Fear mongering to destroy health
Healthy eating and living makes immune system indestructible
Vaccines don’t cure but are an attack on health
Archon bloodline practices make people suffer and die earlier
The Fall of the Cabal
Fear mongering to destroy health
Covid vaccination programme is undoubtedly part of most dangerous attack on human health. There are other attackers to be warned about. These are the chemtrails, – ‘condensation’ trails behind aircraft – and radiation from mobile 5G phones, microwave ovens, smart meters for water and electricity, internet WIFI, among others, all these, like vaccines, are mass disease spreaders.
Once people become desperate they become driven by scare stories and accept intravenous drugs as so-called help to protect them. They voluntarily line up to even eagerly get their injections. At that point, the cabal has placed the perfect control system to direct, set and destroy humans.
Bombarded, with drugs, manipulated food, air and water supplies mixed with deadly chemicals, the population is administered harmful substances, amongst which Fluorine.
Worse; humans are being infected with long eradicated diseases and other genetically modified viruses to reactivate them, amplified with newly developed virulent strains.
Like; AIDS, SARS, swine flu, Avian flu, Ebola and now Covid, many, like swine flu, have produced fewer cases of infection as e.g. a regular seasonal flu. The statistics of these have been buried in the media hype.
With the Covid epidemic promoted and launched on a global scale in the media, it has resulted in billions of fear followers of the free most toxic vaccinations of all time. This resulted in millions of casualties not publicised by the MSM.
Healthy eating and living makes immune system indestructible

Balanced nutrition concept for clean eating alkaline diet. Assortment of healthy food ingredients for cooking on a kitchen table
In most cases, the human immune system appears to defend itself reasonably against these ultraveneous invasions. The cabal will not stop and introduce new mRNA vaccines with more toxic ingredients. Likewise against mind and perpetual consciousness.
It is amazing how the human body remains adaptive for self-healing, if at least normal and healthy food is consumed, mostly attackers can still be beaten back, temporarily.
Governments lie about the safety of vaccines and fluorine in drinking water. Their approach is purely aimed at destroying the immune system; which they try to weaken by all means. Heavily adulterated and genetically modified foods, fluoridated water, chemtrails with deadly substances in the air, radiation, with the most direct attack of all being vaccines laden with mercury and other toxins. Pharmaceutical and immunological agents in particular deliberately burden the immune system.
A retired chemistry professor spoke out about the presence of mercury in vaccines. He confirmed the information released by a top scientist-whistle-blower William Thompson of the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who recently published a study confirming the link between vaccines and autism.
Thompson said that thimerosal, an ethyl-mercury-based preservative in vaccines, is lethal to all forms of life, and should never be injected into a human being, especially not into a still-developing babies. Even at very low doses, thimerosal has been shown to kill neuronal cells, a fact demonstrated both in vitro and in animals.
When an infection develops, the immune system eventually identifies its specific characteristics and the body defends against it.
Vaccines don’t cure but are an attack on health
Ironically and not inadvertently, vaccines are believed to actually help suppress such attacks of disease, but actually and proven, the body’s defences are undermined by the overwhelming amount of terribly toxic chemicals in these vaccines, as ascertained by DNA research, among other things; tissues were found from animals and aborted foetuses, foreign proteins from dead or living viruses and bacteria, among others.
Understand; that under government precautionary measures, babies and toddlers before the age of two, with their immune systems still growing, are administered some 25 vaccines, including cocktail combinations.
The Illuminati-controlled Big Pharma earns billions of dollars a year from these vaccines and much more from the drugs people take when they suffer from induced damage to their immune systems due to those vaccinations.
The toxic cocktails, called vaccines, genetically disrupt decoding through the brain, which is also the case with prescription pharmaceutical drugs to remedy the so-called resulting side effects.
These are not side effects at all they are deliberately created effects. The Archon bloodline families purposely damage the immune system to destabilise the human body from the earliest possible age, which explains the motivation behind the ideas of mandatory vaccinations.
If all people were healthy, Big Pharma could not sell drugs to them and perform costly treatments, they can only sell them when people are sick.
Homeopathic remedies are relatively cheap and available without prescription, why the cabal bans them, to replace them with allopathic drugs on doctor’s prescription. The system has been made the monopoly of doctors and Big Pharma.
Archon bloodline families make people suffer and die earlier
Today, the cabal controls all facets in the medical world – such as. Amongst which, the creation of the WHO (world health organisation), amongst which, all health protective public bodies fall under it, such as, Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), the Central Agencies for Control and Prevention of Diseases, the pharmaceutical cartel, and doctors’ organisations. Through media ownership, they thus gained complete control over the entire health sector.
Globally; cancer kills eight to 10 million people a year – more than 500,000 in the US. The prediction is 12 – 15 million by 2030. Cancer is the leading cause of death for people under the age of 85; one in four in the US.
Every day, people’s freedom becomes more restricted to protect them from terrorism, deliberately caused by the bloodline families and their Big Pharma, who systematically refuse to cure people – while cures are available and possible.
For the Rockefeller-dominated eugenics organisation ‘controlled parenthood’, Dr Richard Day (Rothschild Zionist) declared to doctors in 1969:
“We can at present cure practically any form of cancer. All the necessary knowledge for this is available in the archives of the Rockefeller Institute, in case it is decided that it should be released.”
Day continued,
“to slow down population growth, we let people die of cancer or something else.”
And continued,
“the plan is to control and cull population growth through drugs, food, laboratory-designed diseases such as Ebola, among others, and suppression of drugs to cure cancer.”
The bloodline families – Illumination or whatever else they are called, have no conscience and that is why they do what they do. Big Pharma has no need to cure cancer when they can make unthinkable fortunes treating its symptoms through all-destroying drugs and cell-killing poisons, ultimately killing patients with costly chemotherapy treatments averaging $500,000 per patient.
The bloodline families want people to suffer and die earlier than necessary which is their way is making a lot of money, and simultaneously decimating the population.
Special Presentation; The Fall of the Cabal
January 29, 2023 at 11:34 PM
When I was about 7 yrs old I ran from my mom cause she was going to take me to get a polio shot. I said no way you can’t catch me. Then I only hoped that my 2 brothers did not come around and run me down. They were 9 and 10 yrs older than the youngest me. Been anti vax from then on.
February 10, 2023 at 8:54 PM
Genuine question (and sanity check in this world of AI generated articles, please humour me), but I see that in regard to discussing Archons you have included a picture from a popular video game that happens to also include Archons in its lore…. Was this intentional?