Awakening means understanding what is happening
There are extremely powerful energies being sent to planet Earth in the coming weeks that people need to be aware of so that they can wake up and understand what is happening. Absorbing these energies, even though they are very strong, can feel like being pushed to the ground. It is important to survive and not give up, to take advantage of the extra drive in these energies. Our Lord wants you to be convinced and focused on survival by joining the Ascension. It is a critical time in terms of where we are in our spirituality and vibration. Many of us Pleiadians are very tired after doing so much work for the Universe to discover what vibration spirituality brings to fellow human beings.
It will be a difficult time, but this time it could be much more serious. It could be a difficult crisis in the form of food shortages or lack of money as food stores and banks close.
Be prepared, there will soon be a wave of revelations that will not bring peace, but will demand your attention to know what you will be dealing with for some time to come.
But be assured that with all the messages and warnings being sent through the media and other channels, this time is predestined and not entirely new to most of you.
Earth is in a shift to a higher dimension and this means that many people will follow this ascension to the fifth dimension and the new era in our new human-run world. People who do not join this ascension, because they cannot or do not want to, will remain in the lower vibrations without noticing anything.
Our new world is set up to evolve in spirituality, love and compassion. Try to maintain a high vibration, which means being yourself, loving and thinking positively.
Ancient civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu
The origins of life on Earth go back much further in time than is generally known, and are even less well known than the episodes of human history. The first act of adventure began beyond the confines of this planet and extends through star empires, galactic federations, when alien beings visited the then existing civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and those more recently discovered.
In the middle of the 18th century, a few scientists, working from scant evidence, decided that there must have been a lost continent in the Indian Ocean, and they called it Lemuria. On this lost continent, some even thought, once lived a race of now-extinct humans called Lemurians, who had four arms and huge hermaphroditic bodies, but were nevertheless the ancestors of modern humans and perhaps lemurs. As absurd as all this sounds, the idea flourished for a time, both in popular culture and in some corners of the scientific community. Of course, modern science has long since debunked the idea of Lemuria altogether. But then, in 2013, geologists discovered evidence of a lost continent right where Lemuria was supposed to have been, and the old theories began to resurface.
In 1882, at a time of relative ignorance and disbelief about extraterrestrial matters, the scholar Ignatius Donnelly wrote in his book Atlantis:
The Antediluvian World, “that the gods and goddesses of the ancient mythologies were in fact the kings and queens of Atlantis. This was a highly advanced pre-Flood civilisation and the founder of successive human civilisations and communities”.
Dark forces have been dismantled
The Deep State dark forces have been broken on all levels, the cleansing is still ongoing.
Great changes are coming to lift people into the higher consciousness of the 5th dimension as the Light advances. The time has not been wasted. Previous actions were necessary to put everything in its place. To lift the planet to a higher frequency of resonance, to encourage people to move forward.
The battle of the dark forces against the light is definitely lost. They will have to answer for everything in the end. No one will escape until justice is done. Their backs are literally against the wall. This time, victory is ours.
We have a monumental task ahead of us to prevent the hidden forces of darkness from wreaking havoc when they all have to accept defeat. As we look back, much has been done in recent years. Life on Earth has been seriously threatened until 2012.
We can get help, but we must make the changes ourselves, for it is our planet. There will be no more fear psychosis. Planet Earth will become a peaceful, trouble-free world where everyone can thrive and relax. Rest assured, our new era has already begun.
Better things are coming; our new lifestyle will be very different from today’s style. Life will be more varied and relaxed, we will have more time for ourselves, it will be a whole new way of living with very exciting changes ahead. Innovations that already exist have been deliberately withheld from us by the dark forces who have used them themselves. So far our life has been a struggle for survival, but it is gradually improving. New discoveries and ways of living will make our lives very exciting. All the changes that are coming are fascinating and will follow a certain path.
When you were born, you agreed to live your lives along a certain path in order to gain the experience and knowledge that will be essential for the coming changes. Families will become closer. Remember that certain experiences were necessary to help you cope with these changes. In the end all will be well and as it was meant to be. This message comes from the Pleiadians.
