The History and truth of
the EU Super State:
The totalitarian bureaucratic Super State:
The hugest deception of the century is the establishment of a totalitarian bureaucratic Super State, the European Union, which was already planned over 60 years ago. Starting with a ‘free trade area’ and morphing into today’s centrally dictated super state, the line is being crossed between fascism and communism. The plan from its very inception, has always been to make the European Union what it is today and keep it there until it reaches the point where there is no going back anymore. That moment has almost arrived with proposals for still further centralisation of power that will obliterate what is left, which is not much, of all national sovereignties within in the EU. This is right in line with the Archontic view to persistently centralise power, and incessantly increase their control of the global masses.
The plan for a centrally controlled fascist/communist United States of Europe goes back centuries, and was already on the wish list of the Knights Templar in 1129, long before the public had ever heard of it. The leading player behind the imposition of the European Union are the Illuminati with the House of Rothschild and their secret society called Rothschild Zionism.
The constantly increasing Archon bloodline influence over humanity requires a continuous centralisation of power and the plan is to reach this goal at all costs.
The inner circle of Archon Bloodline Elites sit around a single ‘Bilderberg’ table to dictate what must happen all over the world. This is the reason for the incessant centralisation of power in all areas of our lives including the European Union – with similar ones planned around the globe – the food chain, biotechnology, energy supplies, medicine, media, military (NATO) and so on. Power is concentrated into the hands of a few people and big corporations under the meme of ‘globalisation’.
All human life as we know it today, has fallen prey to a gigantic mind-controlled program which directs the global population step-by-step into the proverbial Orwellian nightmare. Once the decision has been reached where the elite want to take us, as explained in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, the mind and emotional manipulation techniques are employed to take us there. Everyone should be able to see through the lies and deceit.
Pan-European Union:
The Pan-European Union is in line with the Rothschilds and the Archon Habsburgs who ruled the Holy Roman Empire – Archon Empire – in Europe for centuries. Otto van Habsburg later became President of the Pan European Union. The name European Union, right from the start was the term that was used for more than 60 years in reference to today’s EU-super-state. Among the major funders for the European Union was Rothschild Zionist and subordinate, Max Warburg.
The European Union was a vital element in the Archon agenda for global control. Max Warburg became the banker for Hitler and was director of IG Farben – the Rothschild creation that brought Hitler to power and ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz.
His brother Paul Warburg was the driving force in the creation of – for the people catastrophic – the Federal Reserve in 1913, which has hijacked the economy for the Rothschilds and is today guzzling up the entrails. Max Warburg was also an acknowledged funder of Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky, and the Russian Revolution on behalf of the Rothschilds.
Bilderberg Group:
The Bilderberg Group has been the guiding light in the Common Market, now the EU, ever since. The Treaty of Rome that brought the Common Market into being was nurtured at the Bilderberg meetings. So was the formation of the euro single currency according to Bilderberg chairman Viscount Etienne Davignon, a close friend of Herman van Rompuy (Bilderberg member) who was a former President of the EU Council. The then Bilderberg chairman, Prince Bernhard, first launched the EU in 1954 in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard, was a German aristocrat and member of Hitler’s SS, who married into the Dutch Royal family. He was a close friend of Prince Phillip of England – both Nazis and supporters of eugenics – together they established the World Life Fund, – now WWF – to exploit environmental concerns to deviously advance the Archontic global agenda. The fake human caused global warming and climate change narratives are central to that.
Prince Bernhard, together with Jósef Retinger, a Jesuit and founder of the European Movement, first publicly suggested regular meetings of European foreign ministers from which the customs union emerged, later known as the Benelux. Then the vision of a European entity was announced in which countries would relinquish part of their sovereignty.
Next on the scene was Jean Monnet, a friend and associate of Retinger, both of them answered to the Rothschilds. Monet was called the ‘Father of Europe’ for his work for the European Project. He described the European Project in a letter to a friend as follows on April the 30th 1952.
“Europe nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. Successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to the European federation that can accomplish this.”
And this is still going on today. Monnet was instrumental in establishing the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952, which merged into a centrally controlled coal and steel Community of the six industrialized regions of West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Merry and Serge Bromberger describe this plan in their book, Jean Monnet and the United States of Europe:
Gradually, so it was devised, the supranational authorities, supervised by the European Council of Ministers in Brussels and the Assembly in Strasbourg, would administer all the activities of the Continent. A day would come when governments would be forced to admit that an integrated Europe was an accomplished fact, rendering the governments stripped of all influence in the establishment of its underlying principles.
