Deep State’s funding swindle
Real money changed into fake money
Stimulus is Fraud
Taxpayer Monies Laundered Through Privately Owned Tax Offices
Corrupt Debt-Money-System let us live as Medieval Serfs
The banking system is a fantastic business; they lend out money they don’t have and charge the lender interest on it, add to it the ‘fractional reserve lending’ that allows the banks to lend ten times more than what they have on deposit. In other words, they lend ‘money’ they don’t have and doesn’t exist, properly called – credit or debt money – with interest charges attached.
Under a fraudulent monetary system, debt in real terms, becomes impossible to pay, while the required debt liquidation can only be accomplished by debasement of the currency, that is inflation, in other words theft. Fake money rewards the special interest cliques most closely associated with money managers: such as the Deep State, banking industry, military industrial complex, Wall Street, and the many beneficiaries of government spending.
Unfair distribution of wealth is a characteristic of a fiat monetary system and is being witnessed today in its extreme. As an example; the three richest people on Earth own more than the bottom 60% of the world’s population. Fiat money dislikes morality, and thus creates an immoral society. It requires the rejection of a convertible commodity standard, and can only be enforced with powerful legal tender laws.
Economic bubbles are the monsters birthed by fiat currencies, central bank manipulation of the money supply and interest rates. A fiat currency eliminates a definable unit of accounting, which is needed for sound economic calculation.
Most importantly, the central bank global financial debt system is being brought to the point of deflation, which will force the Deep State to relinquish their global control. The fiat financial system will be replaced by local currencies, i.e. gold-backed sovereign money units, run on the QFS. This will be the foundation for the post-fiat, GESARA world
Recovering from the damage caused by the fiat currencies will prove to be much more difficult than rejecting the temptation to initiate a fiat currency as the unit of account in the first place. – Honest money is the essential ally of liberty. Precious metals must and will return to serve as the foundation for the new QFS-system.
Worldwide, people are waking up to the fact that the current economic system of fiat debt-money is unsustainable, and banksters are quietly and secretly preparing for the worst. Governments will do what they always do in a financial crisis: protect insiders and those close to the Deep State.
Average middle-class citizens are already suffering from the corrupt monetary system, and are scrambling to find the best way to protect their wealth and ensure their safety in these challenging times. The unwinding of history’s largest financial fraud and greatest bubble is now upon us.
People must understand that they are living with a criminal and totally unfair privately owned central banking system with their government as partner. – What is observed is us living like medieval “serfs” under this system. So, it is vital that all private Central Banks are abolished at all costs and that legislation is enacted to ensure no such bank in the future is ever being established again.
Deep State’s funding swindle
The plan is not only to go after the Shadow Government and the Deep State, but to go after the source of their funding that has made it possible for them to do what it does; print easy money and promote corruption. In short; the Rothschilds controlled central banks print money out of thin air, governments borrow and force taxpayers to fund this Ponzi scheme.
Central Banks are not tied to checks and balances audits, so they are able to do whatever they want to do. They have been applying fraudulent accounting practices that don’t account for the money they have created. And as is observed, the entire economic system is deteriorating rapidly. President Trump continuously and correctly points his finger at the Fed. He maintains that they allow the economy to slide into recession, and repeats endlessly what the Fed is doing is wrong, insinuating that this will be the reason if the economy weakens, and finally falls to pieces, the Central Banks are to blame.
Look at today’s economy and people will see that all sales are drying up. Car sales are down 12%. Also new home sales in various areas are disintegrating with a 5% month to month downtrend. Meanwhile, sales prices in many regions have declined 3,5 % from a year ago. This is a complete and utter disaster, even worse after the Central Bank lowered the interest rate to zero, which first and foremost affects the retirees.
Real money changed into fake money
In the depression of the 1930s it was the supply of money that mattered, but after Nixon in 1972 abolished the gold backing for the US dollar, he changed ‘real money’ into fake ‘credit/debt money’. So now, it’s not the supply of money that matters, it’s the supply of credit – the quantity of debt made. As long as credit is increasing at a healthy rate below 2% which means inflation and is nothing else as plain theft by the government, markets and GDP go up. When the demand of credit doesn’t increase; expect recession and bear markets. The idea behind the QE (quantitative easing) was to supply more credit money, but as there was no market for, QE became a worthless tool, because it does not create extra lending capability.
