The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


May 2017

Banana Republic Venezuela, our Future

Governments are economic manipulators:   Inverted pyramid of debt: Venezuela’s political dominance and high inflation, is a good example to understand our upcoming future. Once the fourth largest economy in the world, it is now in dire straits due to… Continue Reading →

This Crisis turns into a Depression

Central bankers causing the crisis:     Innovative thinking is required: There are storm clouds on the horizon in all fields. Consumer confidence has disappeared. When all was purportedly going well, people thought things weren’t true. Now too, they don’t… Continue Reading →

Printing money is a destructive policy

The Long-term Free Money Damage:   Facing economic reality: If printing money worked for an economy, then Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Argentina would be wealthier than the United States. Incredibly, the world’s “smartest” and most powerful economic bureaucrats have all adopted… Continue Reading →

The Deep State

It is war, not peace that pays:     The Deep State at work: President Eisenhower warned us. He called the “Deep State” at work the “military-industrial complex.” There will always be people in a society who are more willing… Continue Reading →


Marine Le Pen, if elected, will open the EU-Prison   Pro or anti EU: The French people have spoken, its either a Deep State controlled puppet Macron a supporter of the EU, or the anti EU advocate and non-controlled people’s… Continue Reading →

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