The Jesuits and the Roman Church, dictate to the world: The Vatican: The Holy See and the Vatican have been instrumental in converting all national governments on the planet into national corporations, deceitfully, with the same name in capital… Continue Reading →
It is war, not peace that pays: The Deep State at work: President Eisenhower warned us. He called the “Deep State” at work the “military-industrial complex.” There will always be people in a society who are more willing… Continue Reading →
The Worst kind of Treason, Criminality, and Corruption Committed by Banksters and elected Governments. Dirty games behind the scenes: By now it must be clear that the Obama Administration plays a very dirty game behind-the-scenes in supporting ISIS c.s… Continue Reading →
The Awakened Expose the Criminals in Government: Globalisation: Globalisation is the integration of all nations’ economies, this being the primary goal of the Deep State, as outlined in Agenda 21. But now, several factors have converged to threaten this… Continue Reading →
to get through this crisis? Boundary of Confidence: The explosion in global debt is enormous. Governments’ debt is exploding; most countries are bankrupt. Central Banksters print money in unprecedented quantities. But that will not suffice to save bankrupt nations… Continue Reading →
Wealth Confiscation Cash outlawed: The War on Cash and negative interest rates are radical and insane measures. They are a sign of desperation. They are also huge threats to your financial security. Central planners are playing with fire and… Continue Reading →
Debt is the Global Yardstick Drowning the world in debt: What is all about Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and now creeping across all of the EU, South America, and the US? In one word: debt. “You must borrow… Continue Reading →
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