The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


July 2024

The population will be reduced to a fraction of what it is today

Archon New World Order Total regime change, stopping environmental destruction and ushering in a new age is our goal, but there is still the threat of the Archon Bloodline fascist New World Order taking over planet Earth to make it… Continue Reading →

Twelve strands of DNA are being activated

  Severing 10 out of 12 strands of DNA cripples our abilities This essay is unique and a real eye opener. Save this information and spread the word.   You are one of your kind and far more capable than… Continue Reading →

Soulless humans

First human to receive DNA upgrade was 300,000 year ago Based on documented fossils and Sumerian writings, the arrival of humans on Earth can be dated to more than four hundred and fifty thousand years ago. According to the Sitchin… Continue Reading →

Real history unlocked

Destruction of literature from antiquity Human history is based on loose fragments. Why do we know nothing more about our past and its many found artefacts? Over the centuries, much of the literature and artefacts have been deliberately destroyed to… Continue Reading →

True story

All will be revealed The dark forces that have enjoyed unlimited freedom on planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years are now facing our helpful alien brothers and sisters, our forces of light, digital soldiers and patriots, who have… Continue Reading →

Fear-based society

It is striking that only a few of us who are truly awake are writing informed comments. Are the rest still insufficiently awake? Remember that only the truly awake will move on to the 5D world. It is disheartening to… Continue Reading →

Tens of trillions of fake currency units printed as living standards fall

Energy abuse Japan, the EU and the US all have failing economies. And they are all failing at the same time for the same reason: consumers in these countries are reluctant to borrow. And without borrowing, they have no way… Continue Reading →

Lucifer’s Rebellion and His Pleiadian Angels

The Hidden History of the Devil Lucifer’s rebellion, as described in older scriptures, took place long before the earth was created. EA in this sense is Lucifer, while ENLIL is Satan, who also rebelled against the forces of light, and… Continue Reading →

Technology of the Atlanteans

Off-World Technology The veil that holds our souls captive on this planet is being lifted through the reincarnation process to free humanity to evolve as the Creator intended. It is unfortunate that only a few are truly awake and taking… Continue Reading →

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