The Deep State’s Traitors
The Luciferian revolution against God and Nature
The rich and powerful, more precisely the banksters, are using their power to oppress the weak, and are essentially destroying the economy. The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate and tyrannise the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only for their Babylonian Talmudism, also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.
The swamp’s satanic possession is the result of a very well organised long-term conspiracy to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.
The Financial Institutions have by degrees obtained almost entire dominion over the circulating monies, and with it, the power to increase or diminish the price of property and to levy taxes on the people in the form of premiums and interest to an amount only limited by the quantity of ‘counterfeit’ paper currency it is enabled to issue. – The source of the evil that drives the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is taken from the Babylonian Talmud. It is based on religious delusions of racial superiority.
The Rothschilds designed the private fiat banking system that specialised in making counterfeit money from nothing, charging insidious usury to governments while this should have been the people’s own money, free from interest charges. The fake money idea came from the black art of Babylonian money-magic, claiming to insiders that such technology and secret money power was given to them by Baal, because of their frequent child-bleeding sacrifices and rituals to Baal.
Once they infiltrated and hijacked the banking system, they interbred with the Royals and infiltrated and completely hijacked all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secretly-managed illicit and adulterous breeding with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne.
The masses are still in large part in denial. The ruling class is fully complicit in the subversion of civilisation. People, adapted to their enslavement are too venal, craven and dumb to face reality. Many have neither an idea nor perception of the restraint that is eventually going to be put on them. They would rather ignore the obvious and go into denial of a truth that has already become reality and they prefer reassuring each other that ‘they would never take people’s freedoms away and make us serfs of the elite’.
Humanity has on a large scale given away its mind and its responsibility – consider the broader consequences of this behaviour for human existence.
When we give away our mind and responsibility, we also give away our freedom and in essence, our lives.
Cleaning up of the Deep State Swamp
When cleaning up the swamp on such an operation, many become impatient because things aren’t happening fast enough. In order to bring the whole system down, so it cannot come back to life later on, is a battle fought high up in the power structure.
Talking about people like the Clintons, Obama, the Bush family, is talking about mid-level people. These are puppets of the globalist syndicate. These people are in the Rothschild and Rockefeller axis. – In order to getting the world back on its feet, taking down the Bushes, Clintons, Obama and Soros is not enough because the Deep State creature will come back to life again. They need to take down the entities above those mid-level players. And, that’s what is taking so long.
The Deep State is doing everything possible to keep humanity from waking up. They’re desperate and they are pulling out all the stops to prevent “The Event” of worldwide liberation. They hate humanity that much but they also fear humanity because they know what our true capabilities are and that’s why they’ve gone all out to dumb us down through Big Pharma, toxic water, food, drinks, chem trails, education full of lies and ongoing deception. They want us to be followers, not leaders. They do not want us to question anything while we should be questioning everything! – The “Deep State” traitors and felons are very worried indeed and feel themselves cornered.
“This is not like trying to flip some hard mafia guy. These people are juniors when it comes to being criminals. Yes, they participated in criminal activity. They wanted more control and more money, but these people are not hardened criminals. So, these people will flip in a second, and when they flip, they won’t stop signing. They will bring as many people they need to bring down to save themselves. None of these, at this point, can trust each other. The ultimate goal is to take this up to a level to take out the Obamas, Clintons, Bush family, and then apply the necessary pressure to go to the top.”
President Trump continues working on draining the swamp in Washington D.C., but the job is huge and that takes time.
“Many people have said I haven’t seen anybody put in an orange jump suit and prep walked that is high up on the totem pole. They are correct when they say that, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. It’s not just wishful thinking. Eventually it will happen.”
There is a new report by the Inspector General on the DOJ. It actually is a copious 1.2 million pages’ report. Congress has copies, and it outlines and proves fraud and criminal activity at the FBI and Department of Justice. It will likely be the foundation that sends many in high office in both departments to jail for their crimes.
“You have to understand what the Inspector General’s report is all about. The Inspector General’s report is about the restoration of the rule of law in our country that has been missing for decades. This is why they are so petrified of that report. All these players–low, middle and high–took over the system to the point where the rules of justice could be directed toward their opponents and be blinded to their criminal activity. What scares the living daylights out of this syndicate is the restoration of the rule of law. – When there is a full restoration of the rule of law, this is what blows this system apart – the globalist syndicate system.”
