The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


medieval serfs

QFS ousts fraudulent monetary system

Deep State’s funding swindle Real money changed into fake money Stimulus is Fraud  Taxpayer Monies Laundered Through Privately Owned Tax Offices     Corrupt Debt-Money-System let us live as Medieval Serfs The banking system is a fantastic business; they lend… Continue Reading →

The Money Market Riggers

Experimenting with quantitative easing and negative interest rates We are living like medieval serfs Central Banks are not tied to checks and balance audits The QFS has accounts for each and every human being on this planet Real money is linked with… Continue Reading →

Finishing off the Fed

The Financial System is designed to put everyone into debt Corrupt bankers, want the world financially destroyed     Monetary policy Monetary policy, means how much money is printed, how much credit is created, and how much it costs. The… Continue Reading →

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