The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


March 2016

Why gold is money

Gold is real money Money system: The world money system is based on the creation of money out of nothing, something that doesn’t exist, and lending it to people, governments, and businesses in return for interest. Money that is created out… Continue Reading →

Freedom for all

The End of Debt Slavery:   Freed banking system: A fully free banking system and fully reliable gold standard have not as yet been achieved. But prior to World War I, the banking system in most of the world was… Continue Reading →

Gold Flashes

Gold’s monetary features:   Eroding value of currencies: Gold is the perfect hedge for the eroding value of currencies. Most people don’t own physical gold. They don’t view it as a long-term investment or even as a store of wealth…. Continue Reading →

Blockchain Payment system

How the world can be saved:   Payment revolution: Long ago, people bought and sold things face-to-face. A pair of shoes was bought from the shoe shop, paid for by cash and later by plastic card. Then came the online… Continue Reading →

Silver is Shining

Silver is indispensable: Of all elements, silver is the indispensable precious metal. It is the most electrically and thermally conductive, and reflective metal on earth. Modern life, as is known, would not exist without silver. Due to scientific discoveries the industrial… Continue Reading →

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