The Khazarians are the common Enemy
The success President Trump had in Helsinki with meeting President Putin and declaring the Khazarians their common enemy, and liberating North Korea from its ties to the Deep State, are just a few noticeable scores, no US President before has accomplished. So, these are positive developments on the peace front. Some backing down of trade war talk with China may be next. Most likely Mr. Trump will take his model, he developed in North Korea and apply it to Iran? For example, look at the Iran and US trade threats, which is very similar to the tactic that was used in North Korea. The next step, could be a peace deal.
Be assured that President Trump and the Alliance are always in full control of the plan. Trump’s control of the Q-shirt manifestation at his rally in Tampa was to out-fox the mainstream media, which is a perfect example of his clout. The cabal mainstream media has lost their grip on the narrative – and they know it. They are toast.
Full visibility has many advantages, indeed. President Trump’s ‘Q army’ will be solidly backing him when the world changes – as Q promised in a recent post. Global Currency Reset; Military tribunals; Space Force and First ET-Contact, are a few of the exiting changes that are coming. It will be the most thrilling historical time for humanity.
As result of the Trump – Putin meeting everything is reversed for the Deep State. There last chance is to bring down the economy to make sure that Trump will not be re-elected, 2020. They know if he is re-elected it definitely will be game over for them. Thanks to Trump’s already implemented changes, the entire globalisation is under thread. Trump is gathering information to go against the elite.
Both Trump and Putin and their teams were concerned that the Deep State would be listening into what was going on. For that reason, they were in Helsinki whisked off to Air Force One because they felt that was the most secure environment where no surveillance could have been implemented. During this meeting information was exchanged from Trump to Putin and visa versa about the Deep State players and the activities that were occurring in their respective countries, and around the world.
“There have been 12 attempts on President Trump’s life. This is a story that has not been released to the mainstream press. The very top people in the New World Order such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, will not escape justice. If that doesn’t happen, then nothing will have changed.”
End the Fed
The Fed is hiding the economic data. The Central Bankers are planning to bring down the economy as they want to restart the economy again on their own terms, which will make no sense, as the world ends-up in exact the same spot. So, Trump is doing the opposite and that will be used against them, and eventually end the Federal Reserve central bank.
The Deep State is very angry about this. They spent years creating their one world government through their ownership of the global monetary system and industrial globalisation, that now is being ripped apart by Trump.
The fact of the matter is; the money you have in your wallet isn’t what you think it is. It’s not actually money. It’s a debt-note, and has been the single most effective tool for our collective enslavement to the Deep State crime cabal.
The whole monetary system is deceptive because it is based on perpetual debt. There is never enough money in circulation to pay off the debt, because each new dollar issued is issued at interest, while the money necessary to pay the interest is not issued!
Observed from the other side; Once all national debt would be eliminated, there is no more money in circulation, this proves that the monetary system is corrupt, broken, and illegal.
There is no other way out, as per reset. The world will go through a major transition, because today’s economy cannot be repaired and must be restarted on a sound bases, that provides sound monetary signals to guide the markets – which of course is a free market that represents ‘supply and demand’ based on the decisions of billions of people. It is a market deprived of distortions, that were intentionally caused by rigging currency values around the world, that inevitably emits false monetary signals.
Getting rid of the Central Banks is the most important and the only one solution. The world has long enough been indoctrinated to believe that paper money can deliver the symbol of wealth and simultaneously deliver all the benefits of the free market. Which of course isn’t true.
President Trump’s challenge is to put America into a new, stable gold backed monetary system, which involves, that the global financial system is heading for a reset. The reset will not only reset the debt but clear-out corruption and “restore the rule of law.” This reset will involve an escalation in the price of gold and silver, when all market manipulations are ended.
The very latest development is that Trump “behind the scenes” returned to the gold-standard (USN) by reverting Nixon’s Executive Order. This was accomplished around late March 2018 when the HR 5404 bill was introduced. This bill appeared to have been the public soft disclosure and an “indication” that the Republic of America secretly has returned to the gold-standard. The public disclosure of the gold-standard (USN) will occur after GESARA is announced as per GESARA-law.
Gold and Silver will be traded in a free market where supply and demand will set the price of precious metals, as it should be. Predictions vary from ten- till fifty-thousand today’s dollars per ounce for gold and up to fifteen hundred for silver per ounce. While many other positive dynamics will bring an enormous prosperity that the world never has experienced before. Including, during hundreds of centuries without any precedence, the ever increasing slices of all the energy earnings have been stolen from the people.
People were never meant to pay for any of these bills that are associated with mortgages, car loans, college loans, credit cards, public utility bills and so on. They have merely been coerced and suffered racketeering – seeking to force them to pay. – The Garden of Eden will become reality.