All that was necessary to accomplish this sinister goal would be to merge all these autonomous institutions into a single federal administration and then proclaim a United States of Europe.
The Treaties:
Look at where we are today; it’s all been accomplished according to an age-old plan, devised many years ago. The momentum quickened when the six members of the Coal and Steel Community signed the two ‘Treaties of Rome’ in 1957 to create the European Economic Community (EEC), or ‘Common Market’, along with Euratom – The European Atomic Energy Community. The EEG was promoted solely as a free-trade zone that would be good for jobs and the economy. As Monnet had said:
“This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to a federation.”
Support was coming from the Rothschild branch in the US, especially during the negotiations over the Treaty of Rome, which created the Common Market – EEC. Ernst van der Beugel, honorary secretary general of the Bilderberg Group, wrote in his book ‘From Marshall Aid to Atlantic Partnership’ – with a foreword of Henry Kissinger:
Monnet and his action committee were unofficially supervising the negotiations and as soon as obstacles arose, the United States diplomatic machinery was alerted, mostly through Ambassador Bruce… who had immediate access to the top echelons of the State Department…
…At the time, it was quite the norm that if Monnet thought a particular country to be a nuisance to the cause, regarding the negotiations, the American diplomatic representative of that country approached the Foreign Minister in order to communicate and underline the opinion of the American Government which, in practically all cases, coincided with Monnet’s point of view – the Rothschild view.
The End of sovereignty:
The plan was to erode the sovereignty piece by piece. Don’t think there was no conspiracy – it has all been planned far in advance.
The fishing industry has been all but destroyed by agreements and EU fishing quotas were specifically designed to make full-time fishing financially impossible.
Sir Crispin Tickle, a negotiator for the UK, has admitted that the Government covered up the full implications of membership and he said that the rule was ‘Don’t talk about this publicly’. They were all lying from the start, but then that is what Archons do – they lie and deceive. Witness Archon deceivers and inverters Blair, Cameron, Bush, Obama, the Clintons, Merkel, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, Rajoy, Rutte, Draghi, Junker ad infinitum. Former UK Prime Minister Heath was asked in a BBC interview a decade later if he had known all along that Britain was signing up to a federal European state. He replied: ‘Yes, Of course.’
Similarly, the plan was to destroy the coal industry as per the European blueprint along with the trade union movement, which for all its faults brought together large numbers of people in common cause and blocked a full-blown divide and rule strategy.
Prime Minister Margret Thatcher appointed in 1975 her friend Lord Victor Rothschild as her ‘security advisor’ and she selected carefully, on the grounds of personality, ease of manipulation, and almost certainly a bloodline connection to the Archons. She went to great lengths to cause the collapse of the British manufacturing, coal, and steel industries.
Interestingly, Thatcher’s reputation was that she was vehemently opposed to the increasing power of the Rothschild European Community, while her policies brought about the very changes that had already been agreed on at the time of Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister, when he negotiated the blueprint to dismantle Britain’s industry base in favour of the finance and service industries.
Thatcher did exactly that which was required by the Rothschilds, with her financial free for all, her so called ‘Big Bang’ deregulation of the City of London financial centre, which opened the door to parasites like Rothschild-controlled Goldman Sachs and the global economic system.
The Big Bang was a significant reform that cemented the City of London’s status as Europe’s biggest financial centre.
The single European Act, which brought down the trade barriers across Europe, and the Maastricht Treaty for the European Union, fundamentally eroded national sovereignty, so the word Economic could be dropped and the term morphed into the European Community, before it was later further changed into The European Union. This was followed by the creation of a European Central bank and a single currency.
The concept of Europe with centralised control administered by a European Central Bank, a single currency, a regional administration, and common labour laws, transport, and industrial policies, is exactly what Hitler and the Nazis had planned for Europe.
The Constitution turned into a Treaty, forcing the Totalitarian State of Europe:
The policy has been to lie to the public of Europe decade after decade until everything was in place, rendering the situation irretrievable. On the few occasions that public referendums resulted in a vote that would block the further centralisation of power, they simply ignored them or forced another vote, suspiciously producing a different result. Once they got the decision they wanted, there were no more referendums.