QE effectively cannot create new lending volume. To put it as simply as possible. Reserves are bank assets. Lending is constrained by available capital. QE shifts assets but doesn’t alter capital. For example, if the Central Bank buys $2.6 trillion in Treasuries from the nongovernment sector; the nongovernment sector sells $2.6 trillion in Treasuries to the Central Bank. This gives the impression that the Federal Reserve central bank ‘injected’ $2.6 trillion in liquidity into the system. In spite of this, the net effect is still zero.
In addition, a bank can go to Goldman Sachs and lever up that $2.6 trillion as if it were something new, which is false.They could do that before using Treasury securities as collateral.
The idea that the excess reserves point to future hyperinflation is also absurd. The assumption is that the banking system will somehow ‘lend out’ those excess reserves. It can’t happen. It’s impossible. Banks in aggregate cannot lend reserves. Period. Even very well educated people have not been aware of this.
The Central Banks know credit must expand, otherwise there will be a depression. But, today’s debt levels are so high that a depression would be catastrophic. The disaster would be worldwide. While people would die.
“Because a depression in the US would mean tens of millions… maybe hundreds of millions… of people in China and Southeast Asia would lose their jobs. Businesses would go broke. Governments would go broke. People living at the margin – with no savings – would soon be desperate. Civilisation would not survive. That’s why the Fed will not allow a real credit contraction.”
Governments and Central Banks are very keen to stop a depression, as they do not want to admit that they had any role in causing it. Due to their own policies, – ultra-low interest rates and fake money – they have created excesses that need to be purged. Don’t expect them to confess that their impotent remedy of more money-printing, will only make the ultimate correction worse.
So far this century, they’ve held off three major corrections. From October 2000 to July 2003, they chopped 5% off their key lending rate and set off the blow-up of the real estate market in 2008-2009. Then, they thwarted that correction too, again cutting their key rate by more than 5%, and printing up an additional $3.6 trillion. And this year, they’ve gone “Full Weimar”, with rates back down to zero, and another $3 trillion in new fake money.
After the fake COVID pandemic has ended, the new economy will not require so much office and parking spaces, because more people have been working from home. Restaurant tables, airplane seats, big-city housing, cruise ships, and theatres are left empty. Since fewer people commute to work, they don’t need so many automobiles or gasoline, either. Oil shares have been cut in half so far this year.
This has put the financial system in a situation with many fingers in the dike, and it isn’t known in advance, which one finger is being removed that might cause the dike to give way. But it does look more certain that the end of U.S. reserve dollar hegemony is in sight. Two of the main questions at this point in time are: When does it end, and when does the real panic begin? Regardless, the demise of the fiat reserve dollar is a certainty.
Stimulus is Fraud
All stimulus efforts are merely different forms of fraud — all based on misleading consumers, investors and businesses with “inflation,” that is the case, with fake money that no one ever earned or saved.
Counterfeiting money is a do-it-yourself version of inflation. It is illegal, for good reason. It’s a fraud, pretending that this new money represents real wealth. The only people who can get away with this sort of fraud are those who work for the government; they falsely claim that their counterfeiting stimulates the economy.
The counterfeit money has been introduced into the economy in a number of different ways. In the West over the last 30 years, it has mostly gone in like a thief through the monetary back alleys, remaining mainly in financialised assets.
Naturally, this was great for people who owned stocks and bonds. The top 10% of the population, for example, watched its wealth grow from about $20 trillion 30 years ago to about $75 trillion today. During that same time, U.S. GDP rose only $15 trillion — which is about what the bottom 90% gained in wealth during that time.
Another way to look at it is to compare total household net worth to GDP. Typically, households have a total net worth equal to about 3.5 times GDP. Now, the figure is over five times GDP. Households have about $30 trillion more, almost all of it owned by the 10% of richest families and almost all of it based not on increased real wealth (GDP increases), but on the aforementioned funny-money counterfeiting.
Gold will be trading for at least ten times what the price is today. It’s going to happen; but the date is uncertain. People need to own gold/silver because the central planners are leading the economy to ruin. Also, silver is going to see extraordinary gains over the long term. Copper too will see fantastic gains as they continue to modernise and invest in infrastructure. The bottom line is people need to be patient because the day is drawing near when the world will shift its attention once again to gold, silver, platinum and other commodities, and the criminal central bankers’ manipulations come to an end.
