Translation, editing and revision from Russian
Very little is known about our past history. More is found in the Slavic culture, because the cabal was not able to intervene in it for lack of knowledge, as it did in the West? Fortunately, therefore, much more has been preserved than originally thought!
In order to raise a worthy generation of descendants, we are taken through a special initiation course where our souls are placed in mortal bodies under the worst possible conditions to train them, provided there is always a balance of power.
This article has attempted to combine much unknown knowledge and science with Western insights to provide a clear understanding.
Book of Wisdom of Perun
Perun Vedas Santies, the Book of Wisdom of Perun, is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan sacred legends, preserved by the Sages-Keepers of the Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church, in short ARYC.
Santies, in the original form, could only be called a book in a figurative sense, because Santies – are plates, made of noble, non-rusting metal, on which Ancient H’Aryan Runes are inscribed.
Ancient runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our modern understanding, runes are secret images that store vast amounts of information. This ancient form of runic writing hasn’t disappeared like many other ancient alphabets and remains the main form of writing used by the Wise Ones of ARYC.
In ancient times, H’Aryan runes were used as the basis for the creation of various simplified forms of writing: Ancient Sanskrit, Devanagari, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic-Scandinavian runes and various other runic inscriptions. In order to preserve the H’Aryan Runic script for our descendants, it is taught in the theological seminaries of the ARYC, so that the ancient wisdom doesn’t disappear in hard times and is passed on from generation to generation.
To imagine what Santies look like, remember that each Santy consists of 4 plates. Each plate has 4 shlocks (2 on each side) and each shlock has 9 lines. Each line has a single upper “heavenly” line under which 16 runes are written. 9 Santies on 36 plates form one circle, and these plates, containing 144 shlocks, are fastened together with 3 rings.9 circles of Santies, containing 1296 shlocks, or 11664 lines, or 186624 mutually controlled H’Aryan runes, make up the pictorial collection called VEDA, since ancient times.
The Norse word Edda probably comes from the word Veda, but this is not confirmed.
The content of the Book of Wisdom of Perun has the form of a dialogue and was written almost 40 000 years ago. In the First Circle it is told what commandments God Perun gave to the nations of the Great Race and Heavenly Kin; about forthcoming events during the time of Svarozhich Circle and 99 Circles of Life [40176 years]; and many others.
The Book of Wisdom of Perun is only a small part of the Aryan heritage. There are many more Santies, but they are kept hidden by the Keepers of the Wisdom because they contain strategically important information that can’t be released to the public at this time.
The first translation into modern Russian, from H’Aryan Karuna [ancient H’Aryan language], was done by Slavic Sages in the summer of 106772 [1944 AD], since the founding of Irian Asgard. Since then, it has been republished several times, but in a very limited number of printed copies, available only to the communities of ARYC.
The last edition was published in the summer of 7507 [1999 CE]. But it was not until the 2000s that the book was distributed via the Internet, where it gained great popularity and approval among Russian-speaking truth seekers.
If you’re a white man, it’s your duty to know your roots, your true gods and the Aryan way of life. White people will never win this war without the true knowledge given to us by the Aryan Gods, our creators.
The Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church [ARYC] is an association of people who follow one of the branches of the Old Faith called Yngliism. People who follow it are called Ynglings. Mention of the Ynglings can be found in “Heimskringla” – “Ynglinga Saga”. [According to the ARYC Word, Yngliism comes from the word Yngliya. Rough translation – Primary Divine Fire].
It is the faith of our white ancestors [Indo-Europeans] that was dominant until the period of Christianisation. It is also known as the Norse religion. Although it is not a religion, it is a code of knowledge.
In ancient times, when we [white people] lived as one race and spoke one language, our culture spread all over the planet and left its mark on many nations, including Hindu. Even now, when all languages are confused, we can see obvious similarities, like with the word ‘Veda’. In both Hindu and Russian it means “knowledge” [the Russian verb “ведать” means “to know”].
Foreign enemies have been destroying Aryan knowledge since the Christianisation of our lands, and they are still doing it. That’s why it is hidden. Besides, no one can prove the authenticity of other holy books like the Bible.
Aryans are mainly people with white skin. Actually there are many other genetic factors, but white skin is the main one.
The swastika is the oldest and our most sacred symbol on earth, it has nothing to do with Nazis. However, the Aryan faith shares many aspects of Nazi ideology, especially in terms of racial purity. Not because of politics, but because of common sense. And also because our gods said so.
What does the swastika actually mean? Where does it come from? It’s certainly a cosmic symbol, but you have to understand its meaning for yourself.
