The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Why gold is money

Gold is real money Money system: The world money system is based on the creation of money out of nothing, something that doesn’t exist, and lending it to people, governments, and businesses in return for interest. Money that is created out… Continue Reading →

Crisis Awareness

More debt than economic value: The authorities want you to believe that the financial problems from 2008 have been fixed. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Governments have created more bubbles and more debt. The measures to abolish the “too big to fail” banks have… Continue Reading →

The end of the beginning

The Picture: In Greece the images of closed banks, smashed store windows, empty shops and desperate people were seen. Imagine soon the same is happening in your neighbourhood. In the beginning no one really knows what’s happening, people stare around,… Continue Reading →

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