The Western central planners and their agents at the bullion banks have had an ongoing war against gold for a long time now, and the tide may finally be turning against them, despite the ongoing downdraft by their manipulations.
Taxpayer Monies Laundered Through Privately Owned Tax Offices
People who think that peace and prosperity are worthy goals, must eventually reject fiat currencies. For at least since the 1600s, taxpayer monies have been illegally laundered through what now is known as privately owned tax offices, central banks and cabal owned corporations identified as: Washington DC, the City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. The elites, banksters and politicians have been filling their pockets all along the way.
Governments are funded totally through black earning projects, such as drug-, organ- and human-trafficking, including child-sex-trading and the off-budget accounting as published in the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). –
When President Trump finally implements GESARA Law the Federal Reserve Central Bank and IRS will officially be defunct. Income taxes will be abolished and replaced with a sales tax on non-essential items.
The new monetary system known as the Quantum Financial System (QFS) will end the Cabal’s corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking industry. The QFS is ready for its implementation, and is waiting behind the coulisses. This new Quantum Financial System is set to be run on a quantum computer that is based on an orbiting satellite, and is protected by Secret Space Programs to ensure that it cannot be hacked. The quantum technology that corresponds to this new system is being provided by benevolent Galactics. The key is to implement limitations that will prevent corrupted banksters from gaining significant profits. Crooked banksters are no longer in charge of any funds within the QFS. Paper money and banks will eventually disappear, though coinage will remain as a safeguard against corruption, and the populace will prosper.
All Cabal assets are to be seized by the Alliance and redistributed to benefit humanity. Alliance theoreticians have been working on a daily basis to determine the timing of the RV (currency revaluation) release using mathematical formulas based on multiple factors. The issues taken into account are the current state of the geopolitical arena, the global economy, the number of un-awakened masses, current events, and future planned events.
This allows the Alliance to determine the optimal time to release the RV. This optimal time for the release of the RV is quickly approaching as all the dominoes steadily fall into place, revealing the greater picture.
Meanwhile, the RV has evolved beyond a simple revaluation of currencies, and is not going to be done the way as was originally imagined. Now, it is going to be handled through the Quantum Financial System (QFS). The QFS currently has accounts for each and every human being on Earth. Compensation funds will be given to every human being; everything the Cabal has stolen will be directly deposited into individual QFS accounts.
The Quantum Financial System is going to be explained after the full disclosure event, as the enactment of GESARA (the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) is announced. Assets will be connected to a true algorithm that predicts actual prices based on production and demand, ending the market rigging. The QFS is going to be enacted with:
- Gold Standard
- Debt Elimination
- A flat tax on new goods only
- Elimination of all income tax
- Elimination of government subsidised pharmaceutical drug pushers
For readers interested in more details, The book The Great Awakening, explains how the Elite are running the world with the purpose of enslaving every individual in every country of the world. They incite wars for their own profit with as many casualties as possible, the details of which will blow your mind. Be grateful, for every day that Trump has become the US President, the swamp is being drained on a daily basis as he promised. It is everyone’s duty to be a Patriot in their country all over the world.
Awake people want to meet other awake individuals, without masks, for the reason that we together are stronger, and able to defeat the Deep State cabal quicker. Our liberation process cannot be stopped anymore. Uniting with others who are like minded creates and shapes our best reality. World wide awake networks have been and are being created, like those in the Marbella / Malaga area of Spain who have been around for several months with increasing numbers of participants. If you would like to meet up with them, please contact Peggy via email. Meetings and lectures in English are organised on a regular basis.
If you found this information interesting, helpful, or insightful, please share it with everyone you know to help awake them. And don’t forget to put up your national flag showing the world you are awake. The more flags out show that the cabals are losing their grip of power over us. There is much more enlightening information to follow! You can subscribe free of charge in the right hand box.
October 7, 2020 at 11:04 AM
Good Morning all …
a typo in discussing deflated house/auto sales … 3,5% … US-style of decimal point
was not translated (just prior to the Walking-Money graphic).
QFS discussion-use of the stage-scene term “coulisses” is proper, but not common usage at all. I have never seen the word and had to look it up. Remember, the (partial) target audience of un-Woke Americans has been on a Dumbed-Down path for over 75 years or more. 🤔 Phrased as “behind the curtain” should be easily understood. Thanks for thr new word, but one encounter in this long life is not likely to become embedded in my long term memory. I’m having enough brain overload just learning to use: fiat, multi-generational-fraud, adrenachrome, 5G, and ways to spell ‘pædophile’ … much the keystrokes on multiple devices. … enough of my early morning ramblings.