Alexander Hinevich is the leader of ARYC. He is the man behind the last publication of the Slavic Aryan Vedas. He didn’t translate runic texts, but he did write commentaries for old and unknown words. He is considered by many Old Believers in Russia to be the unofficial leader, but Hinevich never agreed to this.
This is not just a book. It is an instruction given to us directly from the Gods in the case of the events that are now taking place on Midgard (planet Earth). It is unlikely that white men will succeed without this knowledge.
When you have read the book and understood its meaning, you should spread it as far and wide as you can and propagate it wherever you can. You may not get the approval of many people around you, but you will undoubtedly find those who are able to understand the truth.
Before you start reading, you should understand the main points of the story. There is an advanced alien civilisation we call the Aryan Gods. We don’t know exactly when or where they came from. But we do know that they were behind the creation of the white race on this planet. In ancient times there was a continent at the North Pole called Daaria [also known as Hyperborea, Thule, Avalon]. And those Aryan gods and the first white men lived there.
Then something happened and the continent was destroyed [the details are in the book]. So most of the inhabitants moved to the Eurasian continent. The Book of Wisdom of Perun describes the events that happened after the destruction of Daaria.
Be truthful with your soul and mind. Worlds are held by truth. Their gates – truth; for it is said that on truth rests immortality. After turning away from sins, it is necessary to perform vows and commandments. Such conduct, created by the Unified God, leads to immortality through the Truth… Humans, keep the holy scriptures unchanged.
The awakening of man takes place only in understanding, and the eye of cognition saves him… Having attained knowledge, the human child again looks at the Vedas, and again the aspiration for spiritual life becomes duty, and the head of all actions becomes conscience…
When he listens to his conscience, he hates all evil, this makes his conscience strong, and man creates his happiness, and in his happiness man himself is created…
Tranquil people are always skilful in their deeds and unswerving in their duty to the kin…
They don’t imagine anything unlawful, and they don’t act sinfully.
Dishonourable or unreasonable people, be they men or women, do not succeed in fulfilling their duty before gods and kin, and become like aliens…
Those who have a conscience, honour gods and ancestors and go to immortality, but not to the hellish world…
Everywhere are the ruins of the Great Sanctuaries, and the cities are destroyed by the fierce fire that rose from Rutta to the sky…
There is no more life on earth without the sun, no plants, no birds, no animals … Only the wind carries the dust over the valleys, filling the gorges of the intermountain … Despondent and silent, in this world of ruins, where once there was life far and wide.
After the end of the wars, those who remained alive were irradiated with saran…
And the humans lost their consciousness and will, and on the orders of the alien enemies they extracted riches and minerals… And when those earthlings ran out of riches and all minerals were exhausted to the limit, all humans were destroyed by enemies who exported everything they had gained to those earths… But those earthlings were aliens and were expelled, so they sent Flush-Destroyer…
To restore the Zarbine Circle, to make the Stargate Spiral beam again, extract Movement Crystals, in part, which will fade in half a quarter… Instead of the Movement Crystals of Svarga, which are on the borders, install Yngliya Crystals for the Svarozhich system… The Light of the Outworld, manifested in Nav’, will glow in the Yngliya Crystals…, and casting a powerful stream, it will restore the Zarbine’s glow… As the Spiral manifests with straight radiance on the Zarbine Circle before you, the Crystals will return to their previous state, for the Outworld will be opened to you… Be warned, the Light of the Outworld is harmful, it absorbs the radiations of the Soul… and so the mind fades in it, unable to understand what is happening to the Soul…
The lives of unreasonable, soulless creatures do not go to Svarga, but to Hell… And there they suffer in a pitch of darkness, not knowing themselves nor what has happened…
So be careful what you do, and don’t tempt fate in vain… Many people have been destroyed by curiosity, those who tried to know Outworld… Outworld’s rays are harmful to health, and humans are incapable of understanding its nature… Life there flows according to different laws…
They’ve lived quietly on Midgard since ancient times when the world was founded… They remember from the Vedas, from the deeds of Dazhd’bog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Kosheys, which were located on the nearest moon85 … Turh did not allow the insidious Kosheys63 to destroy Midgard, as they had destroyed Dea.
Many people died at that time, those who couldn’t ascend to Vitemanas or pass through the stargates and saved themselves in the Bear System…
Faith in the success of your glorious deeds is the most important thing at this time… If deeds are secured with faith, what can prevent deeds from happening… Only in the work created by community will you cover your relatives with glory…
Only by uniting all Kins through Ancient Faith will you defend your beautiful Midgard… Ancient connections will be restored, and to the calls of the descendants – the ancestors will answer. The aliens won’t be able to prevent this, for they will be banished from Svarga to hell…
But remember, people, this enemy is vengeful and only pretends not to care about Svarga. But in reality, they are hiding from sight, and a weapon of vengeance is ripening… They know nothing of honour and heavenly truth, for there is no conscience in their hearts.
