End of Covid Genocide
Own government greatest enemy of the people
Popular awakening erupts
The duty of awakening
Divide and rule, deception by reverse name change
Secrets of the United Nations
End of Covid Genocide
Millions worldwide are discovering the truth. An illuminating video below explains the details, at least listen to the last 12 minutes. Meanwhile, a network of retired police officers and investigators, who fight child trafficking in Europe, said they received the film from their international connections. And said:
“This film is doing a world marathon!”
We must adopt the mindset of a warrior, to hit the enemy not once, not twice, but hit the giant of deceit permanently, until it collapses. For the end of the Covid Genocide, lies in the awakening of the mob!
The world has and had to deal with the likes of Kissinger, Bushes, Clintons, and Soros. Highly visible proponents of the New World Order. In particular, Soros using his dishonestly obtained wealth to subsidise many organisations around the world, set up to disrupt societies, through his non-profit ‘Open Society Foundations’.
By following Soros’ money trail, it becomes clear that he is one of the main sources, providing funds to groups that disrupt societies around the world to create distraction, chaos and polarisation.
Kissinger uses his political power to promote the NWO agenda, which is no less dangerous and disruptive.
It is believed that Soros as the biggest backer, is responsible for instigating large-scale migration of Islamic immigrants flooding Europe to create huge problems for European citizens.
Even more disgusting, the leaders of many European countries, especially and specifically chief lieutenant former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, are forcing other countries to take in displaced Muslims. Muslims who have no interest in integrating into polarised Western cultures.
Even more terrible and tragic are the false flag terror attacks including in France Paris, Nice, Rouen, and in Germany Würzburg, Munich, Ansbach and Reutlingen, four terror attacks in one week! In all the attacks, the police immediately killed the perpetrators to avoid later conviction, thus revealing the truth.
Own government greatest enemy of the people
All these attacks have been carried out with the knowledge of their own government in order to create more fear among the people to take away more of their freedoms. People need to understand that their own government is involved in this and is therefore literally their greatest enemy of all. This is the truth, until it becomes widely known, multiple attacks will follow. Each time with higher frequency and more innocent victims.
Connecting the dots offers a powerful effect to show the cabal how much and what is known about them. Connecting to what others know creates an extremely sinister pattern as representation of reality.
The walls of compartmentalisation are breaking down, which is why the Deep State Mafia is now panicking. Frightened insiders are breaking ranks several follows, as they see that silence is not an option, given the direction the world is now developing and to what extent.
Popular awakening erupts
People see their world changing and want to understand what is happening, and why. They want to be informed and prepared. They want the freedom to make informed choices, instead of being told what to do, by the same individuals and institutions that constantly lie and deceive them. Who have deliberately thrown today’s economy into terrible chaos.
The popular awakening erupts. Awakening comes at a price; it can be difficult to work on. Especially convincing others, opening their eyes and minds, is even more difficult. It is a fight against time. What is important is seeing all these injustices that could easily have been prevented.
It is sad to see how unawakened people are tossed back and forth, with no idea of what is really going on. But even that is a “manipulated” swell designed by the Deep State, but it can help everyone come to their senses and understand the false reality of today.
Millions of people go to alternative news sources and try to understand what is going on, and stumble upon realities they had never considered or could have imagined before.
The duty of waking up
When truth becomes known, the awakened are responsible to share it fervently, but also to enjoy it. Not always easy, but a duty that must be performed. The hour is late, the time frame we live in is embarrassing, it requires optimal awareness and quick actions. There is no other alternative.
The awake must roll up their sleeves now. It is;
us or them, life or death, truth or lies, freedom or slavery …
not only for our loved ones, but also for our posterity, the entire human race.
Truth has a price – it is the end of lies and illusions on which people had based their lives. And that is an ongoing process. Many now feel lost and frightened. The deliberately caused chaos is for exactly that purpose.
But in parallel and at the same time as their psychotic designs, it is a huge stimulus to the human spirit, spurred by an emerging consciousness and a deep sense of growing personal empowerment.
Many may not recognise these emerging, seemingly confusing energetic changes, as the creative process now at work. Awakening is first of all a destructive process, eliminating everything unreal and inhibitory to personal development and progress. These two dynamics work simultaneously.