When the French and the Dutch voted against a proposed European Constitution by a margin that would normally not be overturned by a second vote, the bureaucrats simply changed the name from European Constitution to Lisbon Treaty while retaining 98% of the Constitution in that Treaty. And as the French and Dutch were later to proclaim ‘no’ votes had been for the Constitution. These were now invalid because the Constitution had become a Treaty.
The Lisbon Treaty that came into force in 2009 gave so much power to the bureaucratic centre, including to the new post of President of the European Council that the speed of centralisation and the erosion of sovereignty across the whole range of public policy, had entered a whole new phase. The more power is centralised, the more power is at the centre to even further centralise and at a quicker pace.
The engineered economic implosion of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Spain has created a massive problem in need of a solution and what is now being proposed is to obliterate what is left of an already dwindling national sovereignty to ‘fix’ the problem that they created from the start. It is the well-known Problem-Reaction-Solution strategy leading to another giant accomplishment on the road to a Totalitarian State of Europe.
The euro was never meant to be an end in itself. The ultimate plan is for a single global currency. The euro was the Trojan horse to eliminate all the individual currencies that existed before, symbolizing sovereignty. The plan is to then eventually trash the euro – and the US Dollar and to move to the global SDR currency with all the implications of total global control.
The euro crisis was manufactured as an excuse – as Monet said – to draft new proposals for further EU-centralisation and integration in collaboration with two other Rothschild placemen, Mario Draghi, and Jean Claude Junker.
In other words, the so-called leaders of the European Commission and ECB are all big-time insiders following a script, authored in the shadows. Their seven-page document, which was leaked to the UK Guardian, called for swift moves to establish the banking union, followed by a full economic and political union to meet the challenges of the economic crisis – or as Jean Monnet put it in 1952:
“This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to a federation.”
As Barroso told the European Parliament in his ‘State of the Union’ address:
“The only solution to the debt crisis – (which has been systematically created) will be another treaty to bring about a ‘deep and genuine economic and monetary union’, a political union, with a coherent foreign and defence policy.”
The Conspiracy to turn Europe into a Totalitarian State:
The West declared that the Soviet Union was so bad that they had to instigate a Cold War against it, resulting in incredible increases in nuclear weapons to ‘protect freedom’.
And now the EU is the Soviet Union under another name and seeks to hide the bureaucratic dictatorship behind the European Parliament – that is obliged, to approve every proposal – while the real power is with the bureaucrats. The true power centre is Brussels, where the EU-Commission is based and headed by the unelected, but rather appointed, Barroso and now Junker. They say that
“Nation States are dangerous because they are excessively democratic. – Decisions taken by the most democratic institutions in the world are very often wrong.”
Well, if the reader of this material is manipulated to believe this is all in the best interest of the people, then that is truly genius, as it should be blatantly obvious that the enslavement of the people is really the case. The unelected Commission proposes legislation through the president and a cabinet of unelected commissioners and only in theory, a combination of parliament and the Council of Europe Union – composed by a minister from each member state – decide if they accept it or not. In truth the whole process is completely stitched up from day one.
The blatant fact is not the incompetence that has brought the EU to its economic knees and the imposed economic policies that enforce countries facing catastrophes to be bailed-out by contributions from other countries.
If the problem were only incompetence, the task would be far more straightforward and would focus on replacing the incompetent with the competent. It is not like that. They are very competent at following an agenda of calculated incompetence with the aim of creating an enormous problem in search of a covertly pre-designed solution. It is a conspiracy to turn Europe into a Totalitarian State. The EU has become a MONSTER.
Boosting the economy is more about more centralisation of power while ‘free-trade’ is used to justify the global standardisation of laws, regulations, economics, law enforcement and military in precisely the same way as is happening now in the EU. These are all major steps towards the creation of a world government, army, and all the rest. All these people are liars and deceivers, which, as was mentioned before, is all that Archons know.
The EU is a major illustration of what is called the post-industrial, post-democratic society in which unelected bureaucrats, technocrats, and ‘experts’ dictate to an oppressed human society. This can be witnessed and is unfolding every day.
