Contrary to popular belief, gold and silver are real money that cannot be corrupted and represent real value for the exchange of valuable goods and services.
The Looting of Treasure
An important aspect of the Second World War that often goes unnoticed and is rarely discussed is the extensive looting of treasure carried out by the Nazi regime during the war. It is well documented that the Nazis did indeed loot vast amounts of treasure and wealth from across Europe, much of which was reportedly recovered by the Allied forces after the war, but some of which remains missing to this day. Look, Hitler’s Gold Grab – Gold! Man’s greatest obsession.
Watch this 5 minute video to understand the importance of gold to society.
What has been almost completely brushed aside by historians, however, is the plundering of China and South Asia by the Japanese. Thirteen nations in all, as part of Operation Golden Lily, which continued more aggressively than ever during the Second World War.
The sheer volume of gold and treasure stolen from the Chinese and other nations during this period of the war makes the Nazi looting of Europe look like a run-of-the-mill convenience store robbery.
To this day, it is common knowledge throughout China that enormous wealth was stolen from them both before and during the war, but because of the total secrecy of Operation Golden Lily, as well as the total control of the media in the Western world throughout the 20th century and beyond, this fact has gone completely unreported in the West.
This begs the question:
Knowing full well that treasures beyond imagination have been taken as part of the war effort, why has this not been reported, and where exactly have all these treasures ended up?
Here is a short documentary video on the subject. Note that the man speaking in the film, Rhawn Joseph, claims that the gold and treasures looted by the Japanese totalled $100 billion.
This figure is confirmed in the book Gold Warriors, written by investigative journalists Sterling and Peggy Seagrave.
The Japanese hid vast amounts of these stolen treasures throughout the Philippines.
The authors wrote: “.
.. a high-ranking Japanese officer, who was a cousin of Emperor Hirohito… (confirms) that the Japanese hid over $100 billion worth of treasures in the Philippines and that it would take ‘more than a century’ to recover it all”.
Based on additional information provided later, this $100 billion estimate turned out to be $240 billion.
Obviously, as the victor, the US felt entitled to share in the spoils. But to make the deal stick, the world’s number one war criminal, Emperor Hirohito, was absolved of all responsibility.
The US began conspiring with mass murderers, war criminals and gangsters to cover up their crimes.
It was imperative that Hirohito and all responsible members of the royal family should never be charged, never be questioned, and that all should go free. Even General Ishii, who commanded the notorious Unit 731, was given immunity.
Ishii struck a private deal with MacArthur. General Ishii had conducted horrible medical experiments on innocent people, injecting Koreans, Chinese, Russians, Americans and others with terrible diseases and then dissecting people alive without anaesthetic.
According to Colonel Sanders,
“MacArthur agreed to immunity for all in return for all the information [Unit 731] had. Ishii went on to become a millionaire and director of Japan’s Green Cross.
Black Eagle Trust Fund
“The Allies, through a vast and complex network of spies, learned of the stories of vast quantities of gold and ancient treasures stolen by the Japanese as part of Operation Golden Lily, and later hidden and buried throughout Japan and the Philippines.”
In July 1944, delegates from 44 nations met in New Hampshire and developed the Bretton Woods system of monetary management.
“On the outside, it was presented as an effort to rebuild the world’s financial system in the aftermath of World War II. The idea seemed noble enough. But there was a hidden agenda. Thanks to the extensive espionage networks that had been set up behind the scenes during the war, the highest levels of government were aware of the treasures looted by the Nazis and the Japanese.
In anticipation of the Allied seizure of these riches, delegates set up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and discussed what to do with the loot once it was in Allied hands.
However, it was not until later in 1945, when both General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General MacArthur had informed President Truman of just how vast the treasures actually were, that the Powers That Be, or the Deep State Cabal, who decided to set up the ultra-secret Black Eagle Trust – named after the Black Eagle symbol of the Third Reich.
One of the key players in the creation of this fund was Henry L Stimson, then US Secretary of War.
Various publicly available reports that have attempted to catalogue the amount of wealth lost in the war in both Europe and Asia have estimated that these treasures amount to a total of 280,000 tonnes of gold, in addition to an abundance of jewels and diamonds.
In 1945, US intelligence officers in Manila discovered, through the bribery and torture of insiders, that the Japanese had hidden large quantities of gold bullion and other looted treasures in the Philippines.
President Truman decided to recover the gold, but to keep these treasures secret.
It would be combined with Japanese treasures recovered during the US occupation and Nazi loot to create a worldwide American political action fund to fight communism.
This ‘black gold’ was placed in a fund called The Black Eagle Trust Fund, which gave the Khazarians in Washington DC virtually unlimited, unaccountable funds, providing an asset base to bolster the treasuries of America’s allies, to bribe political and military leaders, and to manipulate elections in foreign countries for some eighty years.