Divide and rule, deception by reverse name change
Control over humanity is carried out in various ways by secret societies to achieve their goals. History shows that e.g. Freemason George Washington and his group, oppressed humanity. At that point, one begins to understand that the long-term goal is to get the world into cabal hands, using America as the military arm of the London/Washington/Vatican triumvirate for the purpose of a silent takeover of the world.
Divide and rule, deception, reverse name changes of subjects and players, fraudulent taxation, advanced technologies; positive means negative, freedom means war, etc.
Globally, Deep State Reptiles are being dismantled and condemned. After JFK was assassinated, a new cabal king took over in the name of Satan. His name is John D. Rothschild, who lived in Tucson Arizona.
Oswald and Ruby who staged the JFK assassination were both CIA agents.
As humanity awakens, civil unrest is expected over the genocidal effects of toxic Covid injections, directed by its own government.
The Paris Agreement on carbon emissions is their plan for taking over the planet by blaming man’s CO2 emissions and requiring them to be reduced in numbers, but without any substantiated evidence.
Institutes, like the NIH, CDC, WHO are staffed by reptiles playing along in the Covid plan. As in Nazi Germany where IBM (I’m BEING MARDUK) collaborated with Hitler to use digital technology to identify and exterminate less desirable populations. Set up to destroy GODS people.
The US, Canada and Mexico are working on an agreement to eliminate all corrupt companies, by force if necessary.
The security wall on the US-Mexican border of the US allows for the identification and elimination of Reptilians entering the country fraudulently.
Underwater gadgets were placed on both US shores to track and store information for future human monitoring.
A senior Pfizer scientist who is “in the know” tells the truth, saying among other things in an interview with Project Veritas that viruses can do no harm, they are part of the cellular waste mechanism.
Awareness is the answer, fear is the ultimate means of control.
Covid and climate change were invented to scare people and keep them in better control. When people are kept in fear and/or poverty, they are easier to control.
Conversations and games via mobile phone is the transformation process to the human robot.
Globally, 8 million children disappear every year to be abused by the cabal.
Unite yourself with nature; don’t believe any authority, be yourself and know who you are.
Only the non-poisoned honest and sincere souls have the chance to pass the exam to the 5D world.
Secrets of the United Nations
The United Nations is currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with its infamous “sustainability doctrines”. This global project wants to completely change every aspect of human existence; food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything!
This will supposedly end poverty, hunger, inequality, disease and other bad things, but the opposite is the goal.
A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use the UN to enrich themselves and enslave humanity.
The Pleiadians – The time has come for you!
Beginning of the third phase of the New Awakening Era
February 7, 2023 at 9:56 PM
My goal since 2000 was to unplug from the debt based 3d material world as much as possible. As a builder developer the 2008 housing crash fast tracked my mission. We noe live off grid in a modest 1000 sq ft farmhouse on our self-sufficient homestead. The internet is our only vice but it is used to spread the truth and learn the truth against all odds as the peeps have miles to catch up. It’s all good as we are waking up. Peace, love, freedom and forgiveness for all.
February 8, 2023 at 10:04 AM
your text:
“Truth has a price – it’s the end of the lies and illusions that people had built their lives on. And it’s an ongoing process. Many now feel lost and scared. The chaos caused deliberately is precisely in this aim”.
But every time I read your publications, the poor Muslims take it for their rank. Without any pity. You show no nuance. You mix it up by naming over 1 billion individuals as Muslim terrorists. For what ? haven’t learned the lesson of what we’ve been living for 3 years? Don’t feel sorry for people who are labeled “Muslims” just because they live in such and such a country???
Why don’t you practice the same model of experession by naming the “baby eating Jews” because that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?? Why when it comes to Western countries, you use nuance skillfully and differentiate between Cabalist Jew and KM Jew etc. etc And. Why don’t you talk about Christians and all shades of denominations from western countries with their evil religons what they have been doing in the world for ions?? IT IS YOUR WESTERN COUNTRIES THAT ARE TERRORISTS AND NOT THE MUSLIMS…!!! You make me want to vomit every time I read your posts. Don’t worry I don’t read to educate myself… but to see if the world is still under the control of such shit… but apparently it still is… you are still naming 1 billion individuals with a label that hurts so many individuals on this earth.. because of your hatred against Muslims!!