Above examples of Problem-Reaction-Solution show the roadmap to Totalitarianism, these are the most used and most effective techniques of the Archon manipulation of individual and mass perception. Awareness hereof makes you immediately so much harder to fool with their daily-engineered problems, disasters, and conflicts – machine-gunned at us through their mainstream media.
It is in our own interest to WAKE UP now and STOP
this Totalitarianism before it is too late.
We are heading for changes that our leaders do not yet anticipate:
The Italian Comic turned politician Beppe Grillo says About the EU:
“We are heading for changes that our leaders do not yet anticipate…
The public sentiment is generally quite negative, with all these puzzling buzzwords like “spread”, “fiscal compact” and “master parameters”. And these parameters have formed a metaphoric cage in which our taxation system is trapped. As it turns out, our political processes, as well as our financial system are inside this trap, and if we fail to break free of it, there can be no hope for the better. This type of economy is completely misplaced, and not only in Italy – it isn’t good enough for Europe, nor for the rest of the world.
Growth, growth, jobs and again growth… The coming decade will see a 50 percent job decline. The first people to lose their jobs will be those in the poorest segment of the middle class who will be ousted by technology and robotics. Networks will become more sophisticated. We are heading for changes that our leaders do not yet anticipate.
Austerity is a term that could mean something good, too. Austerity means that the economy’s key goal is to save funds. But the thing is that our economy is not making saving a priority. We are being forced to risk our family values and sell out our own country. We are being forced to sell it all out, lock, stock and barrel. Our metal production plants, fashion houses, fishing industry, agricultural farming and wineries – all our core assets are now on the line.
Milan is the home of a major international food industry exhibition, yet its sponsors are McDonald’s, Novartis and Coca-Cola. We are in an upside-down world and we need to get back on our feet to understand it.
And if we fail to understand it, we’ll be increasingly easy prey.
The solution:
The solution is as simple as it is radical; a change from the existing privately managed debt-based monetary system into debt-free money issued by the people through their elected government.
Let the TBTF banks – Too Big to Fail – go bust, no rescue whatsoever. People’s Governments must control the quantity of money and NOT private bankers, that with their control over money initiate booms or busts.
Banks only can lend the money they have in the bank, and for extra money they have to compete on the open market. Banks are required to maintain 100% reserves, the present ‘fractional reserve’ policies should be abolished.
Follow the example of Iceland that has the oldest Parliament in the world, over 1000-years old, they have battled out their problems of the past with the support of 93% of the population and in a follow-up referendum, 70% opposed joining the EU. They really have achieved what we in the EU must follow.
Start by spending 2-hours of your time to watch this video, a brilliant documentary, very interesting and informative. It lays out in detail how the change can and must be accomplished.
The Reform that will make a huge difference:
Today, in our crazy money system, the government has to borrow our money into existence and then pay interest on it. This is what they term the National Debt. All our money is created out of debt. Politicians who focus on reducing the National Debt, as the answer to our present predicament, probably don’t know what the National Debt really is. To reduce the National Debt would mean reducing our money – and there’s already too little of that.
We have to go deeper than that to get to the root of this problem, otherwise we’re never going to fix this. The solution isn’t new or radical. – America used to do it. Politicians used to fight with big bankers over it. It’s all laid out in our history books – now sadly – it is a remnant of our distant past. But why can’t we just do it again? Why can’t we just issue our own money, debt free? That, my friends, is the answer. Talk about reform! That’s the only reform that will make a huge difference to everyone’s life – on a Global Scale!
“The Rothschilds Rule the World” & “Jews Withhold Cure for Cancer and AIDS”
A Jordanian TV channel recently aired a program about the Rothschild family, according to which it was “the founder of the United States” and owned much of the world’s resources, media, and banks. The show included an interview with the Jordanian economic analyst Mohammad Sami Abugoush, who said “any leader who refuses to deal with the Rothschilds will be assassinated.” Abugoush and TV host Rita Altaji agreed that it was Rothschild, and not President Macron, who ruled France, and that “even the U.S. and the mighty British royal family do not rule Britain.” She and her guest concurred that the Rothschilds assassinated U.S. Presidents Lincoln, Kennedy, Garfield, Harrison, Tyler, and Jackson. Abugoush further said that the Jews control the weapons, pharmaceutical, shipping, and agricultural industries, and are withholding the cure for cancer and AIDS from the world in order to secure making profits. The show aired on Altaghier TV on June 24.
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