The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know

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"structure and mode operandi"

How the world is controlled

More positive than negative energy The Jesuits are the true potentates The Achilles’ Heel of the Cabal Spiritual Potentates The Illuminati unmasked — Sun worship   The Vatican is sole owner of all nation states on earth Just as an… Continue Reading →

Government is Your Enemy

Governments are not serving the public The Solution is Anarchy, which would bring forth Freedom Aren’t we all anarchists?   Wealth-distribution and the destruction of it Democracy is a scam for sure and it will fail sooner or later. It… Continue Reading →

Rothschild Crime Construct 3

The way all people have become enslaved Central Banks are a private banking cartel Each country has Rothschild-controlled-officials Bloodline families’ model of power The hidden usurious mechanism is the vehicle of Modern Day Slavery   The power to issue money… Continue Reading →

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