The new Earth is born


Lies and Deception

Turnaround has begun


The new earth is born

Current events that many can already observe are converging towards the completion of the planetary cycle. Every day more and more information arrives, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear understand this upheaval. Everything is converging in the same direction, confirmation that we are indeed in the great planetary change towards the 5th Dimension.


The new earth is born and with it a new humanity. If previously the word Apocalypse caused goosebumps for most, now there is plenty of understanding, comfort and confidence in the future to provide.


The new Light came to Earth at the end of 2012 and brought in higher energies, beginning the Aquarian Age, moving our Planet into the Fifth Dimension.


Everything is accelerating now! What used to take centuries now shows itself in months or a single year. An Apocalypse that used to cause fear now begins to inspire confidence, because it is nothing but the revelation of what was hidden. It is the window that opens, allowing Light to illuminate its surroundings and show the reality that could not be perceived before.


One by one, this Light dissolves the veils of forgetfulness as human consciousness begins to remember everything. They will remember who they are, where they came from and why they came here on Earth.


They will remember past lives but also have knowledge of the future. They will activate all innate knowledge since the time this consciousness was integrated into their Super Soul. It will indeed be a time of revelations!


Everything will be exposed! And what is coming is so great why it could not come earlier because our limited consciousness cannot absorb this reality.


The fruit cannot be picked earlier or it will be lost. Nor can it be picked too late, or it may rot on the stem. The moment of revelation is now.



The Anunnaki dark powers, have enjoyed unlimited freedom on planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. But now face our helpful alien brothers and sisters, our Light Forces, the digital Soldiers and Patriots. Through their great effort, progress has been made, to remove these negative forces from planet Earth for good. It were the negative forces that sabotaged positive initiatives and made it impossible to break the negative isolation. But that has now ended for good.


On Earth, we have found help from the extraterrestrial Palladians with their inherent desire to activate spiritual and mental forces in the world. They are narrowly connected to the world of Lightworkers.


Palladians encourage valuable efforts, joy, light and love on our world to further our ascension in order to enter the 5D world.


Extraterrestrials are able to bring great advancement in the mental and spiritual consciousness of people on planet Earth. Know, that Palladians and Earthlings are similar in many ways.


Palladians live and come from the constellation of stars known as the Pleiades. There are seven stars in the Pleiades. They come from a star called Taygete, which is home to the planet Erra.


The sleepers have to convince themselves to believe and see who their real enemy and tyrants are. In a nutshell; the Covid pandemic is a propaganda lie to wipe out humanity on Earth.


Lies and Deception

The sooner humanity wakes up and sees the lies and deception, the better it will be for all of us. Don’t be modest; let this be a challenge for everyone to join in to materialise our maximum potential.


Our planet is thoroughly polluted by huge amounts of toxic chemicals, radiations, lies, deception, disinformation, distortion, fake news, etc. Supported by half-truths, fraud, falsified images, deceptive mirages, propaganda and above all brainwashing.


Our physical body is “thoroughly poisoned and polluted” caused by radiation and air pollution, as well as heavy metals and dangerous toxins through pharmaceutical drugs and foods. All this is stored in the human organism, requiring physical detoxification.


The great upheaval has begun! This process can no longer be stopped! Both from above and below, energies are converging on Earth. This is, for many thousands of years, the long-awaited moment. To move forward into our new 5D-World!


First, Russia is preparing for the unification of nations by merging nations that were once part of the Federation supplemented by some that were not before.


NATO and the Khazarian CIA, know they cannot defeat a strong Russia and that their elitist lifestyle is at risk. Some Khazars have tried to hoard money in other countries to secure their wasteful lifestyle. The end for them is coming as they are being hunted and tracked down globally by military forces scouring our planet with technologies that track each of them.


The Deep State cabal has been finally defeated, what is left are cabal puppets and their cronies, each of whom will now be removed before most of humanity wakes up.


Turnaround has begun

Know; the new world is already a reality; the upheaval has begun right before your eyes. Wasn’t that originally your choice too? Start forgetting everything you learnt before and forget it for good.


Get a totally new perspective on life, and discover the real truths. Have love for our new beautiful world with real freedom, which brings you closer to our Father/Mother God. It is important to know that the worst evil is over and will never return.


Everyone’s job now is to pass on this good message to everyone else you know. Help them raise awareness. And restore the confidence that each has ever had!


These will be decisive moments in this final phase of planetary transition. These revelations are not understood by all, but at least by a part of humanity, enough to guide the rest. You are one of those selfless Lightworkers incarnated on Earth, to bring about this transition. With a thousand years of preparation, it is known why you have come.


It is no coincidence that you have incarnated at this time for this Planetary Transition and Soul Elevation. The total cosmic cellular memory is being restored. The veils of forgetfulness are being dissolved as a result. To bring to life the innate knowledge in consciousness. You are a beacon of light on this path for others.


All will be exposed and revealed! First for you and next for the other woken ones. Later for other awakened ones. You, belong to a great army of awakeners, to occupy the whole Planet and lead others.


Everything will be intense and profound. The new energies will break through the bars that have held Earth captive for a long time. Your light will guide those who will open their eyes.


Many will need your help. Even those who do not yet know what their mission is. They are learning what needs to be done, it comes from within. It is as if you have always known! It is as if you have never forgotten! Everything will reveal itself as a magical compass.


It will undoubtedly be a great event!  It will be the event that will be much talked about but little is known now. And it will not stop at a single event; many cascading events will follow, ultimately showing a New 5D-Earth and with a New Humanity.


The Old Cycle closes. The fears dissolve. The Earth is liberated. The Gamma Light intensifies. Consciousness is expanded. Truths are displayed. Limited beliefs dissolve into the Light.


All this may seem frightening, but in reality it will be a time of joy for humanity on Earth and in all parts of the Galaxy.


Oblivion disappears, the soul of every incarnated mortal reveals itself! A naked soul can hide nothing. Everyone knows the best-kept secrets of the other. It will be understood that everything was an experience in the life theatre of Great Duality.