The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


October 2016

Free to Choose

The Awakened Expose the Criminals in Government:   Globalisation: Globalisation is the integration of all nations’ economies, this being the primary goal of the Deep State, as outlined in Agenda 21. But now, several factors have converged to threaten this… Continue Reading →

Italexit worse than Brexit

The End of the European Union   More Exits from the EU: If “Brexit” was a severe cold for the cabal, what’s coming in early December will be a chronic, contagious, and incurable virus for them, with corresponding hardship for… Continue Reading →

Energy and Oil

Why the Free Market Doesn’t Exist:   The Deep State: There is an energy crisis because governments have created it. Mainstream media controlled by the cabal, alias the ‘deep state’, obviously have never asked themselves the obvious question: ‘Why is… Continue Reading →

Inflation the Evillest Theft

Governments robbing their citizens:    Inflation an invisible tax: Inflation, is an invisible, secret tax that not even 1% of common people understand. It is dangerous and most of the time a fatal disease. If not under control in time,… Continue Reading →

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