October 7, 2020 at 1:49 PM
just more hopium and nothing more .
October 7, 2020 at 7:58 PM
Apparently not awake!
April 14, 2021 at 4:24 PM
Agreed, but I too have deep reservations that the Qfs is being implemented by creatures that are fallen angels?? Every name listed has a historic meaning of fallen angel. And we all know that the sanada guy is trying to sound like he’s Jesus Christ🧐
June 2, 2021 at 11:28 PM
Aliens are not gonna be running our financial system people
October 7, 2020 at 5:25 PM
Peter, I hope this new QFS doesn’t come with a social crediting system, I can’t help but feeling a little bit dubious. My grandfather told me “if something seems to good to be true it probably is” I’m getting more worried by the day.
October 7, 2020 at 7:49 PM
I cannot remember mentioning social credit system?
QFS has nothing as such. Please specify.
October 7, 2020 at 8:11 PM
You didn’t mention it but other people have. I don’t know what to believe anymore as there is so much conflicting info out there.
October 8, 2020 at 7:56 PM
There is already a Silicon based quantum system on earth. It needs no satellites or ssp to operate, but it does need protection. However, when the 2 sides of the same coin stop warring, then and only then can wealth and peace be distributed, save Trump’s cabinet/cronies that won’t get outta way today. If you plan to hijack the earth system that is in place, then we are DOOMED.
October 7, 2020 at 8:00 PM
Violet. sadly we have been programmed to think this way. I actually do, full resonance believe this is gonna happen 🙂
October 7, 2020 at 8:15 PM
Very true.
October 7, 2020 at 6:52 PM
This long awaited event, the RV, and QFS implementation, are much needed NOW, without further delays, as all nations suffer,
and need the relief of gold asset backed currencies. Those
with historic bond notes to be redeemed are waiting in the wings to help our nation, and all others, to achieve prosperity, and to thrive, with suppressed technologies, used by our military forces for decades, are finally released to provide abundant clean energy, food and water, and to heal, for all people.
October 7, 2020 at 6:58 PM
Doctors Richard Cheng, in Shanghai, and Andrew Weber, at Northwell Health in New York, are both curing moderate and severe cases of CV-19 with IV injection of vitamin C, now being
used in the 23 hospitals in the Northwell Health network, yet no mainstream media are covering their success. Vitamin C is cheap, readily available, is safe to use daily, and it is saving lives now from viral infections, including CV-19. People are being lied to about masks that don’t stop viruses in the air, nor are they being told that sunlight / ultraviolet light kill viruses, social distancing makes no sense, and is not based on any objective studies, yet people of all ages suffer the reduced oxygen intake, and Co2 buildup in our blood, effecting our health in many ways. The insanity must end, with the truth coming out now as more people wake up around the world.
October 7, 2020 at 8:16 PM
Violet common sense trust FWC where you are a longtime reader.
October 7, 2020 at 9:50 PM
Dear Peter,
I have two questions for you.
1. If all people on Earth get money from QFS and everyone becomes rich, will inflation not come? People will rush to buy everything, then producers of goods or owners will raise prices to heaven.
2. How are corrupt governments around the world removed in order to implement GESARA? Will American soldiers do it? How will this happen physically?
October 8, 2020 at 11:37 AM
Gold backed money has value, all people change value for value one you buy bread or whatsoever with gold backed money. No inflation anymore.
By the Patriots, we all should help to trace the corrupt puppets.None to be left on Earth!
October 7, 2020 at 11:18 PM
What will happen to my savings at the bank?😕 will that just disappear? I live in Europe
November 27, 2020 at 12:22 AM
Totally possible, look at Greece, Spain and Lebanon where the banks just took depositors money and no one is doing anything about it. Just check how much your government can guarantee to pay you if the bank fails and the fact is that the small prints said when you deposit your money to the bank, your money will be transferred into their hands. It’s no longer your money, the entire system is a con. I have friends who buys physical gold coins and gold bars for safety measures.
March 19, 2021 at 12:46 AM
Miriam no your money will be exchanged for same amount you the new note will be worth the same amount as your lira or whatever your country uses..worth exactly the same amount but this new money will be used universally in every country!
