The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


Deep State

Soulless humans

First human to receive DNA upgrade was 300,000 year ago Based on documented fossils and Sumerian writings, the arrival of humans on Earth can be dated to more than four hundred and fifty thousand years ago. According to the Sitchin… Continue Reading →

Happiness and true wealth come from within

Conspiracy between Governments and Banks Prosperity is a Frequency You should never be sick   Conspiracy between Governments and Banks Meanwhile, many realise that taxes, borrowing and spending money does not lead to prosperity and thus the current system has… Continue Reading →

One World Government

Open your Eyes Government is people’s greatest enemy The Bankers Control Government Everything is a lie can you imagine a world without lawyers? Disclosure of the past Democracy is the problem – Anarchy the natural solution   Open your Eyes… Continue Reading →

Global Swamp

How Planet Earth is being Ruined  Introduction To defeat our oppressors, it is essential to know their organisational structure and tactics used. The previous article outlined their structure, apparently still understood by few. The following exposes their applied modus operandi…. Continue Reading →

Who Rule the World?

The dark corners of secretive global powers Huge Amount of Concentrated Control in Small Number of Hands Interconnectedness of Top Players Who is the Main Player? Who is Who of Global Power Brokers   The dark corners of secretive global… Continue Reading →

Global Collapse Imminent

A self-created Problem in search for a Solution Middle Class wiped-out Debt money could have been issued ‘Debt-free Help Wanted   A self-created Problem in search for a Solution The world economy is not brought to its knees, by incompetence, but… Continue Reading →

Abundance and Prosperity for All

Our revolution has begun Breakthrough through mass awakening Octopus Leader Satanic Deep State removed The Anunnaki Invasion Billions condemned to painful premature death   Our revolution has begun Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation…. Continue Reading →

Turning Point

Collective Awakening New Era Turning Point   Collective Awakening The world has arrived at the most important crossroads in its civilisation. The globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have destroyed society both in industry, climate, culture and civilisation,… Continue Reading →

Fake money bubble bursts

The Chains of Your Slavery Let Mr. Market set prices and interest rates Fake interest rates provide fake capital What readers write   The Chains of Your Slavery All countries are stalled. They have built their economies on fake money… Continue Reading →

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