The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


January 2023

The Breakthrough Begins

Abundance and prosperity Quantum Financial System Ascension of trained souls  Abundance and prosperity Humanity has massively given away its common sense and responsibility to corrupt governments. Consider the wider implications of this behaviour for human existence. When we give away… Continue Reading →

Your Immune System under Attack

Fear mongering to destroy health Healthy eating and living makes immune system indestructible Vaccines don’t cure but are an attack on health Archon bloodline practices make people suffer and die earlier The Fall of the Cabal   Fear mongering to… Continue Reading →

The Origin of Man

Need for New Reliable Model of Origin Why don’t we know anything more about our Past? The Antediluvian World Extraterrestrial Oppressors The Anunnaki and their planet Nibiru The Creation of Man   Need for New Reliable Model of Origin The… Continue Reading →

Biggest Change of All Time

Alien Spaceships around planet Earth 2023 Removal of World Leaders Medium for frequency healing Perpetual Fountain of Youth   Alien Spaceships around planet Earth 2023 will be the year of our liberation from debt bondage. Behind the scenes, we are… Continue Reading →

Shocking Facts Exposed

Personal Ascension Examination Beyond the Horizon Unconditional Love, Harmony and Respect     The True Truth is Being Told Reports of what is about to happen become the biggest news story of all time, the history of humanity on planet… Continue Reading →

The Turning Point

Powerful inbound X-ray light expected!   Supremacy of the People Planet Earth has arrived at the most important point in human civilisation. The energy for this breakthrough is now building up among mankind. On a day that no one can… Continue Reading →

How the Earth is Changing

How Earth’s Exiles Leave The Disclosure The relationship with the invisible world is very complex, because the Gnostics consider the idea of the Son of God to be a delusion, insinuated into the human mind by an alien species of… Continue Reading →

The Achilles’ heel of paper money

The Race to reduce people’s purchasing power Equating trust money with debt money is fraud Never believe government figures Elites are desperate to stay in power   The Race to reduce the purchasing power of the people In today’s world,… Continue Reading →

Reincarnation is a Fact

Where Do Simple Ignorant Creatures Come From?     Respect and Love for Others Consciousness and Oneness is a state of mind, pre-eminently the weapon for liberation from our centuries of slavery and oppression. Every human being has the right… Continue Reading →

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