Be aware of the following findings that you won’t find anywhere else

A Scientific Investigation of the Aura and Biofield Called the Kirlian Effect


Unlimited Energy

A highly advanced civilisation known today as Great Tartaria disappeared from our history books less than a century ago. Its remnants can still be seen everywhere. This civilisation mastered technologies more advanced than ours today.


For example, their geopolymer concrete was eternal and grew stronger with time. Their gigantic iron and glass structures, topped by domes and metal needles, were found on every continent.


Combined with mercury, they distributed free wireless energy around the globe, even to the most remote areas. Their towers and stations are still in use today. Unfortunately, the cabal ‘locked up’ the free energy from the ether and replaced it with the very old technology of cables and wires in order to make handsome profits.


The story goes that Nikola Tesla ‘discovered’ the technology to connect to the ether and provide unlimited power to anyone, anywhere, at any time. You could travel by boat, car or plane for free, simply by tapping into nature’s omnipresent magnetic energy.


This free energy, generated from the magnetic fields around planet Earth, would have eliminated carbon emissions and global warming!


Even more interesting;


A person transcends the boundaries of their body in the form of physical fields that shine in different colours called “The Luminous Aura”.


In 1939, Russian scientist Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife Valentina discovered a mysterious luminescence around human fingers. They set up a laboratory in their home and over the course of twenty-five years perfected equipment that allowed them to observe and photograph the flickering luminescence of plant leaves, acupuncture points or joints on the hands and feet.


They discovered that the electrical corona around the fingers changed colour and dimension according to the psychological and emotional state of the individual. It was this characteristic of the luminous aura that attracted the attention of researchers, led to a series of publications and made the two inventors from Krasnodar world-famous.


The name Kirlian is inextricably linked with vibrating bluish auras and has firmly established the concept of the Kirlian Effect in the world. Unfortunately, after extensive research and thirty patents for inventions, SD Kirlian himself died of a lung disease, as he did not have the means to travel abroad for treatment.


Over the last twenty years, researchers have accumulated a huge amount of scientific material on this effect. They have discovered a number of interesting cases, such as the change in the luminescence of leaves when pollutants appear in the environment.


Kirlian photographs have been used to demonstrate the interaction of plants; the pictures clearly show how the aura of one suppresses the aura of another, how its dimensions and colour change near the leaf of a more active neighbour.


Understandably, the most interesting and promising results relate to the luminescence of human skin.


In 1961, the couple succeeded in observing and photographing the skin of the human body under high-frequency currents, showing that the currents come from one point and go to another. They resemble corona discharges and have different shades. The colour and intensity of this luminescence depends on the psychological and emotional state of the individual. Under normal circumstances, the radiation is balanced, while, for example, when solving even the simplest task, it begins to move intensively.


The Kirlian couple noticed that when they photographed people on colour film, different parts of the body appeared differently: the heart area became blue, the forearms green, the thighs olive. Sudden emotional experiences and illness were also reflected in the resulting colour.


From all these facts, the scientists drew some rather important conclusions:

  1. The energy used by the organism is emitted by high-frequency currents.
  2. Each organ, tissue and cell emits currents in a specific spectrum that is characteristic of it under natural conditions.
  3. In the event of sudden, unexpected changes, the spectrum of frequencies changes suddenly, a shift to one side or the other of the spectrum can be observed (depending on whether the activity of the radiating organ is activated or suppressed).


A person full of strength and health radiates sharply and regularly, while disturbances in the energy balance or inflammatory processes cause cracks, holes and blocks in the radiation.


The future disease, which has not yet manifested itself on the level of the physical body, makes itself known by a fading, uneven and intermittent radiance. The German doctor P. Mandel created models based on a huge amount of statistical data, which clarified how different types of luminescence are related to a specific physiological state.


This computerised method allows early diagnosis of the disease and is now widely used in clinical practice.


Professor KG Korotkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, comments:

“The recorded characteristics determine not only the state of the physical body, but first of all the state of the energy-information package. The structure of Kirlian radiation from the fingers reflects a wide spectrum of its energetic, psychological and emotional peculiarities. In connection with the emergence of a new generation of Kirlian-type computer devices, the possibility of “penetrating much deeper into the mystery of the human being” has opened up.


Radiance does not only come from the outer shell, the ancient Indian sages already knew that every organ shines, as does every drop of blood, and that in the heart there is a point that begins to live first and dies last. This point glows with a tiny purple flame.


In 1981, the Soviet scientist PJ Yegorov used high-frequency photo probes to photograph the aura of a person’s internal organs.


Professor KG Korotkov perfected Kirlian’s instruments by digitising the device and developing a new research method called visualisation of electric discharge in gas. He succeeded in creating a device capable of displaying the entire human aura.

“The complex nature of the visualised images, i.e. the multi-layered nature of the information contained in them, makes it possible to connect these images with ideas about the human aura as the most general map of the distribution of the fields of a biological object in space”.


Korotkov’s device was used by the group of Professor of Medicine E. Muldashev during one of the expeditions to the Himalayas. In 1999, an article entitled “Why do yogis live for hundreds of years?” was published, and two photographs of Professor Muldashev’s aura were taken using Korotkov’s apparatus.


In esoteric and occult literature there are very often pictures of the human aura as seen by certain personalities who possess psychic powers. The perfect correspondence between the drawn aura and the image in the photograph is literally shocking.


The Kirlian Effect has irrefutably proven the existence of an invisible inner glow of an individual, which resides beneath the surface of his physical shell.


AN Perevozchikov in his book Sensibilova – Myth or Reality states:

“Recent research has shown that a person’s physical fields, located in space and time, have shades of all the colours of the rainbow, thanks to which they can provide information about the biochemical processes of a given organism.


Therefore, a person transcends the boundaries of his body in the form of physical fields that shine in different colours”.


Doctor of philology AK Manějev, in the publication Philosophical analysis of scientific contradictions, characterises the difference between the physiology and the psyche of the human organism as follows:


“Physiology represents functional structures that can be basically exhausted as a system of physiochemical processes that take place in the presence of a biofield; psyche includes the functions of another level of the organism, i.e. the tasks of the biofield’s own level, and represents a system of non-entropic processes of the reflection-information plan. It is therefore not a physico-chemical or physiological plan”.


On the basis of all this, two questions arise:

  1. Is the existence of a protein-nucleus form of life possible without the action of a biofield (energy-information field)?
  2. Is it possible for a biofield to exist on its own, without being connected to a physical body?


The researchers conducted a series of experiments to answer the first question.

Based on the findings of PP Garyaev, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, chromosomal aberrations occurred in isolated embryos, hereditary molecules were deformed and disintegrated, development was prevented and organisms died.


One-day-old chicks and mice, which the researchers placed in special shielded cages that did not penetrate the external field, regardless of optimal living conditions, died within days. Their organisms could not develop without the influence of the Earth’s energy and information field.


Similar experiments with hypo-magnetic chambers were carried out by researchers led by VP Kaznacheev, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.


Based on detailed research, the scientists came to the following conclusion:


“The protein-nucleus life form cannot exist without a normal electromagnetic environment.


This essay is a reminder of just how much is already available for healthy living!



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For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and rises up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.


Or that the cabal is crippled by

  1. A mass awakening
  2. The collapse of the monetary system, or
  3. Removal by extraterrestrial intervention


Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.





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The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.


Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


To be continued when time tells us more …