Marine Le Pen, if elected, will open the EU-Prison
Pro or anti EU:
The French people have spoken, its either a Deep State controlled puppet Macron a supporter of the EU, or the anti EU advocate and non-controlled people’s liberator Marine Le Pen. If she wins the French elections, it will bring down Merkel in Germany, end the European Union, and give rise to the default of the Euro. – Macron, a 39-year-old Rothschild banker who nobody had even heard of until last summer, supposedly won the rigged first round. Inside sources say:
“The French Presidential elections are rigged for sure.” They point out that Macron has never been elected to public office and in reality is unpopular.
The French have a fighting chance to permanently shut down the EU, for this to be accomplished; people must awaken en masse, to ensure Macron is defeated in the next round. Then the Deep State, will soon be out of oxygen everywhere on planet Earth. – Especially, once the Central Banks are abolished, and all currencies are backed by gold or silver, then they won’t have the money to create wars. Fortunately, many voters are sceptical of Macron, while the see, Le Pen has answers on key issues. They’ll lose their power structure, their agencies, allies, and weapons of mass destruction, resulting in game over for them. So, it will be; To Be or Not to Be!
Europe needs big, big reforms. The majority of the people in France more and more are against Europe. So the new president has to reform Europe. Don’t think Macron is on the way to do that; he will deliver a weak France, exactly what Brussels and Berlin want.
People who do not underestimate the severity of this are but few as this is an exterminating force that hates human beings. It hates creation, it hates life. And it will do anything to destroy us completely. And the way to do that is to divide humanity. Divide and conquer is their means to an end.
Humanity is a manifestation of light. It is true creation. As long as we are divided through political parties, religion, skin color, you name it, then – from a Luciferian point of view – the full potential of the enemy, their full power is suppressed or even extinguished. If people would only embrace their full potential and power, the Luciferians would lose. This monster, this greedy monster would disappear.
Rest assured, now is a time for unity, not division. No country ever showed unity through division. Use your own judgment with all information; the objective is to help bring about the new change and prosperity for all humanity.
The Khazarian controlled US corporate government must end:
The White Dragon Society is lobbying the US corporate government’s main creditors, Japan and China, to not grant the corporate government any more extensions, as long as it remains under Khazarian mafia control. They are being told that the controlled demolition of the US corporate government would end the financing for the endless wars, Daesh, false flag terrorism, the spread of bio-weapons etc.
The Khazarian mafia has become what can only be described as institutionally insane in recent days as the bankruptcy deadline looms. The recent attempts to start World War 3 in Syria and North Korea are being followed up with repeated threats of nuclear and bio-terrorism and such insanity will no doubt continue until they are permanently put out of business.
French People unite:
People must unite, against their domestic fascist government. The most formidable enemy is the one that controls every nation’s government, the financial system, the educational system, the health system, and even citizens’ lifestyle. The force in numbers of the enemy is negligible, while we, the people have an impressive majority; provided many of us are awake and conscious. It is time for all individual citizens to become proactive! And liberate ourselves from the EU-Prison.
Powerful dictatorship:
The most powerful form of dictatorship and control is one that you cannot see, being unaware of its existence. People are given the illusion of freedom by being allowed to vote every four years or so, but behind the scenes the same few are in control of whichever party of government is officially voted into office. Democracy is supposed to be rule by the majority, which is a tyranny in itself, but it is not even that. It is the dictatorship by the few hiding behind the smoke screen of a ‘free and open society’.
Every person elected from the left or the right is ultimately controlled by the few at the top of the pyramid and it doesn’t matter which one is elected and put in charge, the RK-crime cabal of the elite brotherhood dictates to them exactly how, what, when and where all is to be done.
In summary, it really doesn’t matter whom you vote for, the hidden hand pulls the strings of those who appear to be in charge and making the decisions. The whole idea is to deceive the people into believing that they are free when they are fundamentally controlled. Nobody rebels about not being free while believing to be free. When you are in a prison cell and you can’t see the bars people think they are free to leave whenever they choose. But if you are in a prison cell and you see the bars, you know you’re in a prison. If you are in the cell and you can’t see the bars you think you are free to leave, until you try, that is, which most people never do, but this is exactly what people should try to do now. Governments talk endlessly about ‘Freedom’ and the ‘Free World’ because they are selling this prison without the bars. The fairy tale they sell to us is nonsense of course, but we people are fooled into believing it, otherwise we may realize that in truth, we are living in a one-party dictatorship controlled by a few.
