The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know



Economic Corona Damage

House arrest and liberty restriction are a rehearsal for your NWO-imprisonment Businesses stopped doing business – Consumers stopped consuming The end of the existing global financial debt-money system People need to see for themselves what is going on Mass awakening… Continue Reading →

Quarantine is Imprisonment

Wearing a mask is a display of war hysteria The lockdown is an infringement of our freedom The Economic Damage is much larger than the Impact of COVID-19 Death rates, are vastly inflated Q and Trump Team presented on Soundcloud… Continue Reading →

Q and Trump Team are the Liberators

Society’s foundation will be shaken An all-powerful, all-knowing, but anonymous group “Q” Trump Team navigate on given instructions Be Convinced; President Trump is not a tool of the Deep State Deep State’s satanic control is the result organised long-term conspiracy QFS… Continue Reading →

Corona Converter

Say no to lockdown and social distancing The phony pandemic quarantine destroys wealth and the economy Digital Currency for Complete Control is Simpler Destroyed How great is the Likelihood of Gold Confiscation? Mandatory Vaccination People Power Defeats Deep State  … Continue Reading →

Central Bank Economy Devastated

Corona World Order Regime is Fascism What will the future look like? An entirely different World Ushering in the new People Economy End of Central Bank Economic Cycle Donald Trump re-elected as the first President of the New US Republic… Continue Reading →

Discover Our New World

The Onset of Satanic Dictatorship Consciousness and Unity are at odd with the Elites social engineering programs Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to Healthy People, as Viruses Don’t Kill Our New World     The Real Pandemic The chaos Humanity… Continue Reading →

Deep State Analysed

DS-criminals undertake everything to keep humanity from awakening The DS-agenda moves power, status and wealth from the public to themselves The Deep State-structure Regrettably, still too many unawakened people Anger, blackmail, hatred, aggression and fear are Deep State seeds Fake… Continue Reading →

Monetary Madness for Virus Hoax

Humans being considered Cattle Fake money destroys the economy, but boosts stock prices and Corona hype Inflationary Phase is coming soon! Trillions worth of stimulus is the Grandest wealth theft from the public Precious Metals Update     Corona Quarantine… Continue Reading →

The Reawakening of Mankind

Reality is a consciousness trap The Great Pyramid of Giza is much older Atlantis Tragedy sent earth’s inhabitants back into the dark ages The Negative Alien Agenda True prophets tried to turn the negative forces into positive energies Anti-life forces of… Continue Reading →

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