The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Throw Away those stupid Masks!

People Themselves Determine the End of COVID If we don’t end it now, it will soon be impossible to end it!   Will more people start fighting for their liberty? One World Government Big Brother is Watching You The Medical… Continue Reading →

Crushing Weight of Debt

When gold is made obsolete Biggest Financial Bubble in History Quantity of new injected money is staggering The Deep State learn their Fate   There is no National Debt without the same amount in National Credit Fiat Currencies lead to… Continue Reading →

Fear induced financial crash

Covid Hoax is psychological warfare Economic destruction Central Bank Money Printing Funds the Rich People are Slave Workers on the Plantation COVID-19 is Fear and Hysteria Counterfeit money transfers real wealth   Not about saving Lives, but to implement the… Continue Reading →

What will the future look like?

The post-COVID world that awaits The Coronavirus Loot is next Fake money drove up stock prices 300%   The economy and humanity is being devastated with something that doesn’t exist The Shadow Government rules the Deep State in a matrix… Continue Reading →

QFS ousts fraudulent monetary system

Deep State’s funding swindle Real money changed into fake money Stimulus is Fraud  Taxpayer Monies Laundered Through Privately Owned Tax Offices     Corrupt Debt-Money-System let us live as Medieval Serfs The banking system is a fantastic business; they lend… Continue Reading →


The Illuminati behind the Deep State, a mind-boggling story The world is close to the final act with the denouement showing the connection between the Deep State Mafia with the Christian Church and the Vatican. The Illuminati is a secret Order,… Continue Reading →

QFS stops the Deep State in their track

QFS Destroys Central Banking System QFS has no equivalent in advanced technology Global Currency Reset Donald Trump re-elected as first President of the new Republic of America Unity makes power   The Quantum Financial System QFS Little is it known… Continue Reading →

COVID Deception  

COVID risk based on false information The new normal is the old totalitarianism Mandatory vaccinations Unity gives power    Those who know the truth and don’t hesitate to spread it are silenced by cutting off the internet connection, and that’s… Continue Reading →

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