The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


New Wereld Order

All Wars are Bankers Wars

Governments are Designed to Control the People Worldwide Network of Powerful Forces   Control of the Many by the Few The Wrong People destroy Everything Politics is full of fraud without integrity When the crisis was made a business   Governments… Continue Reading →

Abundance and Prosperity for All

Our revolution has begun Breakthrough through mass awakening Octopus Leader Satanic Deep State removed The Anunnaki Invasion Billions condemned to painful premature death   Our revolution has begun Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation…. Continue Reading →

Deep State Trapped

Unity is Power New World Order Debt money system MSM propaganda for organised crime Gold as money has value of its own Real Wealth requires little money   Unity is Power Our unity is the antithesis of the ego-worshipping Deep… Continue Reading →

Lies no Truths

Tell lies instead of truths Major revelations coming Humane Misery   Tell lies instead of truths Civilisation, the product of thousands of years of effort, is hanging by a thread. Degeneration can be observed everywhere. As the world sinks into… Continue Reading →

Collapse of Fiat Money System

Independent and Creative Thinking Paradigm shift in the global monetary system De-Dollarisation Plan Now or Never    Independent and Creative Thinking Independent and objective thinking is what is needed for transition to the 5D world. Italian Maria Montessori (1870 –… Continue Reading →

Brainwashing and Mind Control

Thought Control From freedom to slavery Psychological Violence Political Correctness   Thought Control More commonly known as mind control, brainwashing is coercive persuasion, or thought control, thought reform or forced re-education. It is the concept of altering the human mind… Continue Reading →

In the year 3023 a look back in time

Thousands of centuries of oppression A trigger is set to collapse the debt-money system Un-manipulated gold coins A look back in time from the year 3023   Reflecting how events in our time will be viewed a thousand years from… Continue Reading →

The Divine Plan

Don’t Give Up Now! Trust The Divine Plan!    Consciousness and Oneness break power of Deep State When people wake up and realise that the purpose of life is different from the government policies applied, such as tax increases, among… Continue Reading →

Biggest Change of All Time

Alien Spaceships around planet Earth 2023 Removal of World Leaders Medium for frequency healing Perpetual Fountain of Youth   Alien Spaceships around planet Earth 2023 will be the year of our liberation from debt bondage. Behind the scenes, we are… Continue Reading →

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