Progress Report Summary
- The Deep State Masters surrendered on 9/9/2021. They were flown to Gitmo. By 17th September all countries should have signed the Global Peace Treaty. Great revelations are expected.
- All secret societies will be destroyed. In 1776 it was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, originally called Bauer, who corrupted the financial system to financially enslave humanity. The Rockefellers created the medical system using oil and other poisons to be swallowed as pills.
- Doctors are not properly trained. In fact, the entire medical university curriculum has been confiscated, it is not about healing but about distributing and selling pharmaceutical products to maximise profits.
- The patented (patent #567-6977) Covid injections contain AIDS, other diseases and irreversible toxins to slowly destroy organs from within for the sale of pharmaceutical drugs to permanently maximise their profits.
- The world will switch from the Gregorian calendar back to the Julian calendar to correct a 5 day difference. The 33rd plane line on the earth refers to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry. Evil churches such as in Sedona Arizona will be removed. New mobile phones will no longer radiate.
- This new age has already begun. Better things are coming; our new lifestyle will be very different from today’s style. Life will be more varied, we will have more time to ourselves, it will be a whole new way of living with very exciting changes ahead. Most of them are already here, but they have been deliberately withheld from us by the dark forces who are using them for their own benefit.
- The global banking and monetary system will be abolished and replaced by the QFS system. All major banks will be shut down. Money will be gold and silver coins. Houses will fall in value by 70% and land by 90% to 1950 levels. It will be easier to buy property. Spouses will no longer have to work. The working week will be reduced to 20 hours or less. People who do not want to work can still live comfortably and pursue their hobbies.
- In our new positive world that is dawning; only awake people will be allowed into the 5th dimension of consciousness. There will be no rulers; we will all run our own lives and businesses together. Period!
Pass this information on to everyone you know!
The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.
Many will ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!
Stay tuned…
To be continued, as time will tell us more …
Illuminati, Freemasonry and the New World Order!
A stunning video exposing the – fake Jews – Jewish international bankers as the hidden hand behind the workings of the Freemasons and Illuminati figures usually associated with the world conspiracy to take over the world.
A very useful video showing chronologically how the Deep State cabal came into being and grew. Unfortunately the quality of the video is not optimal. Highly recommended that you take the time to listen to this video.
April 30, 2024 at 8:18 PM
Hey there, a few questions to help alleviate my confusion please:
At first, when I started reading about the 5D world, I thought we were going to be taken to a different planet. Then, this article states we’d stay right here on earth. What did I miss?
Next, I didn’t think there was a choice to go to 5D or stay in 3D world. Now it sounds as though there is. So, what happens if I’m awake, and aware of what’s going on, well as much as can be learned from both sides playing mind games with us… What if I’m angry because I’m tired of it all? What if my thoughts are, Trump and the military are just as much to blame for food shortages, lack of jobs/money, as the Cabal? I mean seriously, if they know it’s coming, and they don’t try to stop it, doesn’t that make them just as guilty?
Finally, what if I’m awake, and my wife doesn’t want to go down any rabbit holes, so she doesn’t really listen to me (heck not just my wife, but just about everybody I know). So will she and I be separated because I’m awake, and she’s not? What about my anger towards the whole thing going on way longer than need be?
Why do we really need to wake people up, if they have no interest in doing their own research? As far as I’m concerned, as soon as “they” knew that the Cabal was doing all of the evil things they were doing, didn’t they arrest them immediately, and just announce it? Do you really think it would start a civil war? I personally don’ think it would. I feel we are closer to civil war now due to the awakened and the woke.
Also, isn’t this all a movie being played out to try and wake others? If that’s the case, then the good guys are in total control, and are allowing the bad things to happen; threat of war, both sides lying, doom of banks, lack of food and clean water, etc. etc. We were told about 7 years ago to prepare for a food shortage. I purchased a lot of food then, and now most of it has spoiled… even canned goods, the tin leaks into the food…
Can’t we just get this over with already? And THEN, it’s supposed to last another 12 years after Trump is re-elected? SMH
May 1, 2024 at 1:20 AM
Well said. Valid questions and concerns that “they” aren’t willing to answer. You have voiced what many of us are thinking and feeling. No sense trying to “wake people up” when all we can show them is lies, and empty promises from forked tongues. What exactly are they supposed to wake up to?