EU-citizens have no influence:
Be aware that in Brussels, important matters are being arranged behind closed doors, on which EU-citizens have no influence, but only suffer the consequences of the disastrous measures taken on our behalf. Nobody can check the plans or exercise any influence on them, resulting in one undemocratic agreement on top of the other. In 1999 Jean Claude Juncker, the EU Commission President, laid out the EU democracy as follows:
“We take a decision, make that known and then wait and see what happens. If there is no significant opposition, because most people do not understand what we are doing, we go one step further, until we are beyond the point of no return.” (Der Spiegel 52/1999)
Europe fascist regime:
The Social Democrats, Christian Democrats, Socialists, Communists, and similar parties have ruled Europe since the end of World War 2. They’re all fairly similar in that they promote massive welfare benefits, strong labour unions, large state bureaucracies, very high taxes, strict regulations, and an atmosphere of Cultural Marxism. Then, every few generations, the voters react and install a “fascist” regime. These keep most of the socialist characteristics, but tend to be supported by, and to be somewhat friendlier to Big Business. Add on a good dose of nationalism, xenophobia, and militarism.
The last time this happened was in the 1930s. In those days it was spurred by the Great Depression. This time it will be spurred by a Greater Depression in addition to massive waves of Muslim migrants from the Middle East and Africa. So, expect to see more neo-fascist political parties everywhere.
EU a sinking ship:
Europeans can’t seem to imagine a libertarian alternative of private charities, limited government, minimal taxes, an unregulated economy, intellectual and psychological freedom. This is another reason the Continent is a sinking ship. The average person doesn’t realise that the country known as Italy today was only created in 1861, a consolidation of many completely independent and very different entities that had been separate states since the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Germany was only unified in 1871, out of scores of principalities, dukedoms, baronies, and so on. Both unifications were very bad ideas; World Wars 1 and 2 are just the tip of the iceberg of a long list of reasons why that’s true.
There are about 200 nation-states in the world. The international “elite,” the Deep State, and organisations like the EU in Brussels, would like to see a much smaller number of more powerful states, steadily moving forward towards a one-world government that they control.
But the actual trend, emanating from the spirit of the people, is in the opposite direction. The trend is the disintegration of nation-states everywhere. There are separatist movements in big Western European countries, like the Basques and Catalans in Spain. And the Scots in the United Kingdom, who wish they weren’t quite so united with the UK. There are many others, rarely heard about in the mass media, but there are dozens of secession movements throughout Europe and indeed, around the globe.
Bankrupt banks:
Most of the banks in the world are essentially bankrupt like Deutsche Bank, one of the biggest banks in the world, in fact, this bank and many others, will go under once the economy turns down in earnest.
What are the central banks going to do? Bail them out? Or let them go under? If they let them go under, it’s going to lead to an economic catastrophe without precedent. People will lose their savings, day-to-day commercial activities will be disrupted, businesses will collapse and the entire economy will come to a screeching halt.
On the other hand, if they bail them all out through even more freshly printed money, currencies will lose all value. Which is even worse than the first alternative. It is in effect a disaster either way.
The central banksters have been experimenting and tinkering with the world’s economy and monetary system for decades now and finally the price will have to be paid. Expect a truly major banking crisis. Much worse than that of 2007–2009.
The EU is a giant monument to socialism, where everyone believes they can live at the expense of everyone else. As a result, the average European sees his government as a magic cornucopia, a source of unlimited wealth. When something goes wrong, Europeans look to their governments to “do something.”
With this in mind, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi made the front pages on one occasion by saying that he was “ready to act” with a “whole menu of monetary policy instruments.”
This is central banker rhetoric for “I’m willing to print an incredible amount of money in my attempt to keep my job and stimulate the economy by making people think they’re richer than they actually are.”
Draghi’s money printing mania is a disastrously misguided attempt at creating prosperity. It will create bubbles, and cause people and companies to do all manner of things they would never have considered without the false economic signals he emits. If printing money were the path to prosperity, Zimbabwe and Venezuela would be the richest countries on earth instead of the economic basket cases they are today.
The euro will cease to exist:
Not one currency in today’s world is backed by a commodity – like gold; they’re backed only by confidence, which can vanish overnight. This is the Deep State’s loophole to steal from the people. The euro is on track to reach its intrinsic value – namely zero.
The best alternative for protecting wealth, of course, is precious metals: gold and silver. Draghi, who deserves the same fate meted out to Mussolini, is acting in a completely predictable manner.
The Truth of Society is the Polar opposite of the actual Truth:
Our culture tells us that war is normal, bullying is normal, even encouraged. Power, no matter how ruthless, is correct, might is right. Thinking only with the five senses, and believing only what you can see in the material world is… Normal.
Everything is exactly the polar opposite of how it is labelled. This is the psychological warfare that we are subjected to. This is the lie that we have been told our entire lives… Except, it’s not fiction, and it’s not a novel.
This is Reality.
Artificial Eggs and Sperm on the Global Human Plantation:
In this interview with Max Igan of the Crow House, the global plantation farmer’s market is explored, which offers artificial eggs and sperm, to cultivate desired humans.
February 10, 2019 at 1:48 PM
Nice work