The main perpetrators are the central bankers
The public has become disillusioned of lies and deceptions from politicians
Public opinion has turned against the politicians
Clandestine Power hierarchy around the world
The control over the world and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals. These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come to own most major businesses over the past two centuries, during which time they have secretly enriched themselves and increasingly worldwide organised as controllers of governments and arbiters of war and peace.
The power structure began with the Illuminati who are based in Europe, which is where their power base has always been. While, America was basically considered as their “mission field” or the “land of opportunity” by those whose roots extend for hundreds of years or more into the ancient European dynastic bloodlines.
This is why their power hierarchy around the world, whether in the U.S., Asia, Australia, Canada, or elsewhere will always point back to Europe, where the 13 bloodline rulers – called the “lords” – are based. Each ruler represents an area of Europe held under his sway; and each one represents an ancient dynastic bloodline.
For example, the Hapsburg bloodline – Merovingian – is still active in Europe, although hidden, as well as the Rothschild and Battenberg bloodlines. In many modern European countries, the heirs of these bloodlines are immensely wealthy and secretly, they are the “power behind the throne”, if not the actual rulers.
This is one reason why those of high Illuminati rank/descent in the U.S., for example, can always trace back their bloodline or parentage to members of this ruling cabal in Europe; members of leadership councils in the States are always direct descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate.
Whether at the lowest levels, or the highest, though, this group operates with the same methods: instilling intense fear and terror to control their members. Often this is done through the fear of death, and at the core level, the person who has undergone their training will have an immense fear of dying because of the “death and resurrection” experiences, or near death experiences, that they have undergone.
During these experiences, the very young child or even infant core will be faced with intolerable choices: to allow themselves to be extinguished, or to embrace the demonic and the beliefs of those in their bloodline parentage. This is dissociation at its deepest level, since the desire to survive is one of the deepest instincts that God has given us, and will override intellect, cognition, and even well-thought out beliefs in an adult-much less in a very young child. When faced with certain death and terror, or life, albeit at a price that is much too high, the infant or child almost always chooses life.
They have destroyed diversity in government, banking, business, the media, medicine, and virtually every other aspect of society. Organisations like Common Purpose are there to eliminate diversity of thought and perception among those who administer these institutions of government and law enforcement. They are targeting the destruction of ‘cultural’ diversity and consequently society.
Unless people understand this, they will be unable to comprehend the real reasons for all the manipulations, the two world wars and an intended Third World War, a war that will be the Deep State’s attempt to survive their demise – to be helped by the EU politburo in Brussels and NATO – with the ultimate aim of seizing control over Central Asia. The only way out is to awake and back off, as an actual fact, as the awaken people of the world want, but contrary is for the power elite.
The main perpetrators are the central bankers
Purposely, the faulty monetary policies, economic policies, and political policies have caused this ongoing economic crisis, and they continue to this day. The primary perpetrators are the central bankers, led by the FED, first by Greenspan, then Bernanke, Janet Yellen and now by Jay Powell, obediently followed in lockstep by Mario Draghi and now Christine Lagarde of the ECB.
Today, more and more people around the globe are waking up to the new emerging reality and insight, that what has been taught to us historically, socially and what we have been raised to believe politically as the truth, is but an example of outright claptrap. Recent trends and polls have documented this shift in worldview consciousness, consistently showing a growing distrust toward governments and their politicians in both the US and Europe.
Government’s determination and goal is over and again, everywhere you look, the breakdown of society, instigating conflicts to eliminate cohesion, the result being, fear, stress and loss of identity and direction. As fear and stress close people’s energetic centres that otherwise could be used as a weapon against them. But we need to reconnect to our inner knowingness and embrace our sense of freedom through consciousness and the knowledge that we are a major force against the Deep State, and are able to eradicate them from our society. Consider: The well-being of people can only be achieved through personal goal-oriented effort at their own responsibility.