October 8, 2020 at 12:31 AM
How did you learn about QFS?
October 8, 2020 at 11:39 AM
Intensive yearlong intel research. Over 12 years or more. Lost count.
October 8, 2020 at 3:42 PM
Peter….. Will the QFS be implemented before the Great Reset!
October 8, 2020 at 4:18 PM
Most likely with the reset, all at once with GESARA
October 9, 2020 at 7:05 AM
What’s the great reset?
October 9, 2020 at 8:49 AM
Here you find more info about the Reset RV
October 9, 2020 at 11:42 AM
Peter….. I meant the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, who want a cashless, digital, social credit system run by Artificial Intelligence!
October 9, 2020 at 2:40 PM
World economic forum is the cabal, they are not allowed access.
October 9, 2020 at 3:17 PM
So the nazi klaus Schwab has no access – Good news.
October 9, 2020 at 5:21 PM
Peter…. Have I got this correct…. The QFS is going to be implemented before the WEF can implement their evil Great Reset!
October 9, 2020 at 5:27 PM
The cabal and the WEF are soon to be neutralised, and can never return, as long we the people stay awake also in future generations.
October 9, 2020 at 8:45 PM
Peter… What can you say about Ron Giles’ website how true is it?
October 9, 2020 at 10:47 PM
Why do assets need to be gold backed? That’s ridiculous. Gold as an asset is also a human agreement, no different to any other currency. All currency is just an agreement. The reality is this, Its all about net worth. The only acceptable system is a barter system. The barter system needs to be decentralized. The transaction is peer to peer, with no intermediary control. The End.
October 10, 2020 at 11:59 AM
If you buy something of value, you have to pay for with value to make it a honest transaction
October 9, 2020 at 11:01 PM
We are in this current predicament, be cause YOU, as an individual allowed it. Don’t blame the banks, or the owners of the banks. They are there because YOU. If everyone stopped paying their “loan”the banks and their power would disappear over night. So it is YOU that is in control, not them. Another currency system aka GFS, is just another imposition of control. And is quite frankly, bullshit. Crypto decentralization, peer to peer, is the only sensible system. It is about your net worth, and nothing else.
October 10, 2020 at 12:01 PM
Read this first
October 10, 2020 at 3:31 AM
I’m a total believer that’s the reason for my being, to witness the birth of galactic earth human civilization. I have always known deep down such event will take place within my lifetime because I was told my our space family during a close encounter when I was 19, the message was telepathic with warmth and positive energy that had lasted until now. I have diligently working as a positive energy anchor for the new earth and I urge everyone to trust our higher divinity because we’re eternal consciousness experiencing the idea of separation in a human vessel. The absolute truth is that separation is simply not possible because everything is part of the complete divine whole. Enjoy your journey and enjoy the ride of your lifetime in the moment of now because all other ‘time’ are merely an illusion.
October 10, 2020 at 12:03 PM
Excellent approach, we need more such pillars to educate and awake the sheeple!
October 10, 2020 at 11:07 AM
To take Sweden as an example, a royal family cousin of the English royal family, a country where the population is already flea … does not fit with the work of the “awake” there is an awkward contrast to be elucidated because at the same time Sweden, for a long time, has been feeding mainly on ecological products (at least that’s what is apparent) and circulates with green energy (very destructive …) and installs 5G a little bit everywhere … So !??? Some questions to ask…For the rest ok
Translated with (free version)
October 10, 2020 at 12:04 PM
Sad but true
October 19, 2020 at 9:22 PM
Peter, I thought Trump removed us from globalization with ending the Pairs climate agreement. Why would he want to put us back into a global situation when he has made claims that he doesn’t want globalization for the USA?
He has said this at Davos.
October 19, 2020 at 9:24 PM
Peter, I thought Trump removed us from globalization with ending the Pairs climate agreement. Why would he want to put us back into a global situation when he has made claims that he doesn’t want globalization for the USA?
He has said this at Davos.
October 20, 2020 at 11:37 AM
No idea where and whay you have read about globalisation Trump wants to return. This is not true. The future will be self governing by the people without politicians. Read more about globalisation here
And about self governing nere:
November 18, 2020 at 7:42 PM
Hello Peter. I have been trying to get myself updated about QFS and Gesara on your website. Thanks for all the information!
