Simplicity is the hallmark of the true soul
Ascension is progressive and by definition the path of those who consciously choose to move to a higher level of Light. This path can only be found when the consciousness is truly expanded enough by understanding each lesson presented during successive incarnations.
Remember that nothing and no one will decide for you.
The soul vibrating at a high frequency is generally focused on the intention of good. It takes into account the outcome of every action taken. It always goes to the other side to feel if any decision is really best for both. It is always cooperative and never competes for personal gain. It is loving, compassionate and respectful.
The soul of every human being is expressed through consciousness. When we speak of the soul, we speak of consciousness itself. It is in constant vibration and produces a frequency that varies according to that vibration. There are no two souls on the same frequency, any more than there can be two radio transmitters overlapping on the same wave band.
Intention determines the frequency of each soul. It determines thought and action. And it is actions that count and determine frequency.
Actions create reactions, also called the law of cause and effect. Even inaction can be called action. It is the action of inaction.
The soul has its own life, independent of the physical body. But it needs the body to manifest. It develops through its manifestation. The body allows the soul to express itself through body language. Through physical and emotional symptoms, the soul tells us when and where to pay attention, because any discomfort means that there is a message or a learning process for that incarnated consciousness.
The brain, which feeds the human mind, is the complement to the soul. It is the mechanism of manifestation. It has the polarities that enable action, both in what we know as good and in the opposite polarity called evil. Experiencing both polarities is the rule of this soul school.
Therefore, good and evil do not exist as we understand them, for everything is learning.
Humanity has reached the pinnacle of this learning process. No soul incarnated today can claim to be unaware of the difference between an ethical and an unethical action. A moral action and an immoral action.
To repeat the negative action is a deficiency of the soul’s character. And this deficiency, vibrating at a very low frequency, is now preventing the soul from ascending.
What determines the high or low frequency of a soul is its intention. The soul vibrating high will never have any intention towards the ego, towards personal interests, towards the desire for power over others, towards competition, in short, towards anything that does not fit in with what is actually ethical and moral.
On the other hand, the soul vibrating at a high frequency is focused on the intention of goodness in general. It considers the outcome of every action to be done. It always puts itself on the other side to feel if any decision is really the best for all. It is always cooperative; it never competes for personal gain. It is loving, compassionate and respectful.
The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, speaks to you.
What is consciousness?
It is a store of information that contains the accumulated experience of the soul in all its incarnations – both past and present.
You can think of this ‘store’ as a ball or a container or whatever your imagination tells you. And this ‘store’ is not in a person’s head, but in their energy space, and for each person it is in the area of the chakra that currently corresponds to their vibrational level.
The consciousness of any living being is a flexible and mobile substance.
That is why it is so easy to control it by influencing the thoughts and emotions that make up its consciousness.
Remember the humorous expression
“What are you thinking?
But it reflects the level of a person’s consciousness.
Those who ‘think’ with the
- first chakra live in constant fear for their lives, those with the
- second – with sexual desires, those with the
- third – with control and self-affirmation, those with the
- fourth – with emotional experiences, those with the
- fifth – with self-expression in all its forms, those with the
- sixth – with wisdom and a deep understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, those with the
- seventh – with a divine vision of any situation.
Of course, I have only given you the most superficial characteristics of the different levels of consciousness so that you can feel the difference between them.
So now it is very important that you help the new energies to move your soul’s ‘warehouse’ to a higher level of vibration. But to do this you will have to work hard and catch up in the shortest possible time what your soul has not had time to do in its previous incarnations and especially in this one.
Without your help the new energies will not be able to cope.
They may, of course, ‘pull you up’ a little to the next level of vibration, but if you do this consciously, you will have much greater success. To begin with, I will ask you to objectively assess your current level of consciousness, which you can do using a chakra meter. But to get the correct result, it is not enough to ‘diagnose’ your condition once.
It is necessary to derive its stable average component.
Try tracking your vibration levels throughout the day, or even better, throughout the week. Most likely they will be in the range of two or even three chakras.
Note in which chakra you vibrate the most. This is the indicator you need to use as a basis for further work on yourself..
Accepted by Marta, translated and edited by Peter B. Meyer
January 25, 2025 at 4:07 AM
so where and how do I find a chakra meter?
January 25, 2025 at 9:50 AM
In your own body
January 25, 2025 at 6:09 PM
I don’t see that “Humanity has reached the pinnacle of this learning process” (of duality)
Why would we live on a planet like a sewer?
Why the war between men and women?
Why do we have 22 wars in the world today?
Why does 3/4 of the pop not see the evil of forced injections?
Why doesn’t humanity learn anything from history or the past?
The world at present is the mirror of our miserable behavior.
I don’t share this pep talk at all.
January 25, 2025 at 6:56 PM
That is the reason why only 1/3 or less of the pop is able to enter the 5D world
January 25, 2025 at 9:36 PM
If possible, watch an episode of the Chinese series, “Guardians of the Dafeng” S01E36.
It came out in the last few days with a detailed explanation.