The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



The new energy

An Awakened Consciousness is the Next Evolutionary Step for Humanity Awakened consciousness is not understood by sleeping minds living under collective MSM hypnosis. There are no issues or arguments that can help anyone to awaken. This language can only be… Continue Reading →

There never was ancient Rome and Egypt

Please pay attention: This is our true story   Ancient Greece was never, and is now being discovered Ancient Rome and Egypt were also fictions!   Breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology and Egyptology tend to support the following theses, based… Continue Reading →

New energies

Message to all New Earth Starseeds The Pléiadiens are the Masters of Light, Consciousness and Ascension and are indeed the benevolent guardians of the evolution of humanity on Earth! They clearly speak higher truths to the people of Earth, in… Continue Reading →

Humanity has very little time to prepare for what is coming

Consciousness is your password Consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it or fail! In that moment you will be alone! No one will… Continue Reading →

False tales from fake ‘antiquity’ scholars

Mythology Mythology is a genre of folklore or theology that consists mainly of stories that play a fundamental role in a society, such as base stories or origin myths. For historians, philosophers or theologians, this is very different from using… Continue Reading →

Ancient Greece never existed

Destruction of ancient literature Human history is based on loose fragments. Why do we know nothing about our past and its many artefacts? Over the centuries, much of the literature and artefacts have been deliberately destroyed to keep people stupid… Continue Reading →

Smooth transition to QFS in Antarctica underway

QFS money system secured The continent of Antarctica contains a portal that can transport selected global elites to distant worlds in other galaxies of the universe, where they will be well cared for but forever banished from planet Earth.  … Continue Reading →

Learning by doing

Education at school teaches nothing After clean water and food, education is the next most important human need. Education should be a benefit to the individual and to society, right? Wrong. Education is only a benefit if free market conditions… Continue Reading →

Our Generation Decides the Future of Humanity on Planet Earth

History is being falsified By now it is well known that we live in a manipulated 3D world where nothing is real. A look back into the true history of mankind on planet Earth tells us more and clearly shows… Continue Reading →

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