I keep reading that gold will gain in value, but I haven’t found an explanation from you WHY it will. I am not a financial wizard, so maybe I am not understanding everything. But if there is enough gold in the secured vaults already, to serve as the gold-backing for all the Gesara approved currencies, then that is taken care of – no extra gold needed here. And if every person who has a bank account containing legally acquired fiat money will have all of their money converted into the new QFS currency (which is already gold-backed), there will be no need for any extra gold here either. I would not want to carry around gold (heavy) in my purse to go shopping LOL. So, what would then be the reason for gold to suddenly gain in value so much, as you keep saying? There would have to be an extra ordinarily high demand for gold somewhere for that to happen, right? How do you explain this?
November 19, 2020 at 9:41 AM
Good thought question Claudia. The situation is that commodities have been suppressed by the central bank cabal by buying and selling artificial paper gold to lower the prices. Read first my previous written articles on this subject. If you have any question left let me know and will be happy to answer those.
November 30, 2020 at 5:27 PM
Hi Peter
I am understanding things better now. I have a different kind of question for you 🙂 Wanting to invest some savings in physical gold now, for security and investment reasons , I cannot have it lying around at home; and a bank box isn’t safe either (for instance lack of insurance). I have looked into allocated storage where I live (DK), but there is only 1 option and it doesn’t seem safe to me, after reading their paperwork. Looking to the UK, I looked into a company called Goldmoney, and it sounded good on paper but they are getting bad reviews on Trustpilot, so that one is out. I looked into BullionbyPost but their storage fees are so high, it is ridiculous. A couple of other companies I have glanced at in UK are obviously tied to cabals which doesn’t bode well if I want my investments to be safe FROM those, haha. Are there any companies that you know of, that you would trust your own gold savings with in these strange times? Preferably outside of the Eurozone.
March 23, 2021 at 9:20 PM
Hey Peter so if I have currency that has been undervalued and eventually will be brought up to the same dollar for dollar will my currency be worth alot of money soon?
November 30, 2020 at 7:05 PM
The problem is well known by me. You could contact Doijer & Kalff company they sell gold and silver and have private storge. They are reliable. One of the owners is Corne van Drogenbroek.
December 9, 2020 at 8:58 PM
Thank you so much for the suggestion Peter. I have been trying to get a hold of them via email/phone ever since (for an English version of their conditions) but they just don’t get back to me. Sorry to bother you like this, but do you maybe have another recommendation? LOL
Thank you!
January 1, 2021 at 12:36 AM
I am sorry if you have already stated or answered this question numerous times, but do you have any knowledge about when debts will start to be removed? I follow someone on YT and Twitter (Santa Surfing) who has said some ppl are already seeing their loans wiped out. Any info on this? Thanks in advance.
January 1, 2021 at 10:03 AM
Debt relieve or elimination will occur when QFS the new people controlled monetary system officially is introduced. Something to happen in the coming month. Be patient it will happen.
March 3, 2021 at 4:19 PM
Okay, it is March now and you said that QFS would be happening last month. We don’t see anything happening. Can you elaborate on what might be coming up since we didn’t see anything in February as you said would happen?
January 11, 2021 at 5:40 PM
Peter, do you think Bitcoin will become obsolete and useless because of a QFS? Doesn’t the QFS do what Bitcoin does in terms of secure monetary transactions with no middle man, just way better?
January 11, 2021 at 6:55 PM
It is not the system, if really is independent, but the intrinsic value of the coin, which is ZERO!Read more in detail about bitcoin here
January 12, 2021 at 3:03 PM
Thanks for your efforts to explain the QFS Peter. My question is about real estate owned by people and what happens w their real estate and the equity when a system like QFS emerges?
January 23, 2021 at 3:40 AM
Right now physical gold (locally here in Wyoming) is about $1,950 per ounce. That seems high to me. I have some money to invest. Do you think this is a good time for this investment?
I have the same question as the previous person about real estate that my husband and I own.
We have our home financed through a local bank; will it remain the same? Is it a good time to re-finance?
Will this new system affect State and local taxes at all?
January 23, 2021 at 2:27 PM
All the liquid money you don’t need for regular payments, should be transferred in either silver or gold. Silver has the most upside at this moment and could easily reach between 1,200 and 1,600 per ounce. Gold will go to at least 30.000 an ounce.
Your debt is illegal and shall be removed. No need to refinance.
