Food Fascism is all around us: The Lie: Genetically Modified Food is a major part of the ‘secret’ agenda 21 controlled by the RK Mafia from the shadows with the demonic biotech cabal, the most notorious being Monsanto. The… Continue Reading →
The Carbon Con: Free energy is around the corner: Global Warming – a Swindle and Scientifically illegitimate: It is propaganda: The real truth about the global weather situation is what you won’t hear about it in the main… Continue Reading →
Bail-ins have been sold as the prevention of bailouts: Germany, the dynamic expansionist power in Europe: Back in history: “In the late 1960s Germany regained economic primacy in Europe and was at the forefront of European integration, in… Continue Reading →
Austerity is wrong – Default is correct: Austerity is the wrong medicine: Debt levels have to come down, but falling debt levels mean a contracting economy and more unemployment. That is the major issue and the rest is detail…. Continue Reading →
Interest on fake money is confiscating your freedom: False and rigged economy: The economy is no longer based on education, hard work, and free market principles – the pricing and accountability that real free markets impose. Instead, the economy… Continue Reading →
Marine Le Pen, if elected, will open the EU-Prison Pro or anti EU: The French people have spoken, its either a Deep State controlled puppet Macron a supporter of the EU, or the anti EU advocate and non-controlled people’s… Continue Reading →
To better understand what your money really is, this revelation of the Cabal’s hidden history takes away the secrecy: Reptilian Controlled Matrix: It is time to expose the corruption of our money, the greatest evil the world has… Continue Reading →
A populist tsunami awash through the EU A Union that isn’t a Union: The current economic situation in Europe is extremely disparate. There are some countries that are doing better than others. Germany, and the Nordic countries are… Continue Reading →
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