The extraterrestrials have destroyed many earthlings, in various systems of the Svarozhich Circle… Black envy darkens their minds when they see each other’s prosperity…
Envy, deception, lust for others, that is their goal, even in a hellish world… And that is why the aliens try to conquer everything in Svarga and in the world between… Remember, people of the Great Race, everything I told you on this beautiful evening… The main thing is that this knowledge will not be useless for your descendants.
- Midgard: Ancient Aryan name of our planet
- Daaria-Thule-Hyperborea
Why have our gods allowed all this to happen? They are the creators, they can do anything. And they told us about everything that has happened and will happen on Midgard. But they left us, just before the appearance of the alien enemies. This sounds strange, unless you understand that the whole situation here on Midgard was planned by our Aryan gods from the very beginning.
The main reason for the creation of the White Race is the need to expand the Aryan civilisation. It can be likened to a giant family tree, with more advanced sub-cultures giving birth to new sub-cultures and then raising them to further expand the family.
Today we are just little children, under the guardianship of our gods. But one day we will grow up and become like our gods. But that’s the hardest part. How do you raise a worthy generation of offspring? If you just collect a bunch of souls and give them divine power, it will not lead to anything good. Because such souls would have no experience and would easily give in to the dark forces.
To raise a worthy generation of offspring, you should put them through a special initiation course. You should place these souls in mortal bodies, in the worst possible conditions, to train them into worthy Aryan warriors.
The most important part of this is to expose them to pure evil. The idea is that the universe is divided into two opposing poles, one being good and the other evil. Both sides have many different civilisations. And the main purpose is the opposition between these two sides. The main rule is that there must always be a balance of power. Otherwise, one of the two sides will take over and the whole purpose of the universe would be ruined.
Even ignoring the most obvious evidence of their presence, which can be found almost everywhere on our planet, you only have to look at Norse mythology to see that the main theme of these legends is an opposition between humans and reptilians-dragons-snakes.
Even official science, as you may recall, confirms the existence of reptilian beings, stating that they were destroyed by a meteorite, or perhaps it was just an advanced weapon of mass destruction? But it sounds too good to be a coincidence. Someone destroyed them deliberately, and most likely it was the Aryans who did it, in order to cleanse Planet Earth for some time for humans.
So those of the reptiles who survived moved inside the Earth. And note, this is not propaganda for the Hollow Earth theory. But there are huge underground caves, deep under the earth, where these creatures live to this day.
It also looks like these Reptiles/Kosheys have been isolated there for a very long time. And they are probably kept there against their will.
This was the case until recently, when unusual things began to happen, such as the destruction of the Moons, the destruction of Daaria and the appearance of the alien enemies. It is at this point in history that our gods seem to have begun their training programme. If in the times of Daaria our gods stayed on Midgard on a permanent basis, since the migration from Daaria all gods moved somewhere and at some time they took the most advanced technologies with them.
Most of the ancient structures built on Midgard, such as pyramids and temples, indicate the use of very advanced technologies. There are many documentaries about this, so you probably already know this.
The Kosheys appeared simultaneously in many different parts of Midgard. The most notable are Sumer, India, North and South America. You can easily trace the presence of Kosheys/Reptilians there. But the most influential centre of their power and probably their starting point was Sumer in Mesopotamia, known as Babylon.
First appeared alien religion on Midgard, which later evolved into most of the modern religions, reading the book called “Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop is recommended to get the full picture of these events, concerning religion topic.
As for the most interesting aspect; where are our gods now? The answer is obvious on our moon. On the dark side? No, they are inside the moon.
Moons are not just simple rocks, they are huge, man-made, working space stations. And not only the Aryans possess them. As you may recall from the Book of Perun, there were three moons in Midgard’s orbit, and one of them surely belonged to the Kosheys.
What are the remaining moons in our orbit, but Koshey? There are many things that support a theory. The main one is that we are still alive, living on the same planet as the hostile alien race, who are far superior to us.
They would have easily turned us into slaves if they had the chance, as they have done many times on other planets, as you remember from the Book of Perun. But that hasn’t happened yet, and it looks like they’re still hiding here. Why else would they need all this conspiracy? They are clearly waiting for something; perhaps an order from our gods to start some special event like the so-called Ragnarök in Norse mythology, as the final challenge of our test?
