The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


GESARA compliant

QFS stops the Deep State in their track

QFS Destroys Central Banking System QFS has no equivalent in advanced technology Global Currency Reset Donald Trump re-elected as first President of the new Republic of America Unity makes power   The Quantum Financial System QFS Little is it known… Continue Reading →

Fake Economy

Beginning to understand the bigger picture The Central Bank’s Economic Model Interest rates are dictated by central banks Capitalism operates through creative destruction Central Banksters are the troublemakers Change for the better is imminent Brexit is a done deal The… Continue Reading →

Central Banking Exposed

Central Banks only care about debt, profit and control The Crime is money that no one ever earned to capture people’s real wealth Power and fake money corrupts Why people are put into debt Paper money ruins society Monetary Change… Continue Reading →

Debt Scam Disclosure

Banks can never go broke, they control the World Their Financial secret is founded on fraudulent accounting  The secret of money creation lies in not accounting for it Basel III sets Gold Price Free Clarification of the banks’ accounting scam… Continue Reading →

QFS Off-World Monetary System

Intro of Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset   QFS system advanced without any equivalent Politicians and Bankers caught red-handed in real time Deep State battle is lost; our victory is near Each country must be GESARA compliant to… Continue Reading →


The End of the European Union The NO-Brexit-Deal The start sign for RV-implementation Knowledge is Power     The EU has grown into a malignant, economic cancer Will the fall of the EU be the biggest event in modern-day financial… Continue Reading →

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