Don’t worry, I’m not Muslim but I want you to stop stigmatizing whole populations of terrorists but the KM Jews who have killed millions of people for decades you continue to protect such a mafia.
Francais :
votre texte :
“La vérité a un prix – c’est la fin des mensonges et des illusions sur lesquels les gens avaient fondé leur vie. Et c’est un processus continu. Beaucoup se sentent maintenant perdus et effrayés. Le chaos provoqué délibérément est précisément dans ce but”.
Mais à chaque fois que je lis vos publications, les musulmans les pauvres en prennent pour leur grade. Sans aucune pitié. Vous ne faites aucune preuve de nuance. Vous mélangez en nommant plus d’1 milliard d’individus de Musulmans terroristes. POurquoi ? n’avez pas appris la lecon de ce que nous vivons depuis 3ans ? N’avez pas de la peine pour des gens qu’on catalogue de “musulmans” juste parce qu’ils abitent dans un tel ou tel pays ???
Pourquoi vous ne pratiquez pas le même model d’experession en nommant les ” Juifs mangeurs de bébés” car c’est de ca qu’il s’agit n’est ce pas ?? Pourquoi quand il s’agit des pays occidentaux, vous utilisez la nuance habilement et vous faites la différence entre le juif cabaliste et le juif KM etc. etc. et. Pourquoi vous ne parlez pas des chrétiens et toutes les nuances de confessions des pays occidentaux avec leur religons maléfiques ce qu’ils font dans le monde depuis des ions ?? CE SONT VOS PAYS OCCIDENTAUX QUI SONT TERRORISTES ET NON LES MUSULMANS… !!! vous me donnez envie de vomir à chaque fois que je lis vos publication. Rassurez-vous je ne lis pas pour m’instruire… mais voir si le monde est toujours sous le controle d’une telle merde… mais apparement, c’est encore le cas… vous etes toujours entrain de nommer 1 milliards d’individus avec une etiquette qui fait mal à tant d’individus sur cette terre.. à cause de votre haine contre les musulmans !!
Ne vous en faites, je ne suis pas musulmane mais je veux que vous arrêz à stigmatiser des populations entières de terrorites mais les juifs KM qui ont tué des millions de gens pendant des decennies vous continuez à protéger une telle mafia.
trop c’est trop
February 8, 2023 at 10:37 AM
Regarding the muslims i think paul is trying to say that the DA will use muslims to cause fear in west
February 8, 2023 at 12:57 PM
Laura, I know exactly what you mean. This is a Dutch author and I have been living 30 years in belgium as an immigrant myself and I can confirm racism still lives here. Jews are untouchable ofcourse but Muslims get the blame for everything : crime, bad economy, bad weather… This guy Peter whatever is definitely no exception as I have been reading some of the crap and bullshit he has been writing and yes many times he did generalise Muslims as a reptilian religion… I mean I agree that all religions in general have one thing in common.. They are organised by the ruling elite and are meant to divide and group the people… The word says it Re Ligiare… Re group… But somehow if you say a bad word about the Adrenochrome drinking Jews you should be careful… While I have seen Talmud scriptures where its written that Goyim children (goyim is Hebrew for üntermensch, or subhuman, under which all non Jewish races are categorised, by the way Hitlers notions of Aerian blood, Über mensch and üntermensch have Jewish ideology at the base) so I was saying.. Goyim children can be sacrificed… Like lamb or sheep… Hence the word Sheeple.. Get it? We are sheeple not only because we blindly follow orders but Because Sheeple can be sacrificed!
Anyways the battle for earth is entering into a final stage… The NATO (Israel USA coalition among with European slave governments) have attacked Turkey with HAARP causing a 7’8 magnitude earthquake, because Turkey was showing its teeth at NATO… the first country who rushed to the rescue was Russia.. Showing the world and Turkey that Russia will stand by its allies… We have Iran building up munition and nuke’s, China provoking USA with balloons, the 3rd WW is building up to its climax… Some kind of huge explosion is inevitable… And despite the stupidities written over and over again on this website… No one really knows the outcome of it all… Even God… Everything is possible and everything depends on our collective consciousness and awareness… The sooner humanity awakes to see the illusions the better…. But we still have a long long way to go.
