The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Real Money versus Cryptos and Currencies

Money marks the relationships between people What is the danger that threatens the Dollar? Why and How Bankers control precious metal prices Panic will take the gold price to unsuspected heights Money must be a commodity When the money goes… Continue Reading →

The Money Market Riggers

Experimenting with quantitative easing and negative interest rates We are living like medieval serfs Central Banks are not tied to checks and balance audits The QFS has accounts for each and every human being on this planet Real money is linked with… Continue Reading →

The Money Counterfeiters

Central Banks and Tax Offices are cabal owned corporations Inflation is plain Theft eventually leading to Stagflation Free money is a scam corrupting society     The Deep State is loosing global control In the two previous articles here and… Continue Reading →

Repo Markets in Panic

The Stage of self-destruction The Credit Cycle The function of the Repo Market It is getting very ugly for the big banks Scrambling for liquidity scarcity that cannot be resolved Market melt-up and meltdown Summary   The end of existing… Continue Reading →

The Biggest Scam in History of Mankind

The destruction of modern society The insanity of negative interest rates New Socialism Valuable reserves are the foundation of any stable currency     Hidden Secrets of Money Who owns the Federal reserve? You are about to learn one of… Continue Reading →

The Vatican Deception

Succeeding Pontiffs History of Vatican City and Catholic Church Vatican’s Satanic Paedophile followers The Truth will come out, but will be difficult to accept!     A sovereign nation The Vatican is the holy seat of the Catholic world, also… Continue Reading →

The Multi-Billion Sickness Industry

People are not aware how subtly their lives have been influenced The Pharmaceutical human ills market Preventive health care is prohibited   No Healthcare but Sickness is the aim Health care is a pathological lie, there never has been the… Continue Reading →

Mainstream Media Indoctrination

The Year of the Light   When the TRUTH will Prevail  The importance what media means to government Misinformation that discloses the New World Order What is needed is overpowering uncontrollable mass awakening Your freedom begins with your consciousness  … Continue Reading →

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