One point I would add is the claim above that those who stay in 3D “won’t notice anything”. Doesn’t that mean nobody goes to 5D? I think those stuck in 3D would definitely notice everyone else suddenly disappearing to 5D.
Also, if the DS Cabal surrendered in 2021 as this article claims, why are 44 million Americans about to lose their homes because they can no longer afford to live!? The “war” should have been over 3 years ago with full disclosure.
No more lies.
May 1, 2024 at 9:23 AM
People that stay in 3D won’t notice they go to another 3D planet to complete their curriculum. The cabal has surrendered the moment the financial system is not valid anymore, or the mob stands up en masse!
May 1, 2024 at 1:41 PM
Awaiting moderation
Teaching Assistant Peter, these two articles contain true information about the historical truth of Atlantis. Please check it out.
Link 1-
Link 2-
May 1, 2024 at 1:48 PM
Francis Bacon is cabal!
May 1, 2024 at 3:32 AM
Nowadays, there are more and more disappointed people walking around because they never know the truth behind it. There are also people who feel that the world is meaningless, that everything they do is boring and absurd, and that living has no value at all. They are affected by some kind of programming control, and the frequency of consciousness is very chaotic. Cobra Blog has said before that these people associated with black hats should ignore them because schizophrenia patients are unteachable people.
May 2, 2024 at 6:59 AM
Indeed, mystics are advocating through religion that “the world is meaningless, doing anything is boring and absurd, and living is of no value at all.” Many cults and organized religions are also promoting their universal values. The irony is that those globalists, fundamentalists, and the Zionist 2030 Agenda conspiracy slap them in the face regardless of religious opinions, other identities, etc. They are communists in name only. They preach that the end of the world is coming and that there is only one solution to save the United States, and that is communist revolution. QANON says that the best way is to catch all these devils and mentally ill people. The best suggestion is to bring these people to justice, send them to military courts, charge them with treason, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and execute them. The Galactic Alliance should consider that the earth should be liberated peacefully, and if this is not possible, liberate the earth by force. .
Crush the cabal in one fell swoop, and then announce the arrival of the Golden Age and the truth to the world.
May 2, 2024 at 9:17 AM
The cabal has to destroy themselves, since 2012 no war is permitted on planet Earth! Wait and see… it will happen!
May 1, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Thank you peter great article, all i can say is ”Bring it on” i’m ready. love to all.
May 3, 2024 at 8:05 PM
When they say, we are in the end times, I certainly believe that.
But, everyone’s end will not be the same. The one’s who believe in division, arguments, certain political agendas, etc. will remain in such a scenario that will create a negative environment of turmoil that will constantly exist, where truth will be never revealed. certainly a dark environment filled with suffering and constant fighting.
The ones who believe in a scenario where our creator resides in all of us, thus creating a scenario that we are all one, will be rewarded by ascending to a world where this is all true. Maybe, through some type of powerful celestial event, with our current earth as a target.
After this, the ones who have persevered will awaken to a world filled with peace and harmony. Also, many amazing things and positive technologies will be revealed that were hidden and controlled by those who previously envisioned themselves as gods and controllers of our realm, for such a long time.
So, as all of us being given free will by our creator, the choice will certainly be ours on an individual basis. There is no right or wrong choice, but certainly will result in your ultimate destiny and soul evolution.
Just my crazy opinion and vision !
May 4, 2024 at 7:48 AM
Hello, your idea has been approved and confirmed by Guangming
May 4, 2024 at 11:39 AM
second option is the case already in progeress. Indeed the choice will certainly be ours on an individual basis. There is no right or wrong choice. Everyone decided for her/him self to ascend yes or no.