The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


January 2025

Destruction of a rotten world

Giant deception collapsing Millions around the world are discovering the truth and must adopt the mindset of a warrior, not to strike the enemy once, not twice, but to strike the giant of deception constantly until it collapses. For in… Continue Reading →

Simplicity marks the true soul

The path that leads to the 5D world Your consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it or fail! In that moment you will… Continue Reading →

What is consciousness?

Simplicity is the hallmark of the true soul Ascension is progressive and by definition the path of those who consciously choose to move to a higher level of Light. This path can only be found when the consciousness is truly… Continue Reading →

Consciousness is key to changing the world

Today’s Government The real purpose of government today, always and everywhere, is to enable the few to exploit the many. The monetary system is a clever way of doing this. The modern world of industry, commerce and investment operates on… Continue Reading →

The Cabal is Out – We Have Won!

Stop the press – Major news – The Cabal has been defeated   Taking back control at all levels The origins of the fractional reserve banking system created by the cabal can be found in the ancient treasuries of Rome,… Continue Reading →

The key to our freedom

For the whole world to see! Exposing the ‘Khazarian’ Mafia   The Shocking Truth The story of what is about to happen is the biggest news story in the history of the human race on the planet Earth..   The… Continue Reading →

All rulers removed

Deep State collapsing like a house of cards Planet Earth has reached the most important crossroads in the history of civilisation. With the aim of enriching themselves, the globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have caused great damage… Continue Reading →

Wake up!

Breakthrough to our liberation as the truth emerges Don’t miss this opportunity. Let everyone know that we’re taking back our freedom.   It is sad that people cannot distinguish between real and fake information. Are we so stupid that nobody… Continue Reading →

Humanity’s 12-year awakening

FWC is always one step ahead Final Wakeup Call articles are thoroughly researched and written in plain language, but are not advertised. For the truth presented will only be recognised, understood and spread by the truly awake.   A conspiracy… Continue Reading →

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