The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Status Report

Awakening means understanding what is happening There are extremely powerful energies being sent to planet Earth in the coming weeks that people need to be aware of so that they can wake up and understand what is happening. Absorbing these… Continue Reading →

Your health destroyed

Population growth and eradication by drugs, food, and designed diseases The DS-Global Mafia want people to suffer and die earlier Alkaline has strong potency for treating cancer Enzymes are proteins that ‘catalyse’ chemical reactions Big Pharma and Big Biotech undermine… Continue Reading →

Who is behind the Deep State?

Making money over the backs of the masses The Illuminati are followers of sadistic satanic cults The current state of humanity on our Polarised planet The Very Last Wake Up Call for Humanity on Planet Earth   The Magic of… Continue Reading →

Who Controls the World?

Agenda 2030 is well-advanced The fiat financial system is collapsing worldwide Only a one-time chance to destroy the Deep State from top to bottom Draining the swamp PROTOCOLS OF ZION   A Powerful Tightly Knit Network The pyramid defines the… Continue Reading →

Throw Away those stupid Masks!

People Themselves Determine the End of COVID If we don’t end it now, it will soon be impossible to end it!   Will more people start fighting for their liberty? One World Government Big Brother is Watching You The Medical… Continue Reading →

Government’s determination is the breakdown of society

The main perpetrators are the central bankers The public has become disillusioned of lies and deceptions from politicians Public opinion has turned against the politicians     Clandestine Power hierarchy around the world The control over the world and of… Continue Reading →

Rothschild Crime Construct 3

The way all people have become enslaved Central Banks are a private banking cartel Each country has Rothschild-controlled-officials Bloodline families’ model of power The hidden usurious mechanism is the vehicle of Modern Day Slavery   The power to issue money… Continue Reading →

Who is the most powerful of the World? – Part One

The Black Pope is the Commander in Chief Who Controls the World   Jesuitism is the most absolute kind of despotism The Jesuit controlled Vatican, is the sole owner of all western corporate countries: Satan, through the Freemasons, owns the… Continue Reading →

The Globalists

Communist Russia and China were created for World Enslavement   The necessity for meaningful change The self-professed globalist El-ites or whatever synonym name is preferred by this cabal of people, personifies the forces behind the screens that shape the political,… Continue Reading →

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