The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



The Illuminati Controls the Deep State

We are no longer free people:   The Illuminati: The Illuminati is a secret Order, established by Professor Adam Weishaupt in the year 1771 in the state of Bavaria, in Germany. The Order found itself in deep trouble once Duke… Continue Reading →

Nature’s foundations devastated

Food Fascism is all around us:   The Lie: Genetically Modified Food is a major part of the ‘secret’ agenda 21 controlled by the RK Mafia from the shadows with the demonic biotech cabal, the most notorious being Monsanto. The… Continue Reading →

Financial Fraud

Easy money Corrupts the monetary system:   Virtual Money: “Money” is virtual, a mental concept, an accounting system. Our currency is like a coupon, in other words, money is a medium of exchange. The Central Banking Cartel creates it out… Continue Reading →

The United States of Europe

The History and truth of the EU Super State:   The totalitarian bureaucratic Super State: The hugest deception of the century is the establishment of a totalitarian bureaucratic Super State, the European Union, which was already planned over 60 years… Continue Reading →

Every Bailout makes the world poorer

The measures that would solve the debt problems overnight:     Give Collapse a Chance: Remember how the EU and the USA, a couple of years ago, were desperate to “prevent a catastrophic collapse?” European banks bailed out their speculators…. Continue Reading →

Negative interest rate is foolish

Banksters dirty tricks:   The need to devaluing currencies: Quantitative easing is the only tool left available, with fiscal policies seriously constrained as result of the zero interest rates policy, and only applied because of the need to devaluing their… Continue Reading →

Austerity or Stimulus?

Austerity is wrong – Default is correct:   Austerity is the wrong medicine: Debt levels have to come down, but falling debt levels mean a contracting economy and more unemployment. That is the major issue and the rest is detail…. Continue Reading →

Fraudulent Monetary System

Shooting without Ammunition:   Required Reform: Real money limits the ability of governments to tax, borrow, and spend, which also limits the size of the inevitable debt problem. Fake money is easier for governments to get their hands on, and… Continue Reading →

Worthless pieces of Paper

Interest on fake money is confiscating your freedom:   False and rigged economy: The economy is no longer based on education, hard work, and free market principles – the pricing and accountability that real free markets impose. Instead, the economy… Continue Reading →

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