February 16, 2021 at 4:13 AM
Peter, I have a Mortgage and want to know how I can write to my Bank to get my Mortgage cancelled because I know about the Mortgage fraud but not sure what to write to them. I can’t afford to want for GESARA because it might take to long. I hear of people getting their Mortgage set to zero. How can I do this now?
Thank you so much for your help
February 10, 2021 at 2:01 PM
We stand before a act of mass Genocide that will make Genghis Khan look like Yoshua with an extinction rate of 80% of human population! Being rolled out in record speed by 2022 there Will be anochy, like we have never seen, far too many people are far too eager to listen to the propaganda machine running 24/7 god help us cause us so few can’t 🙏
February 22, 2021 at 8:07 PM
Greetings: From the time I was a kid, people have talked about “666” aka “Mark-of-the-Beast” and how it would somehow mark humans much the way the Nazi party marked the Jewish race. Therefore, when technology advanced allowing for the ability to barcode, barcode then became the feared “666” aka “Mark-of-the-Beast”.
As the technology advanced further RFID smart-chips then became the feared “666” aka “Mark-of-the-beast”.
Watch for that same mentality to determine that a cashless quantum economic system, which “may” use individual DNA to secure each individuals economic account, will then become the feared “666” aka “Mark-of-the-beast” simply because the human races have become increasingly distrusting of government and its use of technologies.
It seems to me that it has always been about a bloodline maintaining their dominion over the human species, and has from the time of our so called “fall” in the Garden of our Eden.
However, as we are apparently currently in the process of transitioning from the old world into a new, it seems to me that this quantum economic system, which apparently cannot be manipulated like the current economic system has been, is a sign that the human species is finally being allowed to reclaim its complete freedom of choose from those whom, for whatever reason/cause were allowed to limit our freewill.
I had hoped that the new economic system would utilize our bio electric signature, but whatever prevents that bloodline from continuing their dominion over us, is fine with me.
If whomever reads this, has interest in reading an article that took me countless years of research to write, following is a link to my blog. It is my hope the time has finally come for the world to begin considering what I learned as a possible vision into what may be coming.
March 5, 2021 at 1:11 AM
Hi Peter , would you recommend I remove my money from the banks please ? I don’t want to vanish also can I buy QF or by silver and whatever I can afford
March 7, 2021 at 4:08 PM
I will be moving to the uk from France and wonder how property prices will be affected by QFS. Will there be such things as mortgages to assist with purchasing a suitable property. Will repayments be just monthly on the mortgage sanctioned (without any other charges).
Thank you
March 15, 2021 at 4:07 PM
I hope to get your advice ASAP! Today 3-15, I think I should move my 401k from a diverse high risk “stock index fund”….. to…. a “stable fund” (Which consists of US based government bonds, insurance co, and municipality bonds). Is this a wise idea to move the $?? My 401k plan has no money market. This stable fund sounds like the most risk adverse. I want to protect my 401k. Pls help. TY!! 🙂
March 18, 2021 at 5:29 AM
I think I have a handle on the QFS….however, explain why some will get their home debt erased and others that don’t own a home or mortgage or any land get nothing in return because they were not able to afford a down payment, timing, or for many other reasons. (had to sell due to covid-19, helping parents, etc). Also, many people over leverage themselves which in this system they also will get ALL their debt removed. So it looks like the rich get richer (always the case) now they literally OWN debt free properties (in some cases all over the world). This would free up more money for the rich. Seems there should be a more fair way of distribution of funds. Just erasing debt will cause an incredible Out of Balance world……..which was the whole point of the revaluation. Right? or am I not understanding it? Thanks I’d really like your feedback.
March 23, 2021 at 9:28 PM
Hey Peter what’s going to happen to my undervalued currency I own will it be worth alot after the GRC?
Tanks in advance!
July 14, 2021 at 10:43 AM
thank you for this explanation it was pretty easy for me to ‘get’ but I still have no idea how havng gold or silver is used to live day to day affairs as I cant imagne keeping silver in bags in the garden as a freind of mine has done and also how doyou trade with it. Are there any good sites to learn about this and also are the traders able to rort the trading or will ther be set fees and charges and how will this be any less corrupt than the current banking system inmy coutnry Australia which as Brit havng lived here for many years has alwyas seemed a greedy and corrupt governance.
Apprecaitive oaf any replies Patricia
July 14, 2021 at 12:16 PM
Don’t trade precious metals your self, just buy it from e reliable local source and store in a private personally controlled safe.