The public has become disillusioned of lies and deceptions from politicians
Additionally, upcoming UK-elections will be decided by the people, and not, as before, where special forces were employed to fight for competing corporate mafia factions. These corporate factions – banks and big business – have been lowering our living standards by stealing from the population ever since the early 1970’s, when the US-dollar went off the gold standard.
The public has become disillusioned and wary of the constant flow of lies and deceptions from politicians, backed by the false and negative mainstream media reports, with news coverage that adheres to corporate agendas, which is a blatant understatement.
People see their world changing and they want to understand what is happening, and why. They want to be informed so that they can be prepared. They want the freedom to make educated choices, instead of being told what to do by corrupt individuals and institutions that lie and deceive constantly, and have led them into chaos.
Euroscepticism is rising across Europe because it is obvious that the leadership in Brussels, directly controlled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Rothschild slave Macron, is devoted to the EU-Project first and the needs of the European populace last. Now, people want to protect their local communities from dying as a consequence of the political parties over-promising and under-delivering results. Brussels makes ever more bizarre and complex laws to stifle innovation and growth, the mood is favouring change, the earlier the better.
Public opinion has turned against the politicians
Most politicians are commonly bribed by the Deep State, forcing them to dance to their music for fear of public exposure for anything from financial fraud to paedophilia. Be convinced they don’t represent the interest of the people as they should do. Look at Brexit for example, how Theresa May followed by Jeremy Corbyn for three straight years has obstructed Britain’s exit from the EU. May constantly said one thing, while doing the other. When she said we will follow the will of the people, it is meanwhile clear that she always did the opposite. Theresa was working for the EU-cabal and not for the people. She clearly misjudged the mood of the British people.
She didn’t care what the people were saying. She went stubbornly ahead with the EU-plan as has been instructed in Brussels. Because the Rothschild central bank ECB wants to hold onto their power at all costs. They have assembled every bribery trick and blackmail trap available to let Parliamentarians put the country into a state of chaos and panic. In the interim, the public opinion has turned against the politicians, despite the propaganda made by the Deep State owned mainstream media. In preparation for Brexit the Monarchy and the top of the British Army are aligned to Sovereignty, which has made a No Deal Brexit on the 31st of January next a done deal.
Because the patriots have united Nigel Farage with Boris Johnson to integrate his Brexit party into the Conservative party assuring a majority government after the upcoming Dec. 12 elections. Enabling them to leave the EU per 31st of January 2020. This certainly will be the beginning of the end of the EU as amongst others Italy and probably Greece and Portugal will follow suit.
The clowns in Brussel are starting to realise that BREXIT is going to happen, no matter what. They will undertake anything to stop it. But it is too late in the process, they are not being able to stop BREXIT. Trump and the Patriots are supporting this process and guide Boris Johnson wherever is necessary.
November 27, 2019 at 1:51 PM
I am not surprised Jeremy Corbyn has been against Britain leaving the EU, after all he is another Rothschild puppet!
Thanks for the very interesting and eye opening article Peter.
November 27, 2019 at 2:33 PM
Absolute scumbags the lot of them….. They should all be fed feet first into an industrial woodchipper.
November 28, 2019 at 9:31 PM
Sounds about right lilly.. these cretins have caused immeasurable bloodshed and heartache in the world and they’re demise is long overdue!
November 28, 2019 at 4:09 PM
This has been described by many Illuminati victims and participants in secret space programs, such as Penelope Bradley, but best of all – by James Casbolt in
By the 1970’s, a huge number of mind control projects in Britain and America were underway, as they became rampant and started to affect many areas of society.
During the Second World War, the Nazis were involved in creating genetically enhanced soldiers and spies with Psyonic and psychic ability, such as telepathy and telekinesis. They were known as “Ubermen,” which is German for supermen. They were basing their “new man” on a race of warrior Pleiadian humanoids they had come into contact with from Aldebaran.
The German scientists developed a technique at the concentration camps known as trauma-based mind control. They discovered that if you could systematically traumatize an individual, particularly before the age of five, their mind would shatter into different parts, which the German doctors called “alters.” When the torture or terror becomes so intolerable, a person’s mind will dissociate itself from the pain and the alter will be created.
