History repeats itself

 Destruction of ancient literature

The history of mankind is based on loose fragments. Why do we know nothing about our past and the many artefacts that have been found? Over the centuries, much of the literature and artefacts have been deliberately destroyed to keep people stupid and asleep.


We used to know a lot about where we came from, but that was destroyed by the dark ones, so we weren’t allowed to know how, what and where we came from and where our origins are.


Fortunately, in India, these traditional thoughts have been preserved as ‘Veda’ and passed on orally from generation to generation. According to traditional Indian thought, the Veda is a self-evident and authoritative public scripture. However, it was not written by human authors.


The word ‘Veda’ means ‘knowledge’ and is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘vid’, which means ‘to know’. It does not refer to a single literary work, but to a large body of literature created over many centuries and handed down from generation to generation.


After the destruction of the Egyptian library in the Temple of Ptah in Memphis, little was left. Similarly, 200,000 precious works disappeared when the library of Pergamum in Asia Minor was destroyed.


When the Romans razed the city of Carthage to the ground, they destroyed 500,000 books, and then came Julius Caesar with his war against Egypt, which resulted in the loss of the Library of Alexandria, considered to be the greatest collection of books in antiquity.


Because of these tragedies, we now rely on loose fragments, random passages and meagre records. Our distant past has fallen into a vacuum, haphazardly filled with tablets, parchments, statues, paintings and all manner of artefacts.


The history of knowledge would be very different if the book collection of Alexandria still existed today. However, there is a ray of hope: thousands of ancient manuscripts have recently been found and preserved in the Vatican Library. Perhaps these books contain the missing facts of the past?


The origin of man on earth is different from what is presented in the literature. Man came from other planets in the universe. Studies of human DNA prove this claim.


So the origin of life on Earth goes back much further in time than is generally known. The first adventure began beyond the borders of this planet and goes through star kingdoms, galactic federations; aliens visited the then existing civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Tartaria and other recently discovered civilisations.

The greatest mystery on this world concerns our origins, which have been hidden from us for centuries. Well-known theories such as “evolution” and “creation” do not explain the true origin of the human individual.


Darwin’s false “survival of the fittest” theory does not explain how humans overcame the thousands of errors in human DNA structure, while the creation theory ignores an impressive number of ancient fossils and artefacts found around the world. So there is a clear need for a new, reliable model of our origins.


More recently, these theories about the origin of modern humans have been thrown into confusion by the discovery of fossils suggesting that Neanderthals, primitive humans, lived alongside Cro-Magnons, or modern humans, in what is now Israel. Strangely, these races did not interbreed because Neanderthals and modern humans could not.


In terms of reproduction, they were incompatible; they were two completely different species. In fact, scientific research has shown that the remains of modern humans in prehistoric Israel are up to 40,000 years older than the remains of Neanderthals. This alone makes the theory of gradual evolution untenable.


This conclusion could resolve the “missing link” between primitive and modern humans, which apparently does not exist. There were clearly two very different types of human, and this requires a new model of human origins.


A growing number of archaeologists, theologians and historians are questioning the ready-made answers offered by conventional science. But these scientists do not give up easily, and they defend their ideas with fire and sword.


Atlantis was the main cause of the Flood

The Bible and many other ancient texts tell us that the Flood wiped out almost the entire world population. Not mentioned are the conflicts that went on behind the scenes between the Sirians and the Pleiadians, which eventually led to the Flood in the rest of the world, particularly on another huge landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, where Atlantis was also wiped out by the Flood. Nevertheless, Atlantis was the main cause of the Flood.


Not only archaeologists, but even locals around the world have found skulls, bones and relatively intact skeletons of strange creatures, giants and dwarves that scientists say should not exist. And yet they do.


Some of these finds, to add insult to injury, should not exist in the part of the world where they were found. But they do. Not just one or two, but sometimes entire cemeteries, as in Peru.


There have been many cataclysms in the history of the Earth, and many, many different species have been genetically engineered, manipulated and abandoned. Some of them, when they lost the support of their creator gods, moved underground and into inaccessible areas of the world, like jungles, remote areas and up in the mountains, and many of them still live there.


If people only knew how many different species live inside the Earth, they would be amazed, and some of them look very different to us.


It’s very important that we know our true past, including how we have been manipulated, and certainly still are, so that we can understand the present and make good decisions for our future.


It is impossible to understand the present alien agendas if we don’t understand our true past, which has led to our present situation, which has everything to do with alien agendas.


This is why history is so important and also one of the most changed subjects in school. The manipulators know that it’s easy to control us if we know next to nothing about our origins. So if they give us amnesia between lives and change our history, they can do almost anything to us.


It was in Atlantis that the Sirian experiment began to go horribly wrong. To understand what really happened, we need to understand the legend of Atlantis and what really happened there.


There is a lot of karma involved when it comes to the Atlantean era, and that is why people still can’t let go of it. The ‘New Atlantis’ has been planned for a long time, and it is known in recorded history that these plans and dreams were common in the work of such prominent people as Sir Francis Bacon, who was a high initiate in the Rosicrucian Order.


Freemasonry in general has also promoted these plans, and Atlantean symbolism is found throughout this particular secret society. The founding fathers of the United States were those chosen to realise this dream in America, and many of them were either Freemasons or otherwise closely associated with them.


In many ways history is now repeating itself as we approach the end of 2024 and beyond so that our karma can be played out and hopefully resolved. However, it’s up to us whether this happens or whether we build up additional negative energies.


If we allow history to repeat itself out of ignorance, we’re going to end up with another catastrophe, this time even bigger than the last, because literally our very souls are at stake.


People think that nuclear power and weapons of mass destruction are something new, but remnants of ancient nuclear wars can be found in many places around the world – even in Scotland, the British Isles were the north-eastern part of Atlantis that remained above sea level after the Flood.


Why are there so many reported abductions? What is in our DNA that they want? Did the genetic ‘upgrading’ of humanity ever stop, or is it still going on in places like Area 51 and off planet?

These are all important questions to be discussed in future issues, bearing in mind that Atlantis is the key.


Furthermore, it’s important to realise that Atlantis, like the Lemurian civilisation, was not confined to a continent in the Atlantic Ocean, but was more of an era than a place. Atlantis was the part of the population that eventually chose technology over spirituality and nature, while Mu was the opposite.


The similarities between Atlantis and Mu and the world today are sometimes striking. People today have to make the same choices as they did then, but hopefully this time we have a better chance of maintaining and building on the positive energies that many of us have worked hard to create within ourselves.


This time we have some advantages that we didn’t have then; one is the numbers of 8 billion people and the other is the intense gamma ray bombardment from the Sun and the Galactic Centre.


The Flood happened about half a ‘full year’ ago, actually 13,500 years ago, and now we are completing a ‘full year’ – a full circle around the Zodiac. Although the energies were strong at the time of the Atlantean, they are much stronger now. This will not stop those who wish to destroy us if we let them, so it’s up to us again.


Human Origins Documentary



Sources Zacharias Sitchin

The Wes Penre Papers

A Journey Through the Multiverse



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 For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and rises up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

    1. A mass awakening
    2. The collapse of the monetary system, or
    3. Removal by extraterrestrial intervention

Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.

PDF: https://finalwakeupcall.info/book/The%20Great%20Awakening%20English%20web.pdf

E-Book: https://finalwakeupcall.info/book/The_Great%20_Awakening_%20English.epub



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The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.


Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


To be continued when time tells us more …