The rule of thermodynamics delivers the proof; Only wireless power transmission will change the game: Electric Car is Old Technology: Electric cars were already developed about 120 years ago, and were abandoned because of the limitation of energy that… Continue Reading →
The domino effect when credit bubbles go to extremes: Recession or Depression? People would like the crisis to be over. Many are counting on it. But the market doesn’t give any uplift. People do not get what they want… Continue Reading →
Het domino-effect wanneer kredietzeepbellen tot het uiterste gaan: Recessie of Depressie? Mensen zouden willen dat de crisis snel voorbij was. Velen rekenen erop. Maar de markt heeft nog steeds geen verbetering laten zien. De mensen krijgen niet wat ze… Continue Reading →
The difference between recession and depression explained: Destructive deflation or runaway inflation? Inflationary pressures are still throttling the economy. The economy is balancing on the critical edge of destructive deflation and runaway inflation. Prices could quickly and unexpectedly fall… Continue Reading →
The Credit-money system: Decentralisation is Victory: Look around and awakened people will be able to see that almost everything is changing, either at their own level or in the world at large. All is going to happen in cycles…. Continue Reading →
Food Fascism is all around us: The Lie: Genetically Modified Food is a major part of the ‘secret’ agenda 21 controlled by the RK Mafia from the shadows with the demonic biotech cabal, the most notorious being Monsanto. The… Continue Reading →
Governments are lying to the public about vaccine safety: The Medical Mafia attacks your Immune system: Good Health Suggestions: Cancer can be cured: The Persistent War on the Human Immune System (42)1 The vaccination program is probably the main… Continue Reading →
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