These are not spiritual. They pretend to be light workers to cheat. Don’t be fooled. Most of these people are lurkers, non-human entities, conspiracy groups.
These demonic entities are negative energy.
In short, they are heretical, promoting universal values and political correctness, just like Grand Theft Auto 6, they promote the principle of not keeping idle people, their three views are three-no products, no respect for elders and juniors, making the Internet a mess, being rampant and bullying men and women, they are a group of monkeys sent by Soros, a mob, black sheep, brainless, uneducated and uneducated, typical white leftists, tell them how the black slave owners in the Atlantis era were when the Indians invaded, and why they were beaten with ropes by the black slave owners, and tell them through such words
In short, these people are demons and monsters. They pretend to be bright, they are hypocritical at heart, and they talk nonsense all day long. It is best to bring them to justice through military action.
These people are just demagogues, pretending, whispering, confusing right and wrong, and using double standards. I suggest that they be arrested and sent to prison for immediate execution.
August 15, 2024 at 6:32 PM
Indeed direct yourself on the 5D world and the rest will follow as is decided by Father Mother GOD. No selfishness just mutual cooperation is the right tune!
August 16, 2024 at 2:54 AM
Nothing wrong, wealth must be publicly owned to prevent people from accumulating thousands of wealth, and people must realize that they must exchange their wealth with others through barter.
For this family, care and tolerance for family members should be extended to every spiritual civilization in the universe, and the abuse of artificial intelligence and nuclear weapons technology must be prevented.
But for girls, twin souls are most suitable for them, not the so-called public wife system. Everything must be listened to by angel guides, guiding spirits, and higher selves.
What the Holy Spirit and the gods say, some evil spirits and evil spirits usually harass or attack or criticize others in their sleep, stay away from harmful and evil people.
August 16, 2024 at 7:39 AM
But they still have disputes over real estate rights and wealth rights, which is why one third of them go to Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturus and other 3D planets in the Milky Way through ascension and two thirds through death.
At least the Cosmic Alliance is similar to the EU expelling them to perform new tasks.
August 16, 2024 at 12:30 PM
That is 3D world in 5D don’t exist these queries anymore
August 17, 2024 at 1:09 AM
Those who cannot pass through the fifth density cannot reach a higher level of consciousness and will move to the third density. Those who pass through the fifth density have a higher level of consciousness and are full of light. They will stay in the fifth density on Earth. People can die and go to the fourth density. Ascension develops to the fifth density by going to the fourth density.
August 17, 2024 at 2:40 AM
The Law of One RA places too much importance on marriage, childbearing and serving others. He believes that the conditions for crops to mature are marriage, childbearing and even soul mates. Only those who serve others more than themselves can enter the fifth density. Without the above conditions, such as those who are not married, have children or have no soul mates, serving themselves more than serving others will not be able to enter the fifth density. This seems controversial. Is this the condition that can cause crops to grow souls? I think many people will doubt that doing sports with girls’ bodies and avoiding these strenuous sports from time to time
August 18, 2024 at 6:54 AM
Peter, you are absolutely right. We are not concerned about whether Musk gets married or not. We must pay attention to whether a Chinese saint will appear in China. Many prophecies are waiting for the appearance of the savior from the East. We are also concerned about whether the daughter of Kim Jong-un, the next leader of North Korea, will become the next leader, as well as the changes of dynasties in Vietnam, Japan, and Fiji.
August 18, 2024 at 7:09 AM
There are also regime change actions in Israel, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Myanmar, and the fight against transnational crimes such as outsourcing and financial crimes such as profit transfer abroad.
August 18, 2024 at 7:10 AM
Now the United States, Britain, France, and countries around the world have begun to change dynasties. We see the earth being liberated, criminals being brought to justice, and slavery being ended.
August 17, 2024 at 1:05 AM
To correct the mistake, one third of the people did not go to the third density planet, but to the fifth density. To master the technique to go to the fifth density, you must have light, and only those who have this technique can go to the fifth density, first from the fourth density. It is difficult to go to the fifth density without this technique. Only one third of the people go to the fourth or fifth density through ascension, and the remaining two thirds will go through the third or fourth density such as Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturus and other 3D planets in the Milky Way. These people will not be able to enter the fifth density. Only one third of the people can enter the fifth density, and they must have sufficient light and love.
August 15, 2024 at 11:54 PM
I used to be able to read the postings on your Telegram channel, up to a few days ago.
But not any more. When I click on the link, I am told:
Open URL: Telegram Link? wants to open this application
I can click “Open URL:Telegram link”
Or click “Cancel”
I have not installed the Telegram software nor do I intend to do so.
August 16, 2024 at 12:28 PM
August 17, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Nope, they have changed the settings on your Telegram channel so that only those who submit their telephone number can view the postings. You are not the only one. One by one, various Telegram channels are being altered this way.
It’s OK. The controllers are working extremely hard to maintain control. It shows that the information is getting out and they instantly clamp down on this.