Between 1945 and 1947, astronomical sums of gold bullion and jewels were transferred from Germany, Japan, the Philippines and other countries throughout Asia and placed in 172 accounts in 42 different countries.
Huge sums went directly into the accounts of the Federal Reserve and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.
Over the years, this wealth has been used as part of a global political action fund to do the following;
To bribe statesmen and military officials, as well as to buy elections around the world through massive amounts of campaign funding received by politicians throughout the Western world to ensure that the right people get into positions of power, i.e. the interests of the bankers and money holders – the heirs to the world throne of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and J.P. Morgans.
To create a global policy by implementing western capitalism and fighting communism. While this may seem a noble cause to many, it is deeply flawed, as in reality it has created a huge divide between Russia/China and the US/European/Japanese alignments, and has left most of the rest of the world in a perpetual state of poverty, with little power to influence global affairs.
Possibly as part of a massive cover-up involving the 9/11 false flag operation, designed to hide the liquidation of $240 billion in T-bills secretly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which unknown Western investors bought up much of Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas.
It has also been reported that massive amounts of gold disappeared from the underground vaults of the World Trade Centre after the 9/11 attacks, which may ultimately be linked to the Black Eagle Trust.
Think deeply about how We the People have been robbed of all the wealth that originally belonged to We the People!
Tell your friends to wake up and help right this wrong.
March 23, 2025 at 5:35 PM
Thanks, really interesting.
March 23, 2025 at 6:24 PM
Indeed little known facts are uncovered here …
March 25, 2025 at 11:48 AM
Are you aware of the role played by the Trilateral Commission in the ongoing saga?
The Secret Gold Treaty and other publications, allege that over 1 million tonnes of gold bullion, were stolen from China.
The fact that this Gold was not certified 99.9% pure gold, by Johnson Mathey, or other sources, raised doubts about the amount of gold involved.
There were 175 sites (with maps of the locations) in Philippines where gold was buried. Three (3) of those maps were stolen by Yamashita’s filipino driver. The other 172 are available online. Each site had a value in billions of Yen, of the loot buried eg 777, 999 etc.
Marcos recovered some of the gold and refined it to remove the gold signature (trace elements to identify the source location of the original gold bars.)
I researched all of this back in the 1970’s and bought gold in 1978 at AUD 167.00 per ounce.
March 25, 2025 at 4:23 PM
The best way to right the wrongs is to carry the truth of our history to the four-corners of the Earth. Every living person must be rightly educated in humanities historical past. The truthful history of this planet and it’s people must not only be disseminated to everyone, but we must also find innumerable ways of recording every aspect of it so that future generations will possess it as well.
However hard it is to hear, know, and bear, the magnitude of the lies, crimes, and horrors that have been inflicted on Humanity and our habitat, it will actually “grow” us to a new level of maturity. Finally.
While we can’t change the past, we can process and learn from it, and at the same time open ourselves up to remembering how to live in freedom and what it really means to be alive.
We are now at that part of ascension’s doorway where the Revelations are forcing their way into the Collective’s consciousness with unrelenting urgency. Everyone will need to take a deep breath, and then another — that is how we will get through this.
March 25, 2025 at 4:57 PM
Thanks Demitra for your well thought comment. Highly appreciated!
Another aspect people have to safeguard itself is; Mythology, a genre of folklore or theology that consists mainly of stories that play a fundamental role in a society, such as base stories or origin myths.
For historians, philosophers or theologians, this is very different from using the word “myth”, which simply means something that is not true. However, the veracity of a myth is not a defining criterion.
Many societies group their myths, legends and history together, considering myths and legends to be true accounts of their distant past. Which is not.
It is now well known that we live in a fake, manipulated 3D world where nothing is real.
A look back at the true history of humanity on planet Earth tells us more and clearly shows how and where today’s humanity has landed. Assume that all of today’s history is a deception and look into the past to see what really happened. Go ahead in the past with an open mind is the only option!
March 25, 2025 at 8:51 PM
Yes, indeed, Peter — we must methodically cut away the illusions that we’ve been sold as our heritage. Of course, yes, yes.
However, the easiest way to find our way back to the accurate accounts of our history at this time may well be for us to focus on the truths that are coming out RIGHT NOW — especially those that completely contradict everything we thought was true, but is not.
Those of us who can accept, sit with, and assimilate these difficult truths, these are the ones who will find their way back to the beginning of our authentic history first — the history before it was stolen from us; the history kept hidden from us; and the real history subverted into lies and confusions. Our path back to that past begins with all that is being exposed right now.
March 25, 2025 at 6:18 PM
General Yamashita’s Gold…it has been referred to as.
The first part of the process of the Bonds for that Chinese Gold; that were printed with deliberate errors/spelling mistakes so they could say; in true legalistic style; sophistry/ casuistry; they have mistakes; they are not real or valid.
This kind of Jackal thievery is to be remembered and the people of this kind; NEVER to be Trusted.