The Final Wakeup Call - English

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"Secret Societies "

Our Reality is a Consciousness Trap

The Great Awakening You are a Conscience   The Great Awakening The third ‘Dimensional Reality’ of today, is not real. In fact, today’s reality is a consciousness trap. Who and what we really are has been hidden from us. Our… Continue Reading →

Earth civilisation reaches its turning point

The Breakthrough to the New 5D World Last chance to save our civilisation Disclosure Brings Light All Wars are Bankers Wars   The Breakthrough to the New 5D World Awakening is a process that takes much time and energy. Few… Continue Reading →

All Wars are Bankers Wars

Governments are Designed to Control the People Worldwide Network of Powerful Forces   Control of the Many by the Few The Wrong People destroy Everything Politics is full of fraud without integrity When the crisis was made a business   Governments… Continue Reading →

Global Swamp

How Planet Earth is being Ruined  Introduction To defeat our oppressors, it is essential to know their organisational structure and tactics used. The previous article outlined their structure, apparently still understood by few. The following exposes their applied modus operandi…. Continue Reading →

Swiss Octogon Templars

Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda Don’t Fall in the Frequency of Fear   Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda Vibrational frequencies via 5G, connect man’s consciousness with the Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda. It is the Anunnaki-Archon groups on planet Saturn that manipulate Consciousness energies to spread… Continue Reading →

Eye-opening Mind Control Truth

Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock indoctrination for behavioural modification How Mind Control Works Without healthy marriages, no society can survive The purpose of the EU   Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry shape society Tavistock is People’s enemy number one,… Continue Reading →

In the year 3023 a look back in time

Thousands of centuries of oppression A trigger is set to collapse the debt-money system Un-manipulated gold coins A look back in time from the year 3023   Reflecting how events in our time will be viewed a thousand years from… Continue Reading →

Join the ‘Shakeup’ of the Sleeping Mob

Freedom, Abundance and Prosperity is your Reward   It is time to stand and shake up everyone Worthless paper money does not create wealth Through money creation unlimited Power The power of money Banks never can fail     It… Continue Reading →

The storm is upon us!

End of Covid Genocide Own government greatest enemy of the people Popular awakening erupts The duty of awakening Divide and rule, deception by reverse name change Secrets of the United Nations   End of Covid Genocide Millions worldwide are discovering… Continue Reading →

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