The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


December 2018

Truths about our Human Origin

Have Admiration for the Writers from Antiquity Human beings are a slave race It is Time to face the Truth Listen to this article on Soundcloud: The Era of 4020 Consider how the events of our time will be looked… Continue Reading →

Population Decimation

Nuclear Armageddon due to the Anunnaki   Floods and Wars About 12,000 years ago, when the Anunnaki leaders realised that drastic climatic changes would commence when planet Nibiru returned to Earth’s vicinity of the galaxy, this was the moment Enlil… Continue Reading →

The Anunnaki

Anunnaki’s Gold Rush and Colonisation of Earth The creation of man Traditional genesis is nonsense     Cosmological Facts Approximately 450,000 years ago, a group of humanoid aliens arrived by spacecraft on planet Earth. They came from a planet about… Continue Reading →

The true origin of humanity

The Pyramid and the Sphinx in Egypt are much older than stated Our origin is deliberately hidden from us The answers lie in Sumer Modern Technologies and Science   New model for the origin of man The first secrets of… Continue Reading →

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