The main perpetrators are the central bankers The public has become disillusioned of lies and deceptions from politicians Public opinion has turned against the politicians Clandestine Power hierarchy around the world The control over the world and of… Continue Reading →
BREXIT is going to happen, no matter what The public has become disillusioned Politically, truth is outright claptrap as Brexit is torpedoed Politicians are commonly bribed by the Deep State, forcing them to dance to their music for fear… Continue Reading →
Fear is the Cabal’s control weapon Inflation is Theft Fake Money is Debt Money Real money keeps track between past and future Stimulus is the craziest obsession The Plan The facts; the economy is imploding, as well as… Continue Reading →
Pan-European Union The End of Sovereignty The EU is a Totalitarian Monster The Reform that will make a huge difference EU Parliament is a complete Farce Assange, Brexit, QFS, GCR, EU-elections and Notre Dame Fire The United States… Continue Reading →
Not Revolution, but Revelation of systematic corruption Not Globalism, but individual self-determination Change beyond France is essential The Past shows the Future Citizens’ Initiative Referendum The European Union is undermining the democratic will of the populace of all… Continue Reading →
The End of the European Union The NO-Brexit-Deal The start sign for RV-implementation Knowledge is Power The EU has grown into a malignant, economic cancer Will the fall of the EU be the biggest event in modern-day financial… Continue Reading →
The End of the European Union More Exits from the EU: If “Brexit” was a severe cold for the cabal, what’s coming in early December will be a chronic, contagious, and incurable virus for them, with corresponding hardship for… Continue Reading →
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