These alters can then be programmed by the torturer to carry out almost any task. From my understanding, the limit is reached when operatives are ordered to kill their own children.
Old occult books were researched, such as the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Necronomicon.
The Nazi scientists also discovered that when an individual was traumatized and tortured, they developed almost superhuman abilities, such as huge pain tolerance, photographic memory, and PSI abilities. The ancient rites of Satanism were often used, and these rituals usually involved snakes. Through my own experiences and talking to other survivors, a common theme is coming up time and time again: being bitten by poisonous snakes in rituals to transmute the poison and enhance the immune system (American Indian shamans also practiced this).
Much of the project involved being taken to the point of death and then revived. Cathy O’Brien, in her book Trance Formation of America, calls some of the CIA programming centers “near death training centers.”
The snake rituals often finish with the participant being “buried alive with their fear.” This involves being put in a coffin with a number of large snakes and then being buried in the ground and left there for hours. When dug up, the subject has “gone beyond fear,” according to the handlers. I’m still trying to work out if this is true, as I have no fear of very dangerous things but have massive panic attacks at small insignificant things.
This is an ancient technique that was used in Egypt and many other places: a child would be picked as a candidate for a certain mystery school. Some of these mystery schools used more compassionate training methods, but all of them involved facing fears and danger at the upper levels. I was always taken through a “3 Room Atrium” ritual in Project Mannequin.
I had to learn what was actually happening in later years through study of the Rosicrucian teachings….
November 28, 2019 at 6:49 PM
This says it all, everyone should read this comment to understand how humanity has been and still is manipulated.
December 4, 2019 at 12:15 AM
Even better for what it’s done, describes Bradley Loves:
Remember in the previous articles that I wrote where I talked about TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL?
Well, when the CIA and their goonies torment and torture very young children (especially sexually) all of that TRAUMA gets sent directly into the GRID.
That child who is being tormented – is connected to the larger grid – just like WE are connected to the larger grid!
So if ONE CHILD is being tortured – that experience is going into the grid and then being downloaded into all of us – as sub-conscious TRAUMA! Now what do you think about “being” your brothers keeper? What happens to one of us – happens to ALL OF US!
Even though they have disconnected us from our DNA – we are still very powerful beings! We are not going down as quickly as they want us to! Therefore, they need to send continous amounts of TRAUMA in the form of torture, killing, rape, and other forms of abuse into the grids – which are our common MIND.
Well, whats going on out there in NEWS LAND as we speak?
Oh, and by the way – instead of naming names – Which persons do we know about out there that wanted the military to be able to use endless TORTURE?
Who were those men that were involved in that? Do you finally see why they – who are not from here – want to USE TORTURE so badly?
That electrical and magnetic trauma goes into our larger planetary MIND as an “upload”!
The reason we don’t know this – or don’t remember it – is that our DNA was disconnected a long time ago – and now through the process of breeding – that mistake is being duplicated in every new birth!
Now can you see why there is endless pedophilia and child rape? Can you see why they need to have constant war on the planet? Can you see why they rob and pillage us blind?
They NEED TO DO ALL OF THAT in order to feed the grid with very harmful and negative energy which allows them to use OUR OWN MIND – OUR OWN ENERGY TO ENSLAVE US.
They are feeding the grid with endless human misery and suffering which really hinders our own lives and power and abilities. It helps to keep us enslaved.
Anyone who is for the NEW WORLD ORDER – has chosen sides, and taken the side of the DRACO’s. If those people are indeed human beings – then they have committed TERRIBLE TREASON against their own species – and against their own kind – by taking up sides with the DRACO’s.
Surely the Draco’s never told them this!
The lie is different at every level!
And when it comes to the Hybrid’s – our so called leaders – they don’t care – because they are NOT HUMAN ANYWAY!
December 4, 2019 at 12:25 AM