August 9, 2018 at 6:03 PM
Please keep in mind, NESARA will be announced in the U.S. BEFORE GESARA is announced in the rest of the world.
Once we understand our true freedoms & have our souvernity, the Global Financial Rest will be implemented under a gold/asset backed financial system.
But neither will occur until all evil is removed from the planet.
August 10, 2018 at 7:18 AM
It’s amazing how could this come to end.people are starving devil is lying we keep our faith up things will change.
August 12, 2018 at 11:40 AM
Here an interesting to the point comment from a reader in California
This is the kind of comments that contrsbute to awaken the masses.
Author: Pamela Jenkins
I thought this was quite and eye-opening article of what is really going on in the world right now. Everything written here is the truth. Some would try to call all of this a “conspiracy theory” or just a plain lie, but it is all true. I have been following this information for some time and I’m thankful that more people are waking up vs. some that are still asleep. That’s why you notice what Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, YouTube, etc., are doing to shut down the conversation and the dialogue, because the word is getting out. There are still people though, who don’t want to hear and no matter what is presented before them as fact/truth, they still will not believe it. That’s why Jesus said: “This generation today is likened to the days of Noah” when Noah was sent by God to tell the people of his day that it was going to rain and a flood was coming. Because the people didn’t know anything about rain or never saw it before, they weren’t going to believe that they were going to be wiped out by it (except Noah and his family). They laughed at Noah and continued on as usual in their lives until the day came when it really did rain. They knew what rain felt like and looked like at that point, but it was too late–the ark doors were closed and they were left outside–in the rain–and there was no where to go!
Please keep informing people and sounding the alarm, and don’t let anything stop you. Agenda 21 implementation is happening right now. Just look at California where I live. Jerry Brown and his communist cronies are moving at a fast pace to implement the plans of Sustainable Development in every county from the north end to the south end and everywhere in between. California has been destroyed in so many ways by these globalists and their agenda. Even all the fires are very suspect by the way they are burning: how long they’re burning, where they’re burning; almost every house is burning down in what seems to be to me in strategic areas–rural areas. FEMA is telling the homeowners that they cannot return to their property, not even to check to see if maybe they can retrieve some of their personal items that may not have burned. People have died in these fires and homes have not only burned, they seemed to have almost “disintegrated”, melted like something hotter than fire was used–like a laser or laser heat. You can’t make this stuff up folks! The fires of last October were horrendous and this year they’re even worse. It just doesn’t seem right to me. These homeowners have absolutely nothing left of their possessions. How is that possible? My heart goes out to these people because now, they are homeless, and they’re told that they may not be able to rebuild their homes or get enough insurance money to cover the loss. They are devastated, just devastated. I’m sorry guys, it just sounds to me like this was all planned to happen to move these people out of the rural areas and into the city–the excuse to continue to build those ugly “mega-city stack-and-pack” apartments (yes, I listen to Gary Galino on grindall61 too, and I have seen these units coming up all over LA county now).
Thank you again for your article, keep up the good work that you are doing. Believe me, it will pay off in the end.
The original can be found here
April 12, 2019 at 12:39 AM
Absolutely right. I lived in Santa Barbara, California for 30 years. I lost everything! Horrible experience! Alot of corruption.
You’re right about the Fake News Media and the multiple biased websites!
Justice will prevail!
September 5, 2018 at 6:59 PM
Just joined your web site and really impressed.Keep speaking the truth, I believe our D.N.A is talking to each other ,and we know when we hear the truth .Look what happened when the POOP tried to speak to his parishioners ,they knew he was lying ,and he will be exposed very soon for crimes of horror against babies and children
December 14, 2018 at 11:10 PM
Word is that the Bilderberg meeting is to take place in Paradise California where they just burned the entire town down
It has been relayed in you tube videos that there is gold under that property?
The people who lived there had been fighting in courts for 3 or more years to save their property?
Might interest you to read this blog might shed some light for you to share
All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved
June 13, 2020 at 11:19 PM
Social distancing is THEM who FEAR the masses coming together and forming a powerful force in spirituality because We are actually One and spiritual reality is our real world, and of course, We are at this stage rapidly ending them (their status & immense wealth) and their world more quickly than they care to realize.
They’re using their 5G-6G control mechanism and whatever else techno robots to force the people in staying apart — which is ridiculous and futile! Just goes to show how more quickly these retarded mental freaks are all falling apart.
June 14, 2020 at 3:01 PM
Completely as it is. As long over 50% of the sheeple aren’t awake we cannot proceed with liberation of humanity. Tell that everyone awake, so we together mobilise more effort to awake more people-