The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


New World Order

Your Face Mask not the Virus is the Killer 

People are brainwashed to believe the opposite The truth behind Facemasks should wake up the masses!   The Medical Mafia at work What Caring for Each Other? Class-action Lawsuits against Perpetrators Summation  Unity is Power   Permanent Neurological Brain Damage by… Continue Reading →

Fear induced financial crash

Covid Hoax is psychological warfare Economic destruction Central Bank Money Printing Funds the Rich People are Slave Workers on the Plantation COVID-19 is Fear and Hysteria Counterfeit money transfers real wealth   Not about saving Lives, but to implement the… Continue Reading →

What will the future look like?

The post-COVID world that awaits The Coronavirus Loot is next Fake money drove up stock prices 300%   The economy and humanity is being devastated with something that doesn’t exist The Shadow Government rules the Deep State in a matrix… Continue Reading →

Face Masks is Health Hazard

Pandemic is a Hoax Problem- Reaction- Solution is the Cheat Get Acquainted with Your Greatest Enemy The Great Awakening Freedom is happiness Presented as Soundcloud recording     How people intentionally are made sick The Corona pandemic was and is… Continue Reading →

Economic Corona Damage

House arrest and liberty restriction are a rehearsal for your NWO-imprisonment Businesses stopped doing business – Consumers stopped consuming The end of the existing global financial debt-money system People need to see for themselves what is going on Mass awakening… Continue Reading →

Mainstream Media Indoctrination

The Year of the Light   When the TRUTH will Prevail  The importance what media means to government Misinformation that discloses the New World Order What is needed is overpowering uncontrollable mass awakening Your freedom begins with your consciousness  … Continue Reading →

What a Clinton Presidency would have been like

The Awakening from Ignorance Nothing is what it seems     The beginning of the final battle: We live in an age where the delusions and ignorance of modern civilisations have become the global norm. Most of the problems in… Continue Reading →

The Longstanding Target

The invisible government:   Powerful international Banksters: Already in 1922, former New York City mayor John F. Hylan warned;   “The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over… Continue Reading →

The Electric Car Cheat

The rule of thermodynamics delivers the proof; Only wireless power transmission will change the game:   Electric Car is Old Technology: Electric cars were already developed about 120 years ago, and were abandoned because of the limitation of energy that… Continue Reading →

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