The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


January 2016

End the Fed

And all other Central Banks of the world   The Financial Fraud: Since the Federal Reserve Board came into being in 1914, every dollar has been borrowed into existence from this privately owned Central Banks. Every single dollar the Fed… Continue Reading →

World Peace Achievable

Khazarian Rule: ‘Conquer and divide’ is the rule of the Khazarians to maximise their profit by initiating wars, all out destruction, assassinations, terror, crime, market rigging, refugee crisis, misery, poverty, etc. With the main motive the creation of FEAR, and… Continue Reading →

Is Bitcoin a viable alternative?

Alternative monetary system: The previous essay explained the unreliability of unbacked currency; the question arises whether Bitcoin is a more reliable alternative?   Bitcoin has the same thing central bankers don’t like about it. They can’t control it. So, they… Continue Reading →

Fractional reserve banking source of financial crisis

Freedom for the human race begins with freedom from slavery to corrupt money. Fractional reserve banking: The global financial system, is organized around centrally managed, privately owned, fiat fractional reserve currencies, an engineering tool of the world’s banking elite that,… Continue Reading →

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