We Shall Win! Overpaid Sycophants: The entire European Union is run by overpaid sycophants that would not otherwise be qualified to hold a regular job or get elected to anything else. Their positions are given to them so they can… Continue Reading →
Euro-ECB-EU on the Road to Oblivion Update – 23rd 2016: Brings Italy the end of the EU? European financial system: What is happening to the European financial system is truly history in the making, and it is believed this… Continue Reading →
Nothing is as it seems to be: Free Money: In this essay, the dots are connected to show readers what soon is going to happen. Brexit seems to have caught many players, even large ones “flat footed”. This market… Continue Reading →
Take your LIBERTY back now! Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awake people can see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles. The time… Continue Reading →
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