The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


Papal Hierarchy

True Historical Development

Papal Hierarchy Jesuitism is the most absolute form of despotism Knights of Malta and Jesuits working together!   Who controls the world? People will be astonished when the truth is revealed in the time to come. The Jesuits and the… Continue Reading →

How Your Freedom Was Taken Away

United Nations is the DS world government Propaganda of the Galactic Federation Papal Hierarchy Jesuitism is absolute form of despotism True prophets transform negativism into positive energies Higher frequencies break through the veils of secrecy   Atomic destruction for nothing… Continue Reading →

Mind Boggling Historical Truth

The Papal Hierarchy Jesuitism is the most absolute kind of despotism The Knights of Malta and the Jesuits work together! Hegelian synthesis of Communism versus Capitalism The One Thing That Truly Matters The Jesuits are in control of most of the multinationals… Continue Reading →

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