The Final Wakeup Call - English

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False tales from fake ‘antiquity’ scholars

Mythology Mythology is a genre of folklore or theology that consists mainly of stories that play a fundamental role in a society, such as base stories or origin myths. For historians, philosophers or theologians, this is very different from using… Continue Reading →

Smooth transition to QFS in Antarctica underway

QFS money system secured The continent of Antarctica contains a portal that can transport selected global elites to distant worlds in other galaxies of the universe, where they will be well cared for but forever banished from planet Earth.  … Continue Reading →

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Eye-opening secret information almost nowhere to be found   The Intention is People without Wealth Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands WW2 traitor It is all about Speed of Communication Documents from 1954 prove all this!   The Intention is People… Continue Reading →

Power Requires Mastery

Mastery is Responsible Use of Power   Misuse of Power The real purpose of governments and agencies, always and everywhere, is to enable the few to exploit the many. The current Deep State money system is the most cunning way… Continue Reading →

Free Energy and Frequency Healing

Unlimited Energy Vibration Healing through Frequency Therapy Pythagoras’ discovery of sound healing 40,000 years ago vibration healing was applied through 111 Hz   Free energy available throughout the atmosphere Of all Tesla’s inventions, there was one that never saw the… Continue Reading →

QFS system Advanced without Equivalent

ABUNDANCE FOR ANYONE WHO RECOGNISES THE VALUE     QFS ends corrupt Cabal central banking systems The Quantum Financial System – QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It has no opponent;… Continue Reading →

Planet Earth requires a thorough cleaning

The fifth-dimensional world   If the question is, what is wrong on planet Earth? Is the answer, everything, from food, agriculture, language, education, health, technology, science, sports, money, business, and much more.   In the fifth dimension, planet Earth gets… Continue Reading →

Planet Earth requires restructuring and new way of thinking

The Great Milestone for Humanity is the Year 2022     Ability is the only limit If your question is, what is wrong on Earth right now? Is the answer, everything, from food, agriculture, language, education, health, technology, science, sports,… Continue Reading →

Mass Awakening Required

The Octopus top is no more Billions of people condemned to agonising premature death Illusionary democracy Divide and Conquer The Deep State is going down   Our revolution has started The waiting is for the great breakthrough in mass awakening,… Continue Reading →

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