February 8, 2023 at 5:55 PM
By the way I’m not a Muslim either.. I don’t like Islam or any other religion except maybe for Buddhism only because I don’t see Buddhism as a religion… But a collection of truths…
February 8, 2023 at 9:41 PM
@Laura and Ponchik
Any so-called God that requires total submission or control of individuals is no God at all but a devil.
God, the One, the creator, the Source, and the root cause of all existence is light and love. That’s what all souls are made of.
But free will made some of them turn away from God and follow evil ideas, therefore becoming evil themselves. They will reap what they have sown, even when there are billions of them believing that they must kill everyone who does not believe what they believe: They will be discreated.
“That’s all, folks!”
February 10, 2023 at 3:12 PM
After reading my comment today, instead of the word “discreated”, I would rather use the word “uncreated.
Wish all readers a happy new year!
February 8, 2023 at 10:07 PM
Wanderer… God and Devil are your father and mother… Without Devil free will would not be possible… There would be only God to choose from… Now you can choose between God and Anti God.. Which is a very wide spectrum of choices… To tell you a secret… Lucifer or the Anti Christ… Took this mission to explore new possibilities as a free Artist who felt limited within God’s perspectives… You can compare him to a Picasso after mastering the Academic painting he wanted to stretch the muscle and explore conceptual ideas and weird forms… Or a classical musician who breaks away from the establishment to create free jazz… In a sense the Devil is a liberator… The problem is the balance of karma… The law of one… When you disrupt the balance it always has karmic repercussions… Now we are all stuck here… We were once free spirits who wanted to explore the free choice… But being separated from the source meant also loss of innate knowledge loss of connection with the self.. We had to start from scratch and explore the different variables… Like from blues came rock ‘n roll then hard rock then metal, heavy metal fusion, hip hop.. Whatever… The river split into small deviations… There is no crime and punishment… There is just trial and error… You learn from the pain… The pain you inflict on others and the pain you inflict on yourself and the pain others inflict on you and the pain others inflict on themselves… We learn the value of everything by the pain we feel… John lennon said it.. God is a concept by which we measure our pain…
It’s all good…
I just have a problem with the so called righteous white Christians who think they are God sent… While colonising Africa, wiping off American Indians, staging 9/11 inside job with bombs demolishing Wtc just to start a war in the middle East for oil and gas… And then having the nerve to portray Islam as the evil root cause of all violence in the world…
I mean fk Islam… I really don’t care about any of the bull crap Koran or Mohamed bullshit… But seriously guys… Apart from Jesus being a nice guy… Christianity has not been any different in terms of violence… All that guilt I felt for not being a true Christian… While the pope was shagging little kids…
February 9, 2023 at 5:42 AM
Dear Ponchik,
I agree to some extent, but definitely not in that statement “all is good”.
The discernment between good and bad (evil) is the main ability that makes a human being humane. Without this ability humans were mere animals. In fact, many seem to have already lost this fundamental ability.
The outcome of this devolution of mankind is the chaos we can see happening in the world of today.
But evolution continues, and it is not what Darwin told us. Evolution means an ongoing separation between the able and the unable. The latter will naturally end as compost.
That’s the good news. 😜
February 9, 2023 at 6:54 PM
All I’m saying is… Even God cannot know the final outcome of this experiment because that would go against the law of free will…if he claims humans have free will then he must abide by the rule of free will and chaos… It means its out of his control and he cannot know the answer in advance… This is a paradox because God is omniscient… But also omnipotent so it means that he is capable of everything meaning even capable of not knowing in advance…
February 9, 2023 at 7:38 PM
Nice joke. Realy.
February 10, 2023 at 3:23 PM
If God new everything in advance, I think His dream would be quite boring to Him.
He gave us free will and this planet as a playground. Unfortunately some humanoid bio-containers are not willing to stop pissing into the sand we are playing with. This means that we have to separate the pissers from the rest of the world …
And then look for clean sand …
Happy Weekend! 🤠
February 11, 2023 at 5:47 AM
PONCHIK, never conflate christianity with catholicism….PLEASE!!!!
Those who know know the second is at war with the first.
Evil always adopts the cloak of the righteous to attack it-you wake up. If the only way to heaven and God is thru Jesus-look at being born-again….that’s mainly what the true christian desires-that his fellow man is saved through grace