Anything is possible. But there are other facts that can’t be ignored. Where do you think our souls go when our bodies die? Of course there should be a place where souls are treated. Besides, if you were in the place of the gods and you were doing this kind of operation, wouldn’t it be obvious to set up an outpost to control and monitor everything that happens on this planet?
Probably obvious. And why do you think our governments are not trying to colonise it? Why do you think they have classified most of the footage from the moon landing programme? There are many more questions to be answered and understood. So we are not finished yet!
Moons are not just simple rocks, they are huge, man-made, operational space stations. And not only the Aryans possess them. As you remember from the Book of Perun, there were three moons in Midgard’s orbit, and one of them surely belonged to the Kosheys.
Stay tuned, more to come…
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The New Age has finally arrived! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.
Many will ask: when will change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!
To be continued as time will tell us more …
May 3, 2024 at 1:02 PM
Okay, this reminds me of how Nazi Germany dealt with those bankers at the time 1. The German Empire declared a ban on loans, eliminated inflation and restored the economy. 2. The German Empire independently issued marks and prohibited the use of U.S. dollars and other other bonds. 3. Arrange more job opportunities for unemployed people and reduce the monopoly and division of labor in the industry. 4. Encourage births and the development of emerging industries, and technology and population will develop rapidly. 5. Encourage the development of entrepreneurship and innovative industries and reduce the collapse of most industries. As a result everything was terminated in 1939 and post-war technology was confiscated in paper clips. From the beginning of the Cold War until the 9/11 incident, what would have happened without Hitler?
May 3, 2024 at 1:44 PM
This revelation has confused me. Many new things all together with words that can not understand. Maybe, in futures articles I will fund the answers. I hope. Thank you Peter B Meyer.
May 3, 2024 at 6:40 PM
Read this info a couple of times to get acquainted with the deeper meaning…
May 3, 2024 at 1:55 PM
I think the Illuminati Deep State, run by George Soros, they are constantly suppressing psychic information and the most authentic people, They have been ostracizing these people in the American community, especially the congressional UAP hearings that were manipulated. Mainstream media and educational institutions regarded it as a conspiracy theory. Organized religion was promoting and spreading prophetic false information and fear. These corrupt politicians and Bankers have become billionaires by playing games with people, politics and beliefs through money. These deceptive and fraudulent false descriptions, so-called free will have become a fiction. Simply put, some sheep have succumbed to the temptation of materialism. They are serving A Babylonian debt trap, Babylonian slavery through monopoly and division of labor.
May 3, 2024 at 2:19 PM
Thumbs up for this to the point comment Thanks
Although the Deep State is not run by Soros he mainly is their puppet!
May 3, 2024 at 4:33 PM
Recently, there have been several videos circulating on the net of another planetary body next to the moon. Eventually, will we be seeing another body also, making three moons visible? Up until these recent events, have there been efforts going on to hide these planetary bodies?
May 3, 2024 at 5:11 PM
The other planetary body is planet Niburu
May 4, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Administrator Peter, the current situation cannot be delayed. There are many situations in people’s dreams now. The light forces have announced the situation in advance. They must believe in the process of the entire plan, and ascension has basically begun. People must put aside the material world and do well. Everything is ready. As the material in this world begins to collapse further in the future, be prepared for spiritual life in the golden age. This is a challenge that tests people to go to the fifth-density paradise island. It is difficult to communicate with selfishness and greed. It is difficult to communicate. The panic behind the darkness, those stubborn, paranoid, closed-minded and low-frequency people should be sent to the Pleiades for treatment. At the same time, the true information of the earth will be conveyed to them to promote the growth of their souls. At the same time, the earth will enter the fifth density and the sun is coming soon. Flare events, UFOs appearing in the sky, awakened crowds seeking justice, ascension events preparing.
The ascension process of the earth from three dimensions to five dimensions that we are experiencing is a specific event in the magnificent tapestry of the universe. It has been planned from eternity. There are countless other people like us in the universe who are severely differentiated in duality. three-dimensional world. The journey of the soul is an experience process of evolving from a low-dimensional world to a high-dimensional world. Just like going to school, only qualified graduates can upgrade step by step, and unqualified students can only repeat the grade. Therefore, there is no mission of Star Seeds to liberate the earth at all. The mission of Star Seeds is to help those who have lost their souls in the illusory material world to wake up from their slumber, which is the awakening of consciousness. Only the awakened soul can ascend with the earth to a new dimension and a new earth. And those who are still addicted to material, money and power will not be able to pass the coming Doomsday Judgment of God. Their souls will either go to hell or be reincarnated into another painful three-dimensional world where there is still serious dual opposition. The material world is an illusory illusion. It is just a product of your consciousness, and consciousness can create everything. So except for your soul consciousness, which is real, everything else you see and perceive is just a string of programmed digital codes (including your body)
May 4, 2024 at 11:27 AM
those stubborn, paranoid, closed-minded and low-frequency people will be hung as they are not allowed tp leave planet Earth!
May 4, 2024 at 11:31 AM
good well written comment!
May 4, 2024 at 3:58 AM
I dreamed that I was surrounded by walls and stone pillars. The last battle of the Galactic War was the Third World War. Commander-in-Chief Trump played the trump card on the 5D chessboard, which was to play the king’s flag. The swamp creature didn’t know The sky is high and the ground crews are draining the swamp in the earth. This is a battle between space, network, and information. This is the end and fatal blow of the dark forces in history.
May 4, 2024 at 8:08 AM
Administrator Peter, the current situation cannot be delayed. There are many situations in people’s dreams now. The light forces have announced the situation in advance. They must believe in the process of the entire plan, and ascension has basically begun. People must put aside the material world and do well. Everything is ready. As the material in this world begins to collapse further in the future, be prepared for spiritual life in the golden age. This is a challenge that tests people to go to the fifth-density paradise island. It is difficult to communicate with selfishness and greed. It is difficult to communicate. The panic behind the darkness, those stubborn, paranoid, closed-minded and low-frequency people should be sent to the Pleiades for treatment. At the same time, the true information of the earth will be conveyed to them to promote the growth of their souls. At the same time, the earth will enter the fifth density and the sun is coming soon. Flare events, UFOs appearing in the sky, awakened crowds seeking justice, ascension events preparing.
May 4, 2024 at 8:35 AM
The ascension process of the earth from three dimensions to five dimensions that we are experiencing is a specific event in the magnificent tapestry of the universe. It has been planned from eternity. There are countless other people like us in the universe who are severely differentiated in duality. three-dimensional world. The journey of the soul is an experience process of evolving from a low-dimensional world to a high-dimensional world. Just like going to school, only qualified graduates can upgrade step by step, and unqualified students can only repeat the grade. Therefore, there is no mission of Star Seeds to liberate the earth at all. The mission of Star Seeds is to help those who have lost their souls in the illusory material world to wake up from their slumber, which is the awakening of consciousness. Only the awakened soul can ascend with the earth to a new dimension and a new earth. And those who are still addicted to material, money and power will not be able to pass the coming Doomsday Judgment of God. Their souls will either go to hell or be reincarnated into another painful three-dimensional world where there is still serious dual opposition. The material world is an illusory illusion. It is just a product of your consciousness, and consciousness can create everything. So except for your soul consciousness, which is real, everything else you see and perceive is just a string of programmed digital codes (including your body)
May 4, 2024 at 10:40 AM
I have a question for Peter. Can you please tell me why the special military operation in Ukraine has been going on for three years now? Is it really so long to destroy the members of the cabal in Ukraine and save the children there and destroy the bio laboratories? Maybe there is another meaning in this delay? What are the real reasons for such a long timeframe to clear the territory of Ukraine?
May 4, 2024 at 11:33 AM
The operation in Ukraine has been completed some years ago. It is the cabal fantasy that it is still alive, in my humble opinion.
May 5, 2024 at 3:48 PM
Thanks Ms. Peter, I think the Simpsons and QANON have mentioned the 2046 dying civilization event, which has caught the world’s attention, I believe aliens and alien civilizations belong to the future human children from our descendants and beyond The version of self that the earth is now too complex and chaotic to be fully prepared for the coming fifth density in the next few decades is likely to happen at any time and every day.
May 7, 2024 at 8:43 AM
Thank you Peter for your message. This is a disaster. Success is a mistake. Ground crews and resistance movements are preventing the sixth mass extinction in 2046. Humanity is awakening further. War or revolution is happening. This is the third sub-independence war prefix, We are doing our best to save the world and deliver the truth to more people. You are right, we cannot enjoy the freedom of wealth. The world is too subject to theft, deception, fraud, and manipulation. After the 911 incident, the subsequent series of events in the past and future were planned by the Bush family and Obama. A scam.
The interests behind these are planned by a 2030 Agenda and they want to cover up the channeled information and the truth released by the most authentic people.
May 7, 2024 at 8:58 AM
But finally we are winning. This is really our last chance, The alternative with 2030 is meanwhile widely known.