The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


November 2015

Bitcoin explained

Satoshi Nakamoto a genius-geek is the inventor of Bitcoin. He created it entirely out of code. It would have all the main features that good money has. It would be divisible, portable, durable, uniform in quality, and scarce. He chose… Continue Reading →

The Khazarians own the world

Those who love their personal freedom, read below essay:   The goals of the Khazarian Mafia: The Khazarians have put their importance on the all-out control over the world population, and possession of all resources on Earth for which trillions has been… Continue Reading →

Glitters Deceive

Major global crisis ever: Everything looks quite normal; your neighbours live still in their oversized houses, drive the kids to and from school in brand new luxury cars, so no one thinks about an impending economic collapse. However the truth… Continue Reading →

Geopolitical changes and Financial Collapse

King Dollar about to be exiled: The US is loosing the petrodollar. The US fleet abandoned the Persian golf after in 2014 the destroyer Donald Cook in the Black Sea was disabled by a high-tech target system from Russia. The… Continue Reading →

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