Aspirant 5D candidates please take note to study this article and especially the links provided as this information is part of your 5D entrance exam.


Only through arrogance and ignorance man believes that he is alone in the cosmos.


Now is the time for us to know more about what goes on behind the scenes. This article contains the dialogue between “Top Secret Forum members” and “Hidden Hand”, giving answers on a very deep state level that don’t contradict each other.

As you read this, keep an open mind; you may not believe what is written!

Hidden Hand, a self-proclaimed Illuminati insider, appeared on the “Top Secret” forum in October 2008 and revealed information about the Illuminati agenda and its goals.


The reason for this, he says, is that the time has come for us to know some of what is going on behind the scenes. And when he explains WHY he has to reveal it now, it’s very convincing. In this article is published the dialogue between the members of the Top Secret Forum and Hidden Hand in its entirety.


Please take the time to read the whole dialogue, it’s long but we can all benefit from it, even if you don’t believe what is said in the end. When you read it, keep an open mind; don’t get stuck in dogma or think you’ve “figured it all out”, because then it doesn’t matter what he says, you won’t believe it.


Here are some points that make Hidden Hand very credible; one is that the forum members he communicates with make-up pages and pages of random questions and he answers them intelligently and accurately, without the delay it would take for a person presenting a hoax to come up with them.


This was also noticed by the forum members.


While, he is consistent! Many of the questions are very good, deep, to the point and philosophical, and this guy claims not to be from this Earth and manages to answer on a very deep level, and his answers don’t contradict each other. In an advanced and intelligent dialogue like that, it’s very unlikely that anyone would be able to do that without giving themselves away at some point.


You will certainly notice that it is sincere.


Have you ever wondered who is “at the top of the pyramid”? He gives us a clue. The bloodline he represents is far above the Rothschilds in power and hierarchy and is of extraterrestrial origin.



The 13 bloodlines we have been talking about on this website and others, with the Rothschild’s at the top along with the Merovingian nobility, are quite low in the Great Pyramid Structure and are the ones playing a power game here on Earth, only aware of parts of the Great Game on a need to know basis.


The bloodline that ‘Hidden Hand’ is said to belong to is much more advanced and higher in rank.


This being believes in what he says, and whether he himself is deceived to some degree or not, this is most likely what drives the Illuminati. These are their goals! He leaves you with a rather strange feeling after reading all this, but deep down it rings true.


His answers may need to be read more than once to understand the different layers of what he is telling us. Afterwards, when you begin to connect the dots, you will find that many pieces of the great puzzle that were previously missing and unanswered suddenly fit together.


If you are visiting the Illuminati News website for the first time, and you already have a fair idea of what the Illuminati and the New World Order are all about, and you only intend to read ONE article from the huge database, at least read this one!

Save this link for future reference.


It’s been hard to discern what ULTIMATELY drives the Illuminati.

  • Greed? Yes and no
  • Power? Of course
  • Control? Sure.


But you always get the feeling that there is a deeper mystery behind their “great work of the ages”. This may well be the answer!


When you have finished reading this article and feel inspired, please go to The Law of One and start absorbing the information presented there. It is a huge database on the same subject, but extensively expanded.


These two articles, if we read them with understanding plus an open mind and heart, may show us the real solution to the New World Order problem.


Here is the dialogue between the members o the Above Top Secret [ATS] and “Hidden Hand” [HH], the self-proclaimed Illuminati insider:


The Illuminati Hierarchy

Many do not want to believe that the Illuminati see it as their responsibility to control our planet Earth. This group, small in number, is so powerful and controls so much wealth and property that it can be considered an independent nation state. They control the major and minor political parties. They control the process of government, the flow of information and the creation of money.


They have infiltrated every facet of the world, even the Church. There is nothing left untouched by the Illuminati. All national councils of the Illuminati report to their Supreme World Council, which acts as a precursor to the New World Order government once it comes into being.


Top figures within the 33rd degree of Freemasonry are also the ringleaders in the Illuminati. The Rothschild families of the USA, Britain and France have seats on the Supreme World Council. They believe themselves to be descendants of royal bloodlines and unbroken occult heritage.


Emerging Economic Collapses

They are organising the coming economic collapse followed by martial law. Then the bankers and governments will immediately call in all debts while most people cannot pay and will be declared bankrupt. This will cause a global financial panic. This scenario has long been planned by the Illuminati, who control people through money.


An anonymous Illuminati insider reports that politically they are a closed group, with a straw-biting mentality, as everyone wants to be promoted. They are not nice people, they manipulate and abuse others. They seek status, power and money. They never reveal their agenda or cult activities. While publicly within the community, they are respected ‘Christians’ and business leaders. Social image is very important to the Illuminati; they go to great lengths to maintain a normally respected facade to avoid exposure.


This whistle-blower is a generational member of a ruling bloodline family, who proclaims under the pseudonym ‘Hidden Hand’: ‘Our lineage can be traced back to ancient times.


From the very first record of history and beyond, our family has somehow been running the game from behind the scenes. Our origins predate even the rise and fall of Atlantis. We were born to lead. We are part of the current paradigm. There are 13 basic or original core bloodlines. Hidden Hand disagrees with British author David Icke’s belief that these families are full of reptilian creatures. He says: “We are definitely not reptiles. And there is “nothing remotely reptilian within the True Power bloodlines”.


Humanity’s position on a polarised planet

Hidden Hand explains the current state of humanity on our polarised planet. Thought is focused creative energy. You get exactly what you put into it. Why do you think the media is so important to us? You (as a society), in your hypnotised comatose state, have given away your free will to the state to bring about the situation the planet is in now. You are saturating your bodies and minds with unhealthy food and information served on television, to which you are addicted, such as violence, materialism, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, constant bad news, fear and terror.


Negative harvest

When was the last time you stopped to think about something beautiful, something pure? The planet is the way it is because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit by your passivity, by looking away every time you see injustice. Your thoughts are at the subconscious level of creation given to you by the Creator and that is why you allow these things to happen.


You are serving our (Illuminati) purpose. It is very important for us that the polarisation of this planet is negative, at the time of the Great Harvest. This means self-centred service as opposed to positive service to others. We need the Negative Harvest and we are delighted that you are helping us to achieve our goal. We are very grateful to you.


Hidden Hand says that all young people born into Illuminati families are carefully trained in subjects such as the military, government, spiritual life, science and leadership. “We have key positions in all of these important areas,” he says. “With the addition of the complicit apparatus, i.e. your financial structure, which is our property, all the basic conditions are covered.”


Rest assured, this is not a fabrication or disinformation. According to writer and researcher Salla;


“In my opinion, it is a true revelation by an insider of an organisation called The Family, which is covertly involved in running both Earth and other planets by high-ranking elites in key social and political institutions.”


To help you think

According to legend, Atlantis was so thoroughly destroyed by a natural disaster that there was nothing left. But couldn’t there have been some Atlanteans who had the foresight to leave before the catastrophe? Or some who were travelling in other parts of the world at the time? It seems quite possible, given the stories of how advanced and sophisticated a civilisation it was, that at least some traders or travellers were elsewhere in the world at the time.


Some theories suggest that the mythological inhabitants of Mount Olympus, the gods of Greek and Roman mythology, were actually Atlanteans who had survived.


Now consider this astonishing possibility – what if groups of Atlanteans not only survived, but established communities in different places?

What if they continued to pass on their heritage, their history, their philosophy and their religion down to the present day?


Such people could teach us so much and fill in this great missing piece of human history.


There is a lot of information in this article for you to think about and study.

Make use of it.



The Illuminati are a secret society within a secret society, backed by a banking elite led by the Rothschild dynasty, who have a plan to abolish religion and overthrow civil governments in order to centralise everything under their control, essentially the New World Order.


Many researchers claim that this has helped to protect the offspring of the Illuminati to this day. It has made it difficult for observers to believe that such a well-organised conspiracy could exist and that the goals they have in mind for the world are real.


Public disbelief is what fuels their success, and it suits the conspiracy to plan their moves in such a way that the truth becomes so unbelievable, so absurd, that no one would believe it was deliberately created.


In this way they have become the money power of civilisation, amassing untold wealth and material treasures over the centuries. Because of their insatiable greed, their hunger for wealth and power is never satisfied and is the driving force of their organisations to this day.


  • History unfolds according to the long-term plan of the Illuminati. Wars are planned decades in advance and orchestrated to achieve the destruction of nations, depopulation, demoralisation and, of course, power and profit”.


The super-rich have organised themselves into a satanic cult to prey on humanity and establish their permanent hegemony.


The nations of the world owe trillions of worthless money printed by central bankers for the cost of paper and ink. The only way to protect this ‘investment’ is to establish a thinly disguised dictatorship using sophisticated methods of social and mind control.


13 Families Rule Our Planet Earth