The Final Wakeup Call - English

What the world doesn't know


Babylonian money-magic

Khazarians Controlled World Money System

Control, looting and exploitation for wealth and power Bribed Politicians Wealth equals Power Lies generate corruption Infiltration at highest levels of finance The disconnected body form 3D World turns into 5D Anunnaki historically hidden shocking truth It is time to… Continue Reading →

Reptile Controlled World

The Khazarian Warlords Our Civilisation is at Stake Secrecy Money Replaces Religion From High to Low Deception Babylonian Money Magic The Hijacking of the British Banking System The True Plan Satanic Jewish Pedovores behind the Covid-Jab Genocide   The Disclosure… Continue Reading →

The Khazarian Mafia Rules the World

Disclosure brings light, change and healing for mankind and our planet The real reason, why Jesus Christ was crucified Today’s Money Changers Operate out of Public Sight Money replace religion as the new control mechanism Babylonian money-magic The British Empire… Continue Reading →

The Truly Most Evil Enemy

The Deep State’s Traitors   The Luciferian revolution against God and Nature The rich and powerful, more precisely the banksters, are using their power to oppress the weak, and are essentially destroying the economy. The curtain is now being pulled… Continue Reading →

The Global Power Hierarchy

3-City states control the world   Octogon is the Empire of Darkness Many may think they are pretty well informed about all of the main players in the Deep State “conspiracy” playing field, regarding the various elements of society that… Continue Reading →

Khazarian Mafia Unmasked

To better understand what your money really is, this revelation of the Cabal’s hidden history takes away the secrecy:     Reptilian Controlled Matrix: It is time to expose the corruption of our money, the greatest evil the world has… Continue Reading →

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