The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


March 2015

Money Creation

Cause of the Sluggish Economy: Quantitative easing is not sustainable, it shifts income from the public to the insiders, and it also masks the real problems in the economy and stifles real corrections. Savers – especially retirees – spend much… Continue Reading →

Next crisis will be different

Insolvency versus Liquidity: The problem is that sovereign borrowers are insolvent. They cannot pay back their debts, as Greece is going to prove by defaulting on their debt and to keep the EU intact, being bailed out by the ECB…. Continue Reading →

Gold price not affected by Deflation

Confidence and stability: Various analysts forecast gold prices as low as $ 700/ounce being the result of deflation, but ostensibly they have not considered the facts assessed in this essay. Gold is not just about deflation versus inflation visa versa…. Continue Reading →

Crime Cabal part two

WAKEUP CALL: The world has become an insane asylum but society is too asleep to notice the insanity. Just as insane dreams are not questioned, some people never question their insane lives. The implications of mass sleepwalking are